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开本: 26cm 页数: 17,454页
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急诊气道管理:英文原版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787117257701
  • 条形码:9787117257701 ; 978-7-117-25770-1
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

急诊气道管理:英文原版 内容简介

《急诊气道管理(第2版 英文原版)》由国际专家编写而成,简明、实用,翔实地介绍了急诊及与急诊相关的临床气道管理问题,内容密切结合临床实际,涵盖了临床气道管理的方方面面。

急诊气道管理:英文原版 目录

Contributors Preface Foreword Acknowledgments 1.Introduction George Kovacs and J.Adam Law 2.Definitive Airway Management: When Is Tracheal Intubation Needed? George Kovacs, Sam G.Campbell, and J.Adam Law 3.Airway Physiology and Anatomy J.Adam Law and John M.Tallon 4.Oxygen Delivery Devices and Bag-Mask Ventilation George Kovacs and J.Adam Law 5.Tracheal Intubation by Direct Laryngoscopy J.Adam Law and George Kovacs 6.Alternative Intubation Techniques J.Adam Law and George Kovacs 7.Rescue Oxygenation J.Adam Law and George Kovacs 8.How to Do Awake Tracheal Intubations--Oral and Nasal J.Adam Law and Ian R.Morris 9.Rapid-Sequence Intubation George Kovacs and John Ross 10.Postintubation Management George Kovacs and Robert S.Green 11.Approach to Tracheal Intubation George Kovacs and J.Adam Law 12.Response to an Encountered Difficult Airway J.Adam Law and George Kovacs 13.Airway Pharmacology Kirk MacQuarrie and Peter J.Zed 14.Airway Management in Trauma and the Traumatized Airway Mark Vu, Erik N.Vu, John M.Tallon, James Thompson and J.Adam Law 15.Central Nervous System Emergencies and Airway Management in the Suspected C-spine Injured Patient J.Adam Law, Kirk MacQuarrie, and James Thompson 16.Cardiovascular Emergencies George Kovacs and Alec H.Ritchie 17.Respiratory Emergencies Laura Duggan and George Kovacs 18.The Critically Ill Patient George Kovacs and Robert S.Green 19.Airway Management of the Infant Laura Duggan, Christian M.Soder, and Narasimhan ]agannathan 20.Other Medical Conditions With Airway Management Implications Paul Linden and Turki M.A1 Harbi 21.Prehospital Airway Management: Evidence David Petrie, John M.Tallon, and George Kovacs 22.Prehospital Airway Management: Clinical Considerations George Kovacs, David Petrie, Mark Vu, and Nick Balfour 23.Human Factors in Airway Management Patrick Croskerry, J.Adam Law, and George Kovacs Index