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中国古建筑及其故事:英文 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787532774135
  • 条形码:9787532774135 ; 978-7-5327-7413-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中国古建筑及其故事:英文 本书特色

在中国5000多年的历史长河中,劳动人民创造出独特的建筑结构、建筑技巧及建筑哲学,与西方建筑形成鲜明的对比。中国建筑之美无与伦比,而其精髓往往透过砖瓦,隐藏在历史故事之中。《中国古建筑及其故事》介绍了近50处中国历史建筑,其中包括“秦皇陵”、“岳阳楼”、“山西民居”等,为读者开启了通往中国古代王朝的历史之门。 Ancient Chinese architecture is an integral part of the rich and time-honored Chinese culture and an important component of the world architectural system. It is most famous for the Great Wall, but there are so much more. In 7,000 years, Chinese people developed unique architectural philosophies, structures and techniques that are very different from their counterparts in other places of the world. While Chinese architectural beauty is a feast for the eyes, the soul of ancient Chinese construction usually lies in the historical stories behind the walls. In this book, the authors will guide you as you knock on the gate of this ancient kingdom.

中国古建筑及其故事:英文 内容简介

Shanghai Daily创始总编张慈贇先生为你讲述有关建筑的趣味故事,通过其文化背景,带你领略古建筑的独特魅力。

中国古建筑及其故事:英文 目录

故宫 The Palace Museum Forbidden City — the dragon’s jewel 阿房宫 Epang Palace Grandest palace remained a dream 布达拉宫 Potala PalaceThe tallest ancient palace 大明宫 Daming PalaceOnce world’s largest imperial palace 皇家坛庙 Imperial Temples Imperial temples, altars dot Beijing 颐和园 Summer Palace A best preserved imperial park圆明园 Old Summer Palace ‘Versailles of East’ destroyed in war 华清池 Huaqing Pool A pool where power and lust collide 秦皇陵 Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang Grand mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor 乾陵 Qianling MausoleumChina’s only empress rests at Qianling Mausoleum 十三陵 The Ming TombsThirteen emperors’ burial sites ‘masterpieces’ 长城 The Great Wall Wall part of complex defense network西安城墙 The Xi’an City Wall Defense included ingenious features 苏州城墙 The Suzhou City Wall Wall very effective against invaders 登封观星台 Dengfeng Observatory Tower used to make age’s best calendar 岳阳楼 Yueyang Tower Yueyang tops among ancient towers 白马寺 White Horse Temple Dream led to China’s first Buddhist temple 悬空寺 The Hanging Temple Ancient architects produce spectacular mountain temple五台山 Mount Wutai Temple mount full of treasures 大昭寺 The Jokhang Temple Tibet’s sacred monastery a living relic 应县木塔 The Sakyamuni PagodaShanxi pagoda world’s oldest wood tower大理三塔 Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple Yunnan’s Buddhist gems offer quiet beauty 莫高窟 Mogao GrottoesSpiritual, artistic and architectural wonders 化觉巷清真寺 The Great Mosque of Xi’an Great Mosque stands the test of time 苏公塔礼拜寺 Emin Minaret Mosque Worshippers, tourists revere this towering symbol of Islam 永乐宫 The Palace of Eternal Joy Huge Taoist temple in Shanxi known for murals, Yuan styling 四合院 Beijing Courtyard House Traditional dwellings designed with care 皖南民居 Southern Anhui Village Residences Anhui’s rural gems of home building石库门 Stone-Framed-Gate House City lanes fuse Chinese, Western styles窑洞 Cave House Northern China’s cave houses last centuries 山西民居 Shanxi Courtyard House Ancient Shanxi houses strong yet elaborate 客家民居 Hakka Walled Village Walled villages built for families, defense 干栏式房屋 Stilt House Building a home above land or water 骑楼 Arcade Building Veranda-style buildings populate the south 开平碉楼 Kaiping Tower Guangdong towers show Western influence 豫园 Yuyuan GardenClassic garden a place of rare tranquility 苏州园林 Classic Gardens of Suzhou Creating harmony between man and nature 岭南园林 Lingnan Gardens Southern Chinese gardens open, natural梁桥 Beam Bridge Bridge building in China spans 6,000 years 拱桥 Arch Bridge Arch bridges combine function and beauty 悬索桥 Suspension Bridge Providing a connection through history 书院 Academy of Classic Learning Academy designs display beauty of simplicity 会馆 Guild Hall Ancient homes from home 曲阜孔子庙 Temple of Confucius, Qufu Much thought went into philosopher’s temple 祠堂 Ancestral Temple Homes for those no longer of this world

中国古建筑及其故事:英文 相关资料

中国古建筑之美,可与唐诗争奇,可与元曲斗艳,乃中国传统文化之瑶琳,近年来愈来愈受到世界的瞩目。自去年“土司遗址”入选联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产后,中国已成为仅次于意大利的世界文化遗产第二大拥有国,而遗产中大多为古建筑,或宫阙楼阁,或陵墓城垣,或寺庙塔观,或园林祭坛,或古村民居,抑或石窟廊桥,她们各臻其美,编织成一幅姹紫嫣红的文明锦缎。建筑的嬗递演变,乃民族文化兴衰潮汐之影印,故古今治史学儒,皆以古建筑之风格造诣测量文化。可以这么说,中国古建筑之个性,正是中华民族传统艺术之个性、中华民族传统文化之个性。 但如今,成长与文化断层的现代人,对于中国古建筑这一包罗万象的艺术结构,缺乏应有的见地,自然难有爱惜传承之情,弃之于荒芜,甚至蓄意毁灭。更可笑者,拆了旧的,过个数载旧址上仿造个新的,盖风向所趋,凌轹往世,技艺粗劣不说,原先的秀美或壮伟荡然无存。欲保护传承,必先予以普及。这一点上,我觉得,梁公蕙仙做了一步,张慈赟先生亦做了一步。 有幸拜读部分书稿,诚然是部颇具新意的巨作。全书摘取中国古建筑之精髓,不仅介绍其历史价值和艺术价值,还以精美的建筑实物图、模拟矢量图等系统呈现古建筑的多维构架,生动呈现其营造法式、布局及构建步骤,将古典建筑学一些浅显的理论知识涵盖其中,十分难得。抚卷品香,故宫、华清池、莫高窟……一座座文化丰碑历历在目,折射着智慧的光辉。更为可贵的是,全书以英文一蹴而就,可见作者有意将焦点转移至传统建筑文化的重塑和对外输出。综观当下,以英文写就的普及中国古建的通识性读物,确实少见。这套图书,既可作青年人普及古建筑之学、用英语传播中国古建文学之用,亦可作外国人走进中国、了解中国古建的钥匙。 非常欣悦能够看到这本书的面世,由衷感谢上海译文出版社在这本书的策划和出版上所做的努力。中国古建筑纵横之承托、结构之联络、轮廓之钝锐、雕刻之装饰、空间之布局,细微处遍布智慧和美感,是世界建筑阆苑的瑰宝,每一个徜徉其间的游客都会惊异于她的绚烂和多姿。我热切期望读者能够以通过这套书,在课外阅读之余担起传承和传播的重任,保护文明成果,向世界展现中国古建筑的珍奇价值。我更热切盼望作为世界艺术藏库奇葩的中国古建筑,能在当下“世界建筑”范式中有一席之地。 ——郭可(上海外国语大学新闻学院院长、教授)

中国传统文化是一种具有深远影响的理性的文化,这在作为文化载体的中国古建筑中可约窥一二。中国建筑历史悠久,散步辽阔,品式反复,艺术价值颇高,且数千年无蜕变掺杂之迹,保持着一以贯之的独特、纯粹的木构脉络,形成了一个严密、精确、理性的建筑系统,这在人类文明史上是极为罕见的。随着中国的迅速崛起,越来越多的国家和民族更希望了解包括中国古建筑在内的博大精深的中国文化。党的“十八大”后提出中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”的战略思想,正是根植于中华民族优秀的传统文化,体现的不仅是中国人民的道路自信、理论自信和制度自信,也是文化自信。我以为,上海译文出版社英文版“中国古建筑及其故事”的策划,正是一种文化觉醒后的文化自信和民族自信。 这部丛书所讲述的故事及其时代背景,在中国古代建筑极具代表性,无论汉阙时刻还是亭台楼阁,都是*能展现中华民族聪明才智和高超技艺。此套丛书以英语为写作语言,以简洁凝练的笔触展示了中国古建筑的的丰富多彩,对弘扬中国传统文化具有重要意义。 从“引进来”到“走出去”,这本书的策划,让我们看到的不仅是一个文化企业的成长,更是一个民族的成长。像我们这样一个伟大而有着特别悠久的文化历史的民族,绝不能对自己的文化财富一知半解;像我们这样一个对世界文明史做出重大贡献的卓越的民族,绝不能仅将自己的文化财富束之高阁。这本书的出版,将会提供让世界对中国古建筑文化有了更全面的认识的契机。相信,这类有重大意义的文化图书以后会越来越多,中华民族必将以更加自信的姿态屹立于世界文化之林,为实践中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”而奋斗不息。

中国古建筑及其故事:英文 作者简介

张慈贇,国内资深英文媒体人,高级编辑,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。自1980年起,参与《中国日报》创办,曾任中国日报社常务副总编辑。主持《北京周末报》、《上海英文星报》的创办,均为第一任总编辑。1996-2011年任上海市人民政府新闻办公室副主任,1999年创办《上海日报》社,任总编辑至2013年。现为中国翻译协会常务理事、上海翻译家协会副会长、《东方翻译》主编、上海外国语大学新闻传媒学院客座教授等。  主要译作:《聊斋志异》(外文出版社,1995,合译);《香港特别行政区基本法(草案)》(1988,合译);《翻译服务规范》(起草委员会成员/组长/英文定稿,中国标准化出版社,2004-2006);《中美关系史(1945-1949)》(资中筠著,美国哥大出版社,1991);《法国大革命的历史启示》(张芝联著,北京大学出版社,1989);《中国弹拨乐演奏》(马楠著,人民音乐出版社,1989);《中国教育法》(中译英,高教出版社,1986);《一个女记者的传奇》(英译中,新华出版社,1986,合译)等 Born in Shanghai in 1949, ZHANG Ciyun (Peter) graduated from Jilin Normal University, PRC with a major in English and later from Stanford University in the United States with a Master’s Degree in Journalism. Since 1980, he has worked for several newspapers and magazines in both Beijing and Shanghai. Also, he once served in the General Office of the Ministry of Communications as an interpreter and the Information Office of Shanghai Municipality as its Deputy General Director.An acclaimed translator, reporter and editor, Mr. Zhang has helped bring into existence four English-language newspapers on the Chinese mainland, namely, China Daily, Beijing Weekend, Shanghai Star and Shanghai Daily. He is now the Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of Shanghai Daily and an executive council member of Translation Association of China. He has translated and co-translated more than a dozen books and a large amount of documents, including Strange Stories of Liao Zhai Studio and the English version of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. He has also published many English and Chinese articles and theses in newspapers and magazines both in China and overseas.
