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与子书 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787519611651
  • 条形码:9787519611651 ; 978-7-5196-1165-1
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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与子书 本书特色


与子书 内容简介

这是一部一个家庭在孩子成长过程中,共同思考和总结的书籍。对孩子的成长和未来有指导教育意义,对大人家长亦是一次总结和升华,既是一本教育书籍,又是一本哲学书籍。 人生如海,成长就像是一艘渡船,也许永远没有止境,没有彼岸,但是它不应该缺乏温暖,缺乏阳光。《与子书》就是一本送给君子的书、一本送给孩子的书,一本送给朋友的书。 古有《弟子规》,今有《与子书》。

与子书 目录



The World 001


Life 009


Money 019


The Right Person 037


Get ALong With Others 053


Brave 071


Don't Dodge 085


Drop Them 101


Move Forward 121


The Future 133


与子书 节选

世界 The World 春天来了,春风吹走了寒冷,万物苏醒,一粒种子在土壤里发芽了,破土而出,长出了鲜嫩的叶子。 Spring is here, the spring wind blows away the cold, everything wakes up, a seed germinates in the soil, breaks out of the soil, and grows fresh leaves. 怀胎十月的小张夫妻,终于生下了一对双胞胎姐弟,也是在这个春天里。 The Xiao Zhang couple, who were pregnant for ten months, finally gave birth to a pair of twins, also in this spring. 冬眠的虫子和狗熊也都出来了,太阳也转回来了,大地上开始了春夏秋冬新的一年。 The hibernating bugs and bears have also come out, the sun has tumed back, and the earth has begun a new year of spring, summer, autumn and winter. 在宇宙中,这些都是我们可以看得见的事物,宇宙深处我们看不见的事物是什么样的呢?它们也是在按照自身的规律、演化的轨道,在运行、在转换。它们的表现方式无穷无尽,都在适应着它所处的环境,和其他的物种相互影响、相互作用。 In the universe,these are all things we can see. In the depths of the universe, how do things that we can't see appear? They are also running and transforming according to their own laws and evolutionary tracks. Their expressions are endless, all adapting to their environment, interacting with other species and interacting with each other. 我们看得见的世界,明显可以分为动物和植物两种类型。植物普遍表现为不会说话,不会移动,不会思考。而动物会说话,会移动,会思考。尤其是人,*善于思考。 The visible world can be clearly divided into two types: animals and plants. Plants generally can not speak, can not move, and can not think. Animals can talk, move, and think. People, in particular, are the best at thinking. 很多人认为人是有灵魂的,人分为肉体和灵魂两个部分。但是这里认为,人和其他的动物相比,只是基因不一样。而且人类的基因更优质,更善于思考,优质的基因造就了思想的千差万别、形形色色的人类。不同的基因造就了人不同的性格,也致使他们拥有不同的命运。 Many people think that human beings have a soul, and that human beings are divided into two parts, the body and the soul. But here it is believed that compared with other animals, humans are only genetically different. And human genes are better and better at thinking, and high-quality genes have created human beings with different thoughts and all kinds of people. Different genes create different personalities of people, and also cause them to have different destinies. 人的学习能力也比其他动物要强很多,通过学习和实践可以改变命运, 也可以让自身的基因呈现出*好的一面, 显得更加健康、更加聪明。 Human's learning ability is also much stronger than that of other animals. Through learning and practice, we can change our destiny, and we can also make our genes show the best side, which appears healthier and smarter. 我们还发现一棵小草的生老病死,人与动物的生老病死,它们内在规律和道理都是相通的。按照这个推理,宇宙间是万物相连、道理相通的。 We also found that the birth, aging, illness and death of a grass, and the birth, aging, illness and death of humans and animals, their internal laws and principles are interlinked. According to this reasoning, everything in the universe is connected, and the reason is the same. 以上是对世界的观察,但是,我们在这里只关注我们人类的自身,分析一下人应该如何生活和工作? The above is an observation of the world, but here we only focus on our own human beings and analyze how people should live and work? 人要面对的主要就是健康问题、安全问题、经济问题、思想问题,以及与人交往的方式方法问题,这些问题是否存在一些朴素而简单的真理?答案是肯定的。 The main issues that people have to face are health issues, safety issues, economic issues, ideological issues, and the ways and means of interacting with people. Are there some simple truths about these issues? The answer is yes. 归根结底,人追求的是幸福和快乐,如何*大程度地满足我们的这个需求呢?这些都是我们这里需要剖析和呈现的。 In the final analysis, what people pursue is happiness, how to meet our needs to the greatest extent? These are all we need to analyze and present here. 生命 Life 一棵小树 如果没有了水会怎么样?没有了空气会怎么样?没有了土壤会怎么样?没有了阳光会怎么样? A small tree What if there is no water? What would happen without air? What happens without soil? What would happen without the sun? 一个人 想一下,口渴找不到水喝的滋味;没有空气几分钟就会窒息而死;没有土壤就没有食物,几天就会饿死;地球如果没有阳光的温暖,就会和宇宙深处一样寒冷,达到零下几百度,地球将是一片荒野,毫无生机。 One person Think about it, if you are thirsty, you will not find the taste of water; if there is no air, you will suffocate to death in a few minutes; if there is no soil, there will be no food, and you will starve to death in a few days; if the earth does not have the warmth of sunlight, it will be the same as the depths of the universe. When it is cold, reaching hundreds of degrees below zero, the earth will be a wilderness and lifeless. 人和万物一样,都需要一个良好的环境,需要水、空气、土壤和阳光,这是我们生存的基本条件。 Like all things, people need a good environment, water, air, soil and sunlight, which are the basic conditions for our survival. 所以我们*应该注重这些生存的基本因素,喝干净的水,待在空气清新的地方,注意摄取均衡的营养,冬天的时候多晒晒太阳,它会让我们拥有一个健康的身体。 除此之外,那些生命的非必需品,如过量的食物、毒品、烟、酒则会损害我们的身体,扰乱我们的生活。 Therefore, we should pay attention to these basic factors of survival, drink clean water, stay in a place with fresh air, pay attention to ingesting balanced nutrition, and get more sun in winter, it will make us have a healthy body. In addition, those non-essentials of life, such as excessive food, drugs, tobacco, alcohol will damage our body and disrupt our life. 清淡简朴的生活习惯非常必要,山珍海味、锦衣玉食往往是精神上错误的引导。很多时候它们是为了体现所谓高贵的身份,对身体并没有好处。酒肉再贵,酒池肉林也都是埋葬我们的坟墓;过于奢华的房子也并不适合健康居住;放纵带给我们的快乐总是短暂的,自然恬淡的生活才是*长久和舒适的;千年的参天大树也仅仅需要充足的水分、空气、土壤和阳光。 Light and simple living habits are very necessary, and delicacies from mountains and seas, fine clothes and jade food are often the wrong guidance in spirit. Many times they are to reflect the so-called noble status and are not good for the body. No matter how precious wine and meat are, wine ponds and meat forests are often our graves; too large and luxurious houses are not suitable for healthy living; the happiness that indulgence brings us is always short-lived, and the natural and tranquil life is the longest and most comfortable; thousand-year-old towering sky large trees also only need sufficient water, air, soil and sunlight. 中国古代很多帝王骄奢淫逸,饭来张口、衣来伸手,年纪轻轻就死去。人类的很多疾病都是吃得“太好了”,生活得“太舒服了”,没有适当的劳动和锻炼引起的。大家都会认可这些道理,但是真正重视的人却很少,能约束自己行为的人更是少之又少。 In ancient China, many emperors were arrogant and extravagant. Many human diseases are caused by eating "too good" and living "too comfortable" without proper labor and exercise. Once these truths are said, everyone will agree, but very few people really pay attention to them, and even fewer people can restrain their behavior. 人在年轻的时候由于身体素质好,往往不能体会到健康的重要性,不注重养生和自律。总是在生病的时候盼望自己好起来,老的时候希望自己是健康的。 When people are young, due to their good physical fitness, they often fail to appreciate the importance of health and do not pay attention to health preservation and self-discipline. Always hope that you will get better when you are sick, and hope that you will be healthy when you are old. 人很容易就能了解健康养生的方法和道理,但是很少人能做到,这可怎么办呢?能够意识到健康养生的重要性, 制定出好的生活作息计划,并且坚持直至养成习惯,当然是*好的。如果做不到,那就让一切顺其自然吧。但是, 一定需要明白这些道理,在这些道理的引导下,不能全部做到,偶尔做一下也是不错的,潜移默化中,说不定哪一天就会唤起我们的力量,让我们的生活变得更好。 It is easy for people to understand the methods and principles of health preservation, but few people can do it. What can we do? It is of course the best to be able to realize the importance of health preservation, formulate a good life schedule, and stick to it until a habit is formed. If you can't, just let it all take its course. However, we must understand these principles. Under the guidance of these principles, we cannot do all of them, but it is good to do it occasionally. In subtle ways, maybe one day it will arouse our strength and improve our life. 我们看到的世界是“假的”,因为我们看世界的能力和方法远远不够,大约只有百分之五,百分之九十五的世界我们现在还看不到。 The world we see is "fake", because our ability and method to see the world is far from enough, only about 5%, 95% of the world we can't see yet. 时间是依据太阳与地球的相互运动规律设立的,所以时间本质就是运动。 Time is established according to the law of mutual motion between the sun and the earth, so the essence of time is motion. 通过录像回放,我们可以复原10小时之前地球的运动轨迹。随着科技的发展,也许世界影像、人类活动都可以通过倒放看到过去。同样,如果掌握了正确的原理,也可以快放到未来。因为他们都是按照一定的规律在变化,在流逝。 Through video playback, we can restore the trajectory of the earth 10 hours ago. With the development of science and technology, perhaps the world's images and human activities can be viewed backwards. Likewise, if the correct principles are grasped, it can also be fast-forwarded into the future. Because they are all changing and passing according to certain laws. 未来的经历很多是现在的行动决定的。但是,人类情感是复杂的,又是随机的。思想会改变当下的行动,也就改变了一部分未来。所以,生命在于行动是非常科学的解释,如人类普遍喜欢的旅游探险!因为它会带来不同的生命体验。 Much of the future experience is determined by the actions of the present. However, human emotions are complex and random. Thoughts change actions in the present, and they change a part of the future. Therefore, life lies in action is a very scientific explanation, such as travel adventures that humans generally like! Because it will bring a different life experience. 生命本来就是一场旅行与探索。 Life is a journey and exploration.

与子书 作者简介

徐新松,曾就任多家上市公司高管,业余作家,现任某民营企业董事长。 宋勤英,现任某民营企业财务总监。 徐谦,在校大学生。 徐新松,父亲;宋勤英,母亲;徐谦,儿子;为一家人。
