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窗台蓝调 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787562191483
  • 条形码:9787562191483 ; 978-7-5621-9148-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:

窗台蓝调 内容简介

  The peculiar object you are currently holding in your hands is a compilation of poetry and prose composed by yours truly, with plenty of assistance from family, friends, and the infinitely patient and kind people at the publishing place. I would especially like to show my unending gratitude to Prof. Zhang Zheng-sheng and Prof; Luo Yimin for reading these pieces and sharing their thoughts on it, This collection itself is made to demonstrate some of my works in its primordial, "raw" form, a booklet of "odds and ends", if you will. This is to say that many of these pieces are "works in progress", or lack a context that has simply not been put to metaphorical paper yet. However,l do feel that many of these pieces offer insight to what I think about on some important issues, and while it's certainly very amateurish, all ofit is at the same time extremely honest. Now, some of the content in this book may be inaccessible to those who are not familiar with many of the styles I am trying to emulate. So ifyou are interested in getting to the bottom of what makes it all tick, here's some recommended reading and listening for you to do.

窗台蓝调 目录

Foreword by Zhang Zheng-sheng
Foreword by Luo Yimin

I Poetry
"Cassia (Come Again?)"
"I Am the Sea" ..
"Cluld of Folly"
"The Last Prophet's Song"
"Tweedle Mare"
"Edge of Oblivion (Version 2)"
"The Krake
"Outside the Vaultgate Timely"
"Dawnbreaker Prelude"
"An Appointment in Samarra"
"The Ballad ofjohn Buckley"
N61 Hide Behind"
"Is She?"
6'Etemity of Fear"
"Edge of Oblivion (Version 3)"
"Well (No Message in Particular)"
"Etemal Life"
"The Blimp"
"Echo 1"
"Please Enj oy"
"What Does It Matter"

II Short Stories
The Soap Bubble
Higher Education on Mars
Son of Man
Thus Spake Dionysius

III Drama Scripts
Centre Street Blues
Lastly a Wallflower
Not When He Looked So Fierce
IV The Ascrutinization Project/Object
1. Project Overview
2. Isolated Pieces
"Death ofKing Omnibus Part 1"
"My Human"
"The Overcast Variations
"Windowsill Blues"
"The Continuing Conversation"
"That Blessed Land"
"The Assassin"
"The Bartender"
"Arnell Rozenweig"
3. Three-part Soliloquy: Daybreak
4. Fragments ofUnused Triumphe Segments
V The 77dings ere the Wind Blows Project/Object
1. Project Overview
2. Project Incomplete: Tiding ere the Wind Blows
A fierword

窗台蓝调 节选

  《窗台蓝调》:  Even though it doesn't make sense, there is a discernable inspkation in this style of writing: Van Dyke Parks' lyr:ics for the lost Beach Boys' album Smile. Just a lot of verbs and nouns jotted  together that share some consistency, which gives the audience a whole lot of leeway for free interpretation. This is why a moderate amount of obscurity is required for a piece of art to last as a beautiful object: Beauty, as it is perceived, is often correlated with mystique. This is why songs in a foreign language sound beautiful: it is unfamiliar. In fact, let me go on a bit of a rant here.  I've already said that art is all about consistency. The elaboration of that is the saying that art is a "broken reflection of reality'. There is truth in this statement that all art must by definition be relatable to reality, but it is not necessarily saying that "realistic" art is the most appealing, hence the "bfoken" part. Let's face it. Real life is rarely consistent. It's highly complex and resists any kind of def'rnitive statement. As an indMdual, it is impossible to summarize the experience of human existence into anything other than itself. Therefore, art is a facsimile, a pastiche of reallife, instead of a replica. It is an abstraction of a fraction of the human experience, so our mincls may discover the small continuities present within the chaos of the real world. It gives clarity, shows understanding, and offers solace. It is giving sense to a senseless wodd. This is why art is consistent. It needs to be to serve as such a complementary piece to what we as a collective experience.  One of the necessities of art is that it must be consistent, therefore being alien to us, because our everyday life isn't simple or consistent. It takes one of the aspects of life, and puts this aspect in exaggeration somewhere else, whether it be a fantastical environment or simply someone other than yourself, so you can see and recognize it as a part of your experience, whereas you might not have seen it before. It's like taking the ingredients out of a dish and plaang it on a slate, so you may obsefve its chemical properties. It's a study on the subjective view of life. Therefore, to distance art from reality is not only needed,it's essential for it to have coherence and consistence. The earliest discourses about abstract concepts such as morality and ethics were conducted through fables and stories: abstractions. Everything that is considered art is an abstraction, a fiction. What matters is how opaque you make the abstraction, which comes down to taste. You can either Cfeate irony by putting it somewhefe uttedy un-relatable, or you can create harmony by placing your abstraction in a realistic environment. It's alI subjective at this point.  But seriously, check out that album. Smile. It's great.  ……

窗台蓝调 作者简介

  涂潇睿(Ray Tu),2000年3月生于重庆北碚,西南大学附属中学高2018届学生。曾获得第十四届中国日报社“21世纪·新东方杯”全国中小学生英语演讲比赛全国总决赛(高中组)季军,第十五届全国创新英语大赛总决赛全国十强,第十一届“外研社杯”全国中小学生英语技能大赛全国总决赛(初中组)冠军,首届全国中学生英语挑战赛(高中组)冠军,2016年重庆高中生英语作文写作竞赛(由美国驻成都总领事馆主办)冠军等诸多奖项。自幼喜欢阅读,小学一年级时开始阅读英语原著。之后的十年里,他的英文书单上有了《神曲》《荷马史诗》《尤利西斯》《荒原》等世界文学名著。初中开始用英文进行文学创作。本书收录了他在高中阶段的一些作品。
