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Co-creating engaging experiences:a cross-regional study

Co-creating engaging experiences:a cross-regional study

开本: 24cm 页数: 199页
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Co-creating engaging experiences:a cross-regional study 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787511653130
  • 条形码:9787511653130 ; 978-7-5116-5313-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Co-creating engaging experiences:a cross-regional study 内容简介

共同创造和顾客融合在管理学领域受到了广泛的关注, 但是在餐饮业人们对这种新的价值思想认知仍然匮乏。本研究以全服务餐厅为背景,基于后实证主义的立场, 运用了定性和定量方法对其进行研究。在定性方法中,线上焦点小组用于生成一套量表项目库,代表了在本特定研究环境中共同创造和客户融合参与方面的相关潜在变量。在定量分析中,问卷发展量表用于在不同的中国经济区域和城市等级间进行大量的消费者调查,目的是测量一系列潜在变量之间的性质、方向和相关强度关系。为了确认可靠性(信度)和有效性(效度),所得数据将被置于一个多极分析过程中。其中, 统计分析软件用于进行初步的数据分析,结构方程模型软件通过验证性因子分析、中介统计测试、调节统计测试用于探索相关变量关系。

Co-creating engaging experiences:a cross-regional study 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Background to the Research 1.3 Terminology Used in the Book 1.4 Research Gap, Aims and Objectives 1.5 Structure of the Book Chapter 2 Theoretical Domains 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Consumer Behaviour Theory Approaches and Models 2.3 Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) 2.4 Conclusion Chapter 3 Value Creation in Consumer Market 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The Goods Dominant and Service Dominant Logics 3.3 Value Co-creation Through Experience 3.4 Customer Value Co-creation Behaviours 3.5 Customer Engagement and Its Theoretical Foundation 3.6 Conclusion Chapter 4 Conceptual Framework 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Conceptual Framework 1-Value Creation 4.3 Conceptual Framework 2-Hypothesis Development 4.4 Conclusion Chapter 5 Research Methodology 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Research Philosophy 5.3 Qualitative Phase 5.4 Quantitative Phase 5.5 Data Preparation for Analysis 5.6 Ethical Consideration 5.7 Conclusion Chapter 6 Data Analysis 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Demographics Characteristics 6.3 Reliability and Validity Analysis 6.4 Mean Scores for Factors after CFA 6.5 The Relationships Between the Respondents' Demographics and Constructs 6.6 Hypotheses Testing-–Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) 6.7 Results of Hypotheses Chapter 7 Discussion and Implication 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Summay of Key Findings 7.3 Achieving the Objectives 7.4 Contribution of the Book 7.5 Limitations and Directions for Future Research Bibliography Appendixes

Co-creating engaging experiences:a cross-regional study 作者简介

