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转型的动力:中国农业供给侧结构性改革 英文版

转型的动力:中国农业供给侧结构性改革 英文版

开本: 16开 页数: 375
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转型的动力:中国农业供给侧结构性改革 英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787545477436
  • 条形码:9787545477436 ; 978-7-5454-7743-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

转型的动力:中国农业供给侧结构性改革 英文版 内容简介


转型的动力:中国农业供给侧结构性改革 英文版 目录

Chapter Ⅰ What Is the Supply-side Structural Reform?
1.Era Background of the Supply-side Structural Reform
1.1 Reflections on the 2008 Financial Crisis
1.2 Requirements of Guiding the New Normal of Economy
2.Theoretical Sources of the Supply-side Structural Reform
2.1 Theoretical Sources of Western Economics
2.2 Theoretical Innovation of Chinese Economics
3.Policy Practice of the Supply-side Structural Reform
3.1 Policy Practice Abroad
3.2 Policy Practice at Home
4.Policy Points of the Supply-side Structural Reform
4.1 Overall Requirements
4.2 Main Tasks
4.3 Policy Supports
4.4 Reform Focuses
Chapter Ⅱ Advancing Agricultural Supply-side Structural Reform
1.Development Background and Main Issues
1.1 New Normal of Economic Development and Agricultural Supply-side Reform
1.2 Imbalance between the Supply Structure and Demand Structure of Agricultural Products
1.3 Rising Costs of Agricultural Production and Low Price of Agricultural Products
1.4 High Domestic Stocks and Large Increase in Imports of Agricultural Products
1.5 Over-Utilization of Agricultural Resources and Overload of Ecological Environment
2.Basic Ideas and Overall Requirements
2.1 What is the Agricultural Supply-side Structural Reform?
2.2 Advancing the Reform with Five New Development Concepts
2.3 Adjusting the Structure Based on Market Demand Changes
2.4 Keeping the "Three Bottom Lines" without Deviation
2.5 Realizing One Improvement around the "Three Increases"
3.Adjusting the Focuses and Tasks of the Reform
3.1 Adjusting the Structure
3.2 Improving Quality
3.3 Promoting Integration
3.4 Destocking
3.5 Reducing Costs
3.6 Making up for Shortcomings
4.Adjusting Reform Policies and Measures
4.1 Main Measures of the Adjustment
4.2 Main Measures of the Reform
Chapter Ⅲ Adjusting and Optimizing the Agricultural Structure
1.Overall Adjustment of the Planting Industry Structure
1.1 Stabilizing Food Production
1.2 Optimizing Cash Crops
1.3 Expanding Forage Crops
1.4 Carrying out Green, High-yield and Efficient Creation of Agriculture
2.Developing Large-scale and Efficient Breeding Industry
2.1 Stabilizing Live Pig Production
2.2 Revitalizing the National Dairy Industry
2.3 Strengthening Milk Quality and Safety Supervision
2.4 Increasing Consumption Guidance of Dairy Products
2.5 Promoting Comprehensive Rice Cultivation
2.6 Developing Modern Marine Ranches
3.Making Industries with Distinctive Advantages Bigger and Stronger
3.1 Implementing the Action Plan to Improve the Quality and Efficiency of Characteristic Agriculture
3.2 Implementing the Construction Project of Forest Eco-label Products
3.3 Advancing the Building of Regional Public Brands of Agricultural Products
Chapter Ⅳ Transforming Agricultural Development Methods
Chapter Ⅴ Advancing the Integrated Development of Rural Industries
Chapter Ⅵ Strengthening the Innovation Drive of Agricultural Science and Technology
Chapter Ⅶ Adjusting and Improving Agricultural and Rural Development Policies
Chapter Ⅷ Deepening Rural Reforms Comprehensively
Chapter Ⅸ Advancing the Construction of the Park Platform Solidly
Chapter Ⅹ Strengthening Rural Infrastructure and Public Services

转型的动力:中国农业供给侧结构性改革 英文版 作者简介

