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包邮 高职高专旅游专业“互联网+”创新规划教材酒店服务与管理实训英语

开本: 16开 页数: 268


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高职高专旅游专业“互联网+”创新规划教材酒店服务与管理实训英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787301316559
  • 条形码:9787301316559 ; 978-7-301-31655-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

高职高专旅游专业“互联网+”创新规划教材酒店服务与管理实训英语 本书特色

本书主要针对酒店服务业中的主要服务岗位展开论述,全书共包括 6 个模块,即前厅服务、客房服务、餐饮部、商务中心、康乐中心、其他酒店服务,每个模块涵盖工作流程介绍、岗位对话、岗位用语、延展阅读和实操训练 5 个部分。本书与时俱进,采用“互联网 +”的形式提供了大量教学资源,读者可以通过扫描二维码进行学习。书后附录为 2017 年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组中餐主题宴会设计赛项(英语口语测试题库及参考答案),可供学生日常练习参考。本书既可作为高职高专旅游管理类和酒店管理类专业的教材,也可作为广大酒店管理人员、服务人员培训和学习参考用书。

高职高专旅游专业“互联网+”创新规划教材酒店服务与管理实训英语 内容简介


高职高专旅游专业“互联网+”创新规划教材酒店服务与管理实训英语 目录

Front Office 前厅服务
Topic One Room Reservation客房预订 /2
Introduction/ 2
Working Procedures/ 3
Useful Sentences/ 7
Knowledge Extension/ 8
Section Summary/ 10
Topic Two At the Airport接机服务 /15
Working Procedures/ 16
Dialogues/ 16
Useful Sentences/ 20
Knowledge Extension/ 20
Section Summary/ 22
Topic Three Check-in登记入住 /26
Introduction/ 26
Working Procedures/ 27
Useful Sentences/ 30
Knowledge Extension/ 31
Section Summary/ 34
Topic Four Bell Service行李服务 /38
Introduction/ 38
Working Procedures/ 39
Useful Sentences/ 43
Section Summary/ 45
Practice/ 46
Topic Five Currency Exchange外币兑换 /49
Introduction/ 49
Working Procedures/ 50
Useful Sentences/ 53
Knowledge Extension / 54
Section Summary/ 55
Topic Six Check-out结账离开 /59
Introduction/ 59
Working Procedures/ 60
Useful Sentences/ 64
Section Summary/ 65
Housekeeping Service 客房服务
Topic One Room Cleaning Service客房清扫 /69
Introduction/ 69
Working Procedures/ 70
Useful Sentences/ 73
Knowledge Extension/ 74
Section Summary/ 75
Topic Two Laundry Service洗衣服务 /79
Introduction/ 79
Working Procedures/ 79
Dialogues/ 80
Useful Sentences/ 83
Knowledge Extension/ 84
Section Summary/ 86
Topic Three Turn-down Service夜床服务 /89
Introduction/ 89
Working Procedures/ 90
Useful Sentences/ 93
Knowledge Extension/ 94
Section Summary/ 95
Topic Four Wake-up Call Service叫醒服务 /99
Introduction/ 99
Working Procedures/ 100
Useful Sentences/ 104
Knowledge Extension/ 105
Section Summary/ 106
Section ThreeF&B Department 餐饮部
Topic One Food and BeverageReservation 餐饮预订 /111
Introduction/ 111
Working Procedures/ 112
Useful Sentences/ 115
Knowledge Extension/ 116
Section Summary/ 118
Topic Two F&B Service in Western Style 西餐席间服务 /122
Introduction/ 122
Working Procedures/ 123
Useful Sentences/ 127
Knowledge Extension/ 128
Section Summary/ 129
Topic Three F&B Service in Chinese Style 中餐席间服务 /134
Introduction/ 134
Working Procedures/ 135
Useful Sentences/ 138
Knowledge Extension/ 139
Section Summary/ 141
Topic Four Bar Service酒吧服务 /144
Introduction/ 144
Working Procedures/ 145
Useful Sentences/ 148
Knowledge Extension/ 149
Section Summary/ 150
Topic Five Settling the Bill Service结账服务 /154
Introduction/ 154
Working Procedures/ 155
Useful Sentences/ 158
Knowledge Extension/ 158
Section Summary/ 159
Section Four
Business Center 商务中心
Topic One Photocopy and Fax
Services 复印、传真服务 /164
Introduction/ 164
Working Procedures/ 165
Dialogues/ 165
Useful Sentences/ 168
Knowledge Extension/ 169
Section Summary/ 170
Topic Two Typing and Printing
Services 打字、打印服务 /173
Working Procedures/ 173
Dialogues/ 174
Useful Sentences/ 177
Knowledge Extension/ 178
Section Summary/ 179
Practice/ 179
Topic Three Convention Service会议服务 /182
Introduction/ 182
Working Procedures/ 183
Useful Sentences/ 186
Knowledge Extension/ 187
Section Summary/ 189
Section Five
Health and Recreation Center 康乐中心
Topic One Fitness Club Service健身俱乐部服务 /194
Working Procedures/ 195
Useful Sentences/ 197
Knowledge Extension/ 198
Section Summary/ 199
Topic Two Swimming Pool Service游泳馆服务 /203
Introduction/ 203
Working Procedures/ 204
Useful Sentences/ 206
Knowledge Extension/ 207
Section Summary/ 208
Topic Three Night Club Service夜总会服务 /212
Introduction/ 212
Working Procedures/ 212
Dialogues/ 213
Useful Sentences/ 216
Knowledge Extension/ 217
Section Summary/ 218
Topic Four Bath Service洗浴服务 /221
Working Procedures/ 222
Useful Sentences/ 224
Knowledge Extension/ 225
Section Summary/ 226
Practice/ 227
Section Six
Other Hotel Services 其他酒店服务
Topic One Operator Service话务服务 /231
Introduction/ 231
Working Procedures/ 232
Useful Sentences/ 234
Knowledge Extension/ 235
Section Summary/ 236
Topic Two Hotel Shopping Service酒店购物服务 /240
Working Procedures/ 241
Useful Sentences/ 244
Section Summary/ 245
Appendix I Additional Material, Resources and References/ 248
Appendix II Contest Problems for Technical Competence/ 249

高职高专旅游专业“互联网+”创新规划教材酒店服务与管理实训英语 作者简介

