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新编美国文学史教程 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787520367936
  • 条形码:9787520367936 ; 978-7-5203-6793-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新编美国文学史教程 内容简介


新编美国文学史教程 目录

Part One The Early American Literature
Chapter 1 The Immigration to the Americas and the English Settlement
1.1 The Immigration to the Americas
1.2 The English Settlement
Chapter 2 The Literature of the New World
2.1 The Native American Oral Literature
2.2 The European Exploration Writings
Chapter 3 The Literature of the Colonial America
3.1 The Literature in the Northern Colonies
3.2 The Writers in the Southern Colonies
3.3 The Writers in the Middle Colonies

Part Two The Literature of the Revolutionary America
Chapter 4 The Historical Context
Chapter 5 The Voices of Reason and Revolution
5.1 Benjamin Franklin
5.2 Thomas Paine
5.3 Thomas Jefferson
5.4 Alexander Hamilton
Chapter 6 The Creative Writing
6.1 Philip Freneau
6.2 Royall Tyler
6.3 William Hill Brown
6.4 Charles Brockden Brown
6.5 Hugh Henry Brackenridge

Part Three The Romantic Literature
Chapter 7 The American Romanticism
7.1 The Historical Context
7.2 The American Romanticism
Chapter 8 The Early Romanticism
8.1 Washington Irving
8.2 James Fenimore Cooper
8.3 William Cullen Bryant
Chapter 9 New England Transcendentalism
9.1 The Transcendental Club
9.2 Transcendentalism as a Philosophy
9.3 The Literary Achievements
Chapter 10 The Antislavery Writing
10.1 The Historical Background
10.2 Harriet Beecher Stowe
10.3 Frederick Douglass
10.4 Harriet Ann Jacobs

Part Four The Realistic Literature
Chapter 11 The American Realism
11.1 The Historical Context
11.2 The American Realism
Chapter 12 The Local-Color Writings
12.1 Mark Twain
12.2 Sarah Orne Jewett
12.3 George Washington Cable
12.4 Brett Harte
Chapter 13 The Other Realist Writings
13.1 Henry James, Jr.
13.2 William Dean Howells
13.3 O. Henry

Part Five The Naturalistic Literature
Chapter 14 The Age of Naturalism
14.1 The Historical Context
14.2 Naturalism
Chapter 15 The American Naturalism
15.1 Hamlin Garland
15.2 Stephen Crane
15.3 Frank Norris
15.4 Theodore Dreiser
15.5 Jack London
Chapter 16 The New Women's Literature
16.1 Kate Chopin
16.2 Charlotte Perkins Gilman
16.3 Edith Wharton

Part Six The Modernist Literature
Chapter 17 The Age of Modernism
17. I The Historical Context
17.2 The Modernist Paradigms
17.3 Modernism
17.4 The American Modernism
Chapter 18 The Literature in the Early Phase of Modernism
18.1 Edwin Arlington Robinson
18.2 Robert Frost
18.3 Carl Sandburg
18.4 Willa Cather
18.5 Sherwood Anderson
18.6 Gertrude Stein
18.7 Sinclair Lewis
Chapter 19 The Modernist Poetry
19.1 The Imagist poetry
19.2 The Other Poets
Chapter 20 The Fiction between the Wars
20.1 The Lost Generation
20.2 The Southern Literature
20.3 The 1930s' Fiction
Chapter 21 The Drama between the Wars
Chapter 22 The Afro-American Literature between the Wars
22.1 Jean Toomer
22.2 Langston Hughes
22.3 Zora Neale Hurston
22.4 Richard Wright

Part Seven The Postwar Literature
Chapter 23 The Diversity of the Postwar Era
23.1 The Historical Context
23.2 Existentialism
23.3 Postmodernism
23.4 Deconstruction
Chapter 24 The Postwar Drama
24.1 Tennessee Williams
24.2 Arthur Miller
24.3 Edward Alhee
Chapter 25 The Postwar Fiction
25.1 The War Novels
25.2 The Southern Fiction
25.3 The Jewish Novels
25.4 The Beat Novel and Alienation
25.5 The Realist-Modernist Inclinations
25.6 The Postmodernist Inclinations
Chapter 26 The Postwar Poetry
26.1 The Beat Generation
26.2 The Confessional School
26.3 The New York School
26.4 The Black Mountain Poetry
26.5 The Meditative Poetry
Chapter 27 The Postwar Multi-ethnic Literature
27.1 The Afro-American Literature
27.2 The Asian American Literature

Key to Exercises
Appendix I List of Winners of Pulitzer Prizes in Literature
Appendix II List of Winners of National Book Awards
Appendix III List of Winners of National Book Critics Circle Awards
Appendix IV List of Winners of Tony Award for Best Play
Appendix V List of Poets Laureate of the USA
Appendix VI List of Books Referred to as Great American Novels

新编美国文学史教程 节选

  In spite that they were actually the last to explore the Americas,the English knew from the Spanish and French experiences that,besides exploration,permanent settlement and colonization were equally necessary for cre-ating a successful empire in the New World.The European context,characterized by such new and powerful social forces as the development of capitalism,the Renaissance and the Reformation,incited the desire of the English merchants and/or religious radicals to seek economic opportunities and/or religious bulwark outside Europe,and the New World thus became their first choice.On the one hand,during the reign of Queen Elizabeth (1533 -1603) from 1558 to 1603,the English trading companies were beginning to carry on a worldwide trade and the English merchant-capitalists came to ( and some of them settled in) America,which seemed to fit well into their plans-goods could be sold to the settlers in America whose natural resources could be sold back in England and Europe.On the other hand,since the Reformation,there appeared intense contradictions between different reli-gious sects and,with the single-church idea disappearing,religious persecution heightened on the European Conti-nent.At the turn of the 17th century,not just the English Protestants but also many English Catholics began migra-ting to North America.While the former aimed to seek a sanctuary where they could practice their new faith in peace,the latter wished for a new land where they could practice their old faith without having dissent Protestant voices to contend with.These Protestants and Catholics as well as the merchant-settlers-the English immigrants from a variety of social and religious groups,including adventurers,soldiers,farmers tradesmen,and even some aristocrats-gradually established the early thirteen colonies,which would become the United States of America,including the Jamestown Colony,the Plymouth Colony,the Massachusetts Bay Colony,and the Maryland Colony,to name just a few.  The Jamestown Colony,Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas.It was founded in 1607 by the London Company,one of whose leaders was John Smith,with a charter from the English King James I (1566 -1625,king 1603 - 1625).Harsh weather,lack of food and water,the surrounding swampy wilderness,and attacks from local Indians would have destroyed the colony had Smith not trained the first settlers to farm and work.Saved from early devastation,Jamestown survived and eventually flourished,with tobacco as its first profita-ble export,the production of which had a significant impact on the society and settlement patterns.The Plymouth Colony was founded just to the south of Massachusetts Bay by a group of English Puritans (later known as Pil-grims) ,who migrated to the New World on the Mayjlower in 1620.The core group were part of a congregation led by William Bradford.Unlike many of the settlers of Jamestown who were entrepreneurs,a significant proportion of the citizens of Plymouth sailed far away from England to seek to preserve their cultural identity and attain religious independence.The social and legal systems of the colony therefore became closely tied to their religious beliefs,as well as to the English custom.Many of the people and events surrounding the Plymouth Colony have become part of the American folklore,including the North American tradition known as Thanksgiving and the monument known as Plymouth Rock.The first settlement of the colony was at New Plymouth,which served as the capital of the colony and developed as the modern town of Plymouth,Massachusetts.At its height,the Plymouth Colony occupied most of the southeastern portion of the modern state of Massachusetts.On the east coast of North America around the Massachusetts Bay was the Massachusetts Bay Colony,the northernmost of the several colonies later reorganized as the Province of Massachusetts Bay.  ……

新编美国文学史教程 作者简介

