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中外物理学精品书系Introduction to Accelerator Dynamics(加速器动力学导论)(影印版)

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中外物理学精品书系Introduction to Accelerator Dynamics(加速器动力学导论)(影印版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787301314050
  • 条形码:9787301314050 ; 978-7-301-31405-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中外物理学精品书系Introduction to Accelerator Dynamics(加速器动力学导论)(影印版) 本书特色

《Introduction to Accelerator Dynamics(加速器动力学导论)(影印版)》系统讨论了加速器动力学,对高能物理工作者具有参考价值。

中外物理学精品书系Introduction to Accelerator Dynamics(加速器动力学导论)(影印版) 内容简介

    《Introduction to Accelerator Dynamics(加速器动力学导论)(影印版)》是靠前上很好新的加速器物理方面的专著。对于大型强子对撞机LHC,兆瓦级直线型加速器,以及小型加速器的原理以及其上所做的实验都有很详细的介绍。是加速器领域、粒子物理领域很好有价值的图书。自上世纪以来,加速器获得了很大发展,并对物理学的进展起到了巨大的推动作用。本书目的在于说明加速器是如何工作的。入手处是单粒子在加速器中运动的动力学。本书内容包含了粒子物理、加速原理、对撞和束流动力学,以及工程上的考虑。本书是加速器、高能物理领域科研工作者的很好参考,同时也可作为研究生和高年级本科生的教材。

中外物理学精品书系Introduction to Accelerator Dynamics(加速器动力学导论)(影印版) 目录

Preface page xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Differences or Differentials? 1
1.2 Phase Space Co-ordinates 3
1.3 Iterations, Ancient and Modern 5
1.4 Accelerator History: The Two Golden Ages 6
Exercises 10
2 Linear Motion 13
2.1 Stable Oscillations 13
2.2 Transverse Motion through Magnets 16
2.3 Matrix Equations of Motion 19
Exercises 22
3 Strong Focusing Transverse Optics 24
3.1 Linear Stability and Twiss Functions 25
3.2 Turn-by-Turn Motion in Phase Space 27
3.3 Propagation across a Fraction of a Turn 29
3.4 Continuous Propagation 30
3.5 FODO Cell Optics 32
Exercises 35
4 Longitudinal and Off-Momentum Motion 37
4.1 Constant Momentum Offset: Transverse Motion 37
4.2 The Dispersion Function 39
4.3 Oscillating Momentum: Longitudinal Motion 41
4.4 The Standard Map 45
Exercises 48
5 Action and Emittance – One Particle or Many? 50
5.1 Transverse Action-Angle Co-ordinates 50
5.2 Unnormalised Emittances and Beam Sizes 52
5.3 Tune Spread and Filamentation 54
5.4 Linac (Phase Space Area) Emittances 56
5.5 Normalised Emittance and Adiabatic Damping 58
5.6 Longitudinal Phase Space Parameters 60
Exercises 61
6 Magnets 63
6.1 Normal and Skew Multipole Magnets 63
6.2 Iron-Dominated Magnets 65
6.3 Conductor-Dominated Magnets 66
6.4 Field Quality and Errors 67
Exercises 69
7 RF Cavities 73
7.1 Waveguides 73
7.2 Transverse Modes 74
7.3 Cylindrical Resonant Cavities – Pill-Boxes 76
7.4 Cavity Performance Limits 79
Exercises 81
8 Linear Errors and Their Correction 83
8.1 Trajectory and Closed Orbit Errors 83
8.2 Linear Coupling 88
8.3 Tune Shifts and β-Waves 89
Exercises 92
9 Sextupoles, Chromaticity and the Hénon Map 94
9.1 Chromaticity in a FODO Lattice 94
9.2 Chromaticity Correction 96
9.3 The Hénon Map – A Unit Strength Sextupole in 1-D 98
9.4 A Taxonomy of 1-D Motion 100
9.5 Dynamic Aperture 103
Exercises 104
10 Octupoles, Detuning and Slow Extraction 107
10.1 Single Octupole Lattice 107
10.2 Discrete Motion in Action-Angle Space, (J, φ) 109
10.3 Two-Turn Motion with Q ≈ 1/2 110
10.4 Slow Extraction near the Half-Integer 111
Exercises 113
11 Synchrotron Radiation – Classical Damping 116
11.1 Spectrum and Distribution Pattern 116
11.2 Energy Loss Per Turn and Longitudinal Damping 119
11.3 Continuous Acceleration 124
11.4 Transverse Damping and Partition Numbers 126
Exercises 128
12 Synchrotron Radiation – Quantum Excitation 131
12.1 Energy Spread 132
12.2 Horizontal Emittance 134
12.3 Vertical Emittance 138
Exercises 139
13 Linacs – Protons and Ions 141
13.1 Time Structures 142
13.2 Multi-Cell Synchronism 145
13.3 Linear Motion 147
13.4 Radio Frequency Quadrupoles 153
13.5 Beam Losses and Haloes 157
Exercises 158
14 Linacs – Electrons 159
14.1 Longitudinal and Transverse Focusing 159
14.2 RF Capture 161
14.3 Bunch Compression 162
14.4 Recirculating and Energy Recovery Linacs 164
14.5 Beam Breakup 166
Exercises 169
15 The Beam–Beam Interaction and 1-D Resonances 170
15.1 Round Beam-Beam Interaction 170
15.2 First-Order Theory of 1-D Resonances 174
15.3 Resonance Island Tunes and Widths 176
Exercises 180
16 Routes to Chaos 181
16.1 Resonance Overlap 182
16.2 Tune Modulation 184
16.3 Dynamical Zones in Tune Modulation Space 187
Exercises 190
Appendix A Selected Formulae for Accelerator Design 191
A.1 Matrices for Linear Motion through Accelerator Elements 191
A.2 Propagation of Twiss Functions 196
References 198
Index 201

中外物理学精品书系Introduction to Accelerator Dynamics(加速器动力学导论)(影印版) 作者简介

(美)史蒂芬佩格斯(Stephen Peggs)是纽约大学石溪分校以及美国布鲁克海文国家实验室的资深研究人员,(美)托德萨托加塔(Todd Satogata)是美国杰斐逊实验室教授。
