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“一带一路”沿线国家旅游业发展研究 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787307210943
  • 条形码:9787307210943 ; 978-7-307-21094-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

“一带一路”沿线国家旅游业发展研究 内容简介

  《“一带一路”沿线国家旅游业发展研究/相思湖学术论丛》共分为11章,分别从国别和区域两个面向对“一带一路”沿线国家及所属区域旅游业发展进行研究。第1章从历史与现代两个角度探讨丝绸之路作为一条经济文化交融之路的演进与发展,以及“一带一路”沿线国家旅游合作的现状与愿景;第2、4、6、8、10章分别对亚欧大陆北部区域10国,东南亚区域10国,南亚区域8国,中东区域16国,中、东、南欧区域21国旅游业作总括性论述,重点探讨“一带一路”沿线国家旅游业发展背景、发展现状、旅游资源、旅游营销、未来展望等内容;第3、5、7、9、11章分别对亚欧大陆北部区域,东南亚区域,南亚区域,中、东、南欧区域旅游业发展重要议题进行深入分析与探讨,包括俄罗斯旅游业发展的优势、劣势、机遇与挑战,东盟成员国在旅游合作过程中取得的进展与面临的挑战,印度作为国家旅游目的地的旅游营销品牌架构,中东国家在旅游危机管理中的应对策略,欧洲内陆国家捷克旅游业的发展历程与未来展望等。  《“一带一路”沿线国家旅游业发展研究/相思湖学术论丛》以英文撰写。读者对象主要为从事旅游管理专业教学和研究的高校教师、旅游管理专业学生、旅游业从业人员、旅游产业规划管理人员和对旅游业感兴趣的英语爱好者。

“一带一路”沿线国家旅游业发展研究 目录

Chapter 1 History Revitalized: The Ancient Silk Road and Its Contemporary Transformation
1.1 The Ancient Silk Road
1.2 The New Silk Road——China's "Belt and Road" Initiative
1.3 Tourism in the Silk Road Context

Chapter 2 Overview on Tourism Development of Mongolia, Russia,Central Asian Countries, and Caucasus Countries
2.1 Mongolia
2.2 Russia
2.3 Central Asian Countries
2.4 Caucasus Countries

Chapter 3 Research on Select Tourism Issues of Upper Eurasia Region
3.1 Research on Opportunities and Challenges of the Russian Tourism Industry
3.2 Beyond Hosts and Guests: Research on Role of Mediators in Facilitating Tourism Development in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

Chapter 4 Overview on Tourism Development of Southeast Asian Countries
4.1 Brunei Darussalam
4.2 Cambodia
4.3 Indonesia
4.4 Laos
4.5 Malaysia
4.6 Myanmar
4.7 The Philippines
4.8 Singapore
4.9 Thailand
4.10 Vietnam

Chapter 5 Research on Select Tourism Issues of Southeast Asia Region
5.1 Uniquely Singapore: Research on Singapore's Tourism Transformation and Its External Influence Factors
5.2 Research on Cooperation Status Among ASEAN Member States in Coordinated Regional Tourism Development

Chapter 6 Overview on Tourism Development of South Asian Countries
6.1 Afghanistan
6.2 Bangladesh
6.3 Bhutan
6.4 India
6.5 Maldives
6.6 Nepal
6.7 Pakistan
6.8 Sri Lanka

Chapter 7 Research on Select Tourism Issues of South Asia Region
7.1 One Nation, Many States: Research on the Evolution of India's Tourism Branding Strategies
7.2 Small Wonder: Research on Sri Lanka's Remarkable Fifty Years of Tourism Development (1966-2016)

Chapter 8 Overview on Tourism Development of Middle Eastern Countries
8.1 Bahrain
8.2 Egypt
8.3 Iran
8.4 Iraq
8.5 Israel
8.6 Jordan
8.7 Kuwait
8.8 Lebanon
8.9 Oman
8.10 Palestine
8.11 Qatar
8.12 Saudi Arabia
8.13 Syria
8.14 Turkey
8.15 United Arab Emirates
8.16 Yemen

Chapter 9 Research on Select Tourism Issues of Middle East Region
9.1 Research on Responding Strategies of Middle Eastern Countries to Tourism-Destabilizing Crises
9.2 Super-Connectors : Research on Development of Three Gulf Carriers

Chapter 10 Overview on Tourism Development of Central, Eastern and Southern European Countries
10.1 Central European Countries
10.2 Eastern European Countries
10.3 Southern European Countries

Chapter 11 Research on Select Tourism Issues of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe Region
11.1 Land of Stories: Research on Tourism Geography of the Czech Republic
11.2 Full of Life: Research on Croatia's Tourism Development

“一带一路”沿线国家旅游业发展研究 作者简介

