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世界贸易组织的理论与实践:核心议题:selected issues:英文版

世界贸易组织的理论与实践:核心议题:selected issues:英文版

开本: 26cm 页数: 260页
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世界贸易组织的理论与实践:核心议题:selected issues:英文版 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787550433854
  • 条形码:9787550433854 ; 978-7-5504-3385-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

世界贸易组织的理论与实践:核心议题:selected issues:英文版 内容简介

  《世界贸易组织的理论与实践:核心议题(英文版)》从理论和实践两个方面深入分析WTO的理论基础和运行机制,力求使读者正确理解贸易政策是通过哪些渠道服务不同国家的利益,把握驱动贸易政策的不同因素及其在成员国具体贸易政策行为中的体现,制定符合本国国家利益的贸易政策。  《世界贸易组织的理论与实践:核心议题(英文版)》通过对WTO规则和运行机制全面的理论分析和实践解析,帮助读者深刻理解WTO的内在逻辑和运行规律,推动我国从一个多边贸易规则的学习者、吸收者、适应者,转变成为一个积极参与者、创新应用者和改革推动者。

世界贸易组织的理论与实践:核心议题:selected issues:英文版 目录

1 The WTO and the Idea of Cooperative Trade Policy
1-1 The Foundation of the CATT
1-2 The Progress Achieved Under the GATT
1-3 From the GATF to the WTO
1-4 The WTO and Its Achievements
1-5 Economic Theories and Trade Policies
1-6 The Prisoner's Dilemma in Trade Policies
1-7 The WTO and Cooperative Trade Policy
1-8 Case Studies

2 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
2-1 Driving Force Towards a Multilateral Agreement
2-2 The Structure of the GATY 1994
2-3 Important Issues During the GATT (1948-1994)
2-4 Case Studies

3 Operating Mechanism of WTO
3-1 The WTO Decision-Making Mechanism
3-2 WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism
3-3 WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism
3-4 Case Studies

4 The GATS
4-1 The Driving Forces Towards a Service Agreement
4-2 Differences Between Services and Goods Sectors
4-3 Objectives, Structure and Scope of the GATS
4-4 General Obligations and Disciplines (Part II)
4-5 Specific Commitments (Part III and Part IV)
4-6 Institutional Arrangement (Part V)
4-7 Final Provisions (Part VI)
4-8 Annexes on Financial Services
4-9 Annexes on Air Transport Services and Telecommunications
4-10 The Other Annexes
4-11 Evaluating the CATS
4-12 Case Studies

5 Multilateral Trading System and Climate Change
5-1 Impact of Trade Openness on Climate Change
5-2 WTO Progress in Addressing Challenges of Climate Change
5-3 Multilateral Trade System and Carbon Tariff
5-4 Carbon Labeling
5-5 Carbon Trading
5-6 Case Studies

6 Regional Integration and E-commerce
6-1 WTO Multilateral Trade System and Regional Economic Integration
6-2 WTO Multilateral Trade System and Electronic Commerce
6-3 WTO and International Labor Standards

7 WTO-Dispute Settlement Mechanism
7-1 The Characteristics of Disputes and Settlements
7-2 WTO Dispute Sett]ement and China
7-3 Case Studies
