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开本: 26cm 页数: 392
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土地资源管理专业英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787109218765
  • 条形码:9787109218765 ; 978-7-109-21876-5
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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土地资源管理专业英语 内容简介


土地资源管理专业英语 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction of Land 1.2 Land Cover Classification System 1.3 Land Administration and Land Management 1.4 World Land Resource and Land Use 1.5 The Future of Our Land: Facing the Challenge Chapter 2 Land Resource 2.1 A Framework for Land Evaluation 2.2 Economic Land Evaluation 2.3 An International Framework for Evaluating Sustainable Land Management 2.4 Training Needs for the Next Generation of Soil Surveyors 2.5 Methodology for Soil Resource Inventories 2.6 Farmland Preservation Chapter 3 Land Economics 3.1 Introduction to Land Economics: Scope and Content 3.2 Land Resources Supply and Demand 3.3 Land Rent Theory 3.4 Intensity of Land use 3.5 The Law of Land Diminishing Returns 3.6 Fundamental Issues in the Economic Approach to Resource and Environmental Issues Chapter 4 Cadastral Management 4.1 Introduction of Cadastral Management 4.2 Classifications of Systems of Land Registration: Title Registration versus Deeds Registration 4. 3 Cadastral Survey 4.4 Land Statistics 4.5 The Real Estate Registration Project Chapter 5 Land Use Planning 5.1 What Is Land Use Planning? 5.2 Elements of an Implementation-orientated Planning Process 5.3 Participation in the Planning Process 5.4 I.and Use Plan Decisions 5.5 Implementation in Land Use Planning 5.6 The Design of Land Use Planning Chapter 6 Land Consolidation 6.1 What Is Land Consolidation 6.2 What Should be Considered in a Land Consolidation Pilot Project .. 6.3 Land Reclamation 6.4 Ecological Rehabilitation Chapter 7 Land Ecology and Environment 7.1 Three Themes: Efficiency, Optimality and Sustainability 7.2 Landscape Ecology 7.3 Soil Pollution and Remediation 7.4 Climate and Land Degradation Chapter 8 Real Estate Market 8.1 Land Market 8.2 Real Estate as an Investment 8. 3 The Demand for Housing 8.4 General Valuation Concepts and Principles 8.5 Bank Asset Structure, Real-estate Lending and Risk-taking Chapter 9 Land Institutions 9.1 What Is Land Tenure? 9.2 Property Rights, Externalities and Environmental Problems 9.3 Government Interventions in the Urban Land Markets 9.4 Land Law 9.5 Background of Land Use Control Chapter 10 Land Information Management 10.1 GIS (LIS), RS and GPS 10.2 Map and Map Scale 10.3 Land Survey and Monitoring Based on 3S 10.4 Land Registration and Its Computerization 词汇