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市场营销学 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787811229431
  • 条形码:9787811229431 ; 978-7-81122-943-1
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

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市场营销学 目录

1 营销的性质学习目标营销聚光灯什么是营销?创造和传递顾客价值营销组合营销与商业绩效营销的范围营销计划总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料附录1.1案例1 YouTube2 全球营销环境学习目标营销聚光灯宏观环境经济因素社会因素政治与法律因素自然环境因素技术因素微观环境环境评析总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料案例2 innocent公司:善,有利于企业3 理解消费者行为学习目标营销聚光灯消费者行为涉及的问题谁购买?如何购买?选择的标准是什么?消费者行为的影响因素组织采购行为的影响因素组织采购活动的特点总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料案例3 Oasis公司4 营销调研和信息系统学习目标营销聚光灯营销调研的重要性营销调研的类型特殊调研方法连续性调研开展营销调研的方法营销调研的流程营销信息系统总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料附录4.1案例4 Inchydoney Island Lodge and Spa5 市场细分、目标市场选择与定位学习目标营销聚光灯细分消费者市场消费者市场细分的标准细分组织市场成功的市场细分的原则目标市场选择市场定位重新定位总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料案例5奢华时尚的改变:Burberry、Beckham和Big Brother6 品牌与产品管理学习目标营销聚光灯产品与品牌品牌化创建品牌品牌管理的问题管理品牌与产品组合动态管理品牌与生产线:产品生命周期新产品开发新产品开发过程的管理产品管理问题总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料案例 6 Gorenje集团:一万英镑冰箱与新的欧洲品牌的奇特案例7 服务营销管理学习目标营销聚光灯服务的特点服务营销组合服务企业的管理服务生产率管理服务质量管理开发和管理客户关系非营利组织的市场营销总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料案例 7 Paddy Power:从赌博到娱乐8 价格策略学习目标营销聚光灯定价的基本方法影响定价决策的主要因素价格变动的管理预测竞争者对价格变动的反应应对竞争者的价格变动总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料案例 8 索尼PS3:国王的陨落9 整合营销传播1:大众传播技术学习目标营销聚光灯整合营销传播(IMC)开展整合传播活动的流程广告销售促进公共关系及公众宣传赞助其他促销工具总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料案例 9 阿迪达斯对战耐克:谁会得胜?10 整合营销传播2:直接传播技术学习目标营销聚光灯数据库营销客户关系管理直复营销网络营销蜂鸣营销人员推销销售管理总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料案例 10 红牛的创新营销:将乏味产品转变为动感品牌11 分销管理学习目标营销聚光灯分销渠道的类型渠道策略与管理渠道整合零售主要的零售营销决策物流总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料案例 11 宜家家居12 营销计划和战略学习目标营销聚光灯营销计划的制订过程营销审计营销目标核心战略竞争战略营销组合决策组织与实施控制营销计划的益处计划制订工作中出现的问题总结关键术语练习题课后阅读参考资料案例12 LEGO公司的转变

市场营销学 节选


市场营销学 相关资料

插图:Products. Dell is no longer leading the market, and problems with its customer service levels mean that it is also struggling to deliver on the 'must bes' in the computer business. In 2006 and 2007, it failed to meet analysts' profit targets and its share price slipped. Evidence of how serious the problems are can be seen in the return of Michael Dell as chief executive in 2007. Delivering customer valueAs well as being a philosophy that puts the customer at the centre of the business, marketing is also a business function that encompasses the variety of activities that must be conducted in order to deliver customer value. These include conducting marketing research to understand customer needs and their behaviour, segmenting markets into submarkets to be targeted by the company, developing products and brands, and positioning these in the marketplace, making pricing decisions, deciding on a promo- tional mix, selling and distributing products, and marketing planning and management. These are the kinds of issues that will be introduced briefly in the next section on the marketing mix and will be the focus of later chapters in this book. Markets and marketing are constantly changing, and new methods of delivering value——-such as customer relationship management (CRM)——are being developed. These new techniques, along with issues of importance to the marketing profession such as marketing ethics, will also be discussed throughout this book.Marketing, therefore, is an exciting and multifaceted profession. Marketing managers are responsible for ensuring that the organization delivers value to customers; but in doing so they may avail themselves of the services of researchers, salespeople, commun- ication specialists, advertising agencies and retail specialists. The wide range of careers that fall within the rea

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