¥45.8(5.8折)定价:¥79.0This book is one of the excellent textbooks for colleges and universities of Jiangsu Province in 2018, which is based on the demand for mechanical engineering field in teaching reform. It is designed to be used as
Mechanisma and Machine Theory机械原理-(英文版)
¥31.9(5.5折)定价:¥58.0《Mechanisms and Machine Theory机械原理(英文版)》ThistextbookiswrittenaccordingtoTheBasicTeaching RequirementsfortheCourseof Mechanisms and MachineTheoryinAdvancedIndustrialCollegesdrawnupbytheNationalMinistryofEducation.Itisdes
Modern Mechanical Design Using MATLAB 现代机械设计及MATLAB应用
¥32.5(5.5折)定价:¥59.0There are 8 chapters in this book. It covers optimization model, introduction to MATLAB, Mathematical basis, one-dimensional search method, interior optimization, boundary optimization, modern optimization method, intro