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转换生成语法的基本概念 版权信息

转换生成语法的基本概念 内容简介


转换生成语法的基本概念 目录

1生成:范畴之间的逻辑演绎(Generation: Inter-Categorical Logic Deduction)11范畴(Categories)12次范畴化(Subcategorization)13短语结构:范畴关系的层级呈现(Phrase Structure: A HierarchicalRepresentation of the Categorical Relationship)14本章简评 2X-杠理论:短语结构的一次升华(X-Bar Theory: A Revised Version of Phrase Structure)21投射原则(Projection Principle)22X-杠理论(X-Bar Theory)23附接与X-杠结构(Adjunction and X-Bar Structure)24S的X-杠结构(X-Bar Structure of S)1生成:范畴之间的逻辑演绎 (Generation: Inter-Categorical Logic Deduction) 11范畴(Categories) 12次范畴化(Subcategorization) 13短语结构:范畴关系的层级呈现(Phrase Structure: A Hierarchical Representation of the Categorical Relationship) 14本章简评 2X-杠理论:短语结构的一次升华 (X-Bar Theory: A Revised Version of Phrase Structure) 21投射原则(Projection Principle) 22X-杠理论(X-Bar Theory) 23附接与X-杠结构(Adjunction and X-Bar Structure) 24S的X-杠结构(X-Bar Structure of S) 25X-杠框架下对结构的进一步探索(X-Bar Structure: Further Discussion) 26本章简评 3管辖(Government) 31c-指令与管辖(c-command and Government) 32格的指派(Assignment of Cases) 33本章简评 4约束(Binding) 41约束关系(Binding Relation) 42照应语和代词(Anaphors and Pronouns) 43R-表达式(R-expression) 44本章简评 5转换:从底层到表层的映射 (Transformations: Mapping from DS to SS) 51转换的性质(The Nature of Transformations) 52Wh-移位(Wh-movement) 53NP-移位(NP-movement) 54外置与重型NP后置(Extraposition and Heavy NP Shift) 55词缀跳跃(Affix-hopping: Main Verbs) 56Do-支撑(Do-support: Negative Sentences) 57助动词的提升移位(Raising of Auxiliary Verbs) 58DP结构内中心语移位(Head-movement in DPs) 59本章简评 6θ-理论(θ-Theory) 61c-选择与s-选择(c-selection and s-selection) 62论元、准论元、算子(Arguments, Quasi-arguments and Operators) 63论元结构表征式(The Representation of Argument Structures) 64θ-标准(θ-Criterion) 65本章简评 7格理论(Case Theory) 71格过滤(Case Filter) 72可见性假说(Visibility Hypothesis) 73结构格与内在格(Structural versus Inherent Case) 74汉语的格指派问题(Assignment of Cases in Mandarin Chinese) 75例外格标记(Exceptional Case Marking) 76本章简评 8格理论与θ-理论的互动与交织 (Interaction and Interweaving between θ-Theory and Case theory) 81格与移位(Case and Movement) 82VP内主语假说(Subject-inside-VP Hypothesis) 83移位:θ-角色与格指派(Movement: the Assignment of θ-roles and Cases) 84本章简评 9空范畴(Empty Categories) 91空范畴的种类(Types of Empty Categories) 92PRO与控制(PRO and Control) 93本章简评 10界限理论:对于移位α的初步探讨 (Bounding Theory: A First Discussion on Move α) 101移位α(Move α) 102界限理论:毗邻(Bounding Theory: Subjacency) 103恰当管辖(Proper Government) 104本章简评 11语阻:对于移位α的进一步探讨 (Barriers: Further Discussion on Move α) 111语迹与ECP(Traces and ECP) 112语阻构架(Barriers Framework) 113相关*小限度条件(Relativised Minimality) 114本章简评 12中心语参数(Head Parameter) 121OV语序(Object Verb) 122动词位二(Verb Second) 123本章简评 13代词脱落语中的pro(pro in pro-drop Languages) 131零主语(Null Subjects) 132零宾语(Null Objects) 133本章简评 14VSO型语言(VSO Languages) 141动词提升到C(Verb-raising to C) 142主语在VP内(Subject inside VP) 143本章简评 15融合现象(Incorporation Phenomena) 151融合理论(Incorporation Theory) 152动词融合(Verb Incorporation) 153介词融合(Preposition Incorporation) 154本章简评 16附着(Clitics and Cliticisation) 161法语中的附着词(Clitics in French) 162带有附着形式的语言分类(Types of Clitic Languages) 163附着的本质(Nature of Clitic and Cliticisation) 164本章简评 17INFL分解假设(Split INFL Hypothesis) 171强势Agr VS弱势Agr(Strong versus Weak Agrs) 172Neg-短语(Neg Phrase) 173AgrS、AgrO与结构格(AgrS、AgrO and Structural Case) 174宾语转换(Object Shift) 175本章简评 18CP分裂假说(Split CP Hypothesis) 181CP分裂假说的提出(The Proposal of Split CP Hypothesis) 182话题短语和焦点短语(Topic Phrase and Focus Phrase) 183限定短语(Finiteness Phrase) 184本章简评 19*简方案(Minimalist Program) 191表征层面(Levels of Representation) 192概化转换与移位α(Generalized Transformation and Move α) 193LF接口条件(LF Interface Conditions) 194光杆短语结构(Bare Phrase Structure) 195本章简评 20核查理论(Checking Theory) 201特征核查(Feature Checking) 202经济原则(Economy Principles) 203核查的特征(Feature for Checking) 204移位与θ-理论(Movement and θ-theory) 205本章简评 21语段(Phase) 211语段(Phase) 212一致(Agree) 213狭义句法运算操作(Computational Operation of Narrow Syntax) 214附接成分(Adjunct) 215本章简评 参考文献 附录术语表 后记