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丘成桐数学论文(1971-1991)选集(英文版)(1-5) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302664727
  • 条形码:9787302664727 ; 978-7-302-66472-7
  • 装帧:精装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

丘成桐数学论文(1971-1991)选集(英文版)(1-5) 本书特色


丘成桐数学论文(1971-1991)选集(英文版)(1-5) 内容简介

丘成桐是当代*杰出的数学家之一,因其在微分几何领域的工作而获得了许多荣誉,其中包括数学界**荣誉——菲尔兹奖。丘成桐也因其在代数和凯勒几何、广义相对论及弦理论等方面的工作而闻名,他在这些研究领域的建立和发展过程中产生了巨大的影响。 本书收录了丘成桐自1971年至1991年已发表的部分数学论文——这一时期他在包括几何分析、凯勒几何和广义相对论在内的众多学科中取得了突破性的成就。本书按照主题领域组织内容,包括度量几何与极小子流形、度量几何与调和函数、本征值与广义相对论,以及凯勒几何。书中还收录了相关领域专家的评论和反映书中所讨论的思想发展过程的回顾。

丘成桐数学论文(1971-1991)选集(英文版)(1-5) 目录

Contents of the Current Volume Volume 1
metric Geometry and minimal SubmanifoldS Foreword by Shing-Tung Yau XV
Preface by the Editors XXI
Commentary by Richard Hamilton XXIII
Commentary by William H Meeks III XXV
Commentary by Richard Schoen XXXI
Commentary by Leon Simon XXXVII
Articles “On the fundamental group of compact manifolds of non-positive curvature”,
Annals of Mathematics 93 (1971) 579–585 1 (with H Lawson), “Compact manifolds of nonpositive curvature”, J Differential
Geom 7 (1972), 211–2289
“Some global theorems on non-complete surfaces”, Comment Math Helv 48
(1973), 177–187 27
(with H Lawson), “Scalar curvature, non-abelian group actions, and the degree of
symmetry of exotic spheres”, Comment Math Helv 49 (1974), 232–24439
“Submanifolds with constant mean curvature”, Amer J Math 96 (1974), no 2,
“Submanifolds with constant mean curvature II”, Amer J Math 97 (1975), no 1,

Contents of the Current Volume “Curvature preserving diffeomorphisms”, Annals of Mathematics (2) 100
(1974), 121–130 101
“Non-existence of continuous convex functions on certain Riemannian manifolds”,
Math Ann 207 (1974) 269–270 111
(with S-Y Cheng), “Hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature”, Math Ann 225
(1977), no 3, 195–204 113
(with R Schoen and L Simon), “Curvature estimates for minimal hypersurfaces”,
Acta Math 134 (1975), no 3-4, 275–288 123
(with S-Y Cheng), “Maximal space-like hypersurfaces in the Lorentz-Minkowski
spaces”, Annals of Mathematics 104 (1976), no 3, 407–419 137
“Remarks on the group of isometries of a Riemannian manifold”, Topology 16
(1977), no 3, 239–247 151
(with W H Meeks), “The equivariant Dehn’s lemma and loop theorem”, Comment
Math Helv 56 (1981) 225–239 161
(with R Schoen), “On the structure of manifolds with positive scalar curvature”,
Manuscripta Math 28 (1979), no 1-3, 159–183 177
(with W H Meeks), “The equivariant loop theorem for three-dimensional
manifolds and a review of the existence theorems for minimal surfaces”,
Pure Appl Math 112 (1984) 153–163 191
(with W H Meeks), “Topology of three-dimensional manifolds and the embedding
problems in minimal surface theory”, Annals of Mathematics 112
(1980) 441–484 203
(with W H Meeks), “The classical Plateau problem and the topology of three-
dimensional manifolds: The embedding of the solution given by Douglas-Morrey
and an analytic proof of Dehn’s lemma”, Topology 21 (1982) 409–442 247
(with W H Meeks and L Simon), “Embedded minimal surfaces, exotic spheres,
and manifolds with positive Ricci curvature”, Annals of Mathematics 116 (1982), 621– 659 281
(with R Schoen), “Complete three-dimensional manifolds with positive Ricci
curvature and scalar curvature”, Annals of Mathematics Studies 102 (Seminar
on Differential Geometry) 209–228, Princeton University Press, 1982 321

Volume 1 Metric Geometry and Minimal Submanifolds (with WH Meeks), “The existence of embedded minimal surfaces and the problem
of uniqueness”, Math Z 179 (1982), 151–168 341
(with W H Meeks), “Group actions on R3”, Pure Appl Math 112 (1984),
167–179 359
Photographs 373
Acknowledgements 383

Contents of Volumes 2, 3, 4 and 5 Volume 2
metric Geometry and Harmonic functionS Foreword by Shing-Tung Yau XV
Preface by the Editors XXI
Commentary by Peter Li XXIII
Articles (with M Friedman), “Homotopically trivial symmetries of Haken manifolds are
toral”, Topology 22 (1983) 179–189 1
(with S-Y Cheng), “Complete affine hypersurfaces I The completeness of affine
metrics”, Comm Pure Appl Math 39 (1986) 839–866 13
(with R Schoen), “The structure of manifolds with positive scalar curvature”, in
Directions in Partial Differential Equations, 235–242 Madison, Wisconsin:
Academic Press, 1987 41
(with L Z Gao), “The existence of negatively Ricci curved metrics on three-
manifolds”, Inventiones Mathematicae 85 (1986) 637–65249
(with R Schoen), “Conformally flat manifolds, Kleinian groups and scalar
curvature”, Inventiones Mathematicae 92 (1988) 47–71 65
“Uniformization of geometric structures”, Proc Sympos Pure Math 48 (1988)
“Harmonic functions on complete Riemannian manifolds”, Comm Pure Appl
Math 28 (1975), 201–228 101
(with S-Y Cheng), “Differential equations on Riemannian manifolds and their
geometric applications”, Comm Pure Appl Math 28 (1975) 333–354 129

Contents of Volumes 2, 3, 4 and 5 “Isoperimetric constants and the first eigenvalue of a compact Riemannian
manifold”, Ann Sci Ecole Norm Sup (4) 8 (1975), no 4, 487–507 151
“Some function-theoretic properties of complete Riemannian manifold and their
applications to geometry”, Indiana Univ Math J 25 (1976), no 7, 659–670 173
“Erratum to ‘Some function-theoretic properties of complete Riemannian
manifold and their applications to geometry’”, Indiana Univ Math J 31
(1982), no 4, 607 185
(with R Schoen), “Harmonic maps and the topology of stable hypersurfaces and
manifolds with non-negative Ricci curvature, Comment Math Helv 51 (1976),
no 3, 333–341 187
“A general Schwarz lemma for Khler manifolds”, Amer J Math 100 (1978), no 1,
197–203 197
(with R Schoen), “On univalent harmonic maps between surfaces”, Inventiones
Mathematicae 44 (1978), no 3, 265–278 205
“On the heat kernel of a complete Riemannian manifold”, J Math pures et appl (9) 57 (1978), no 2, 191–201 219
(with R Schoen), “Compact group actions and the topology of manifolds with non-
positive curvature”, Topology 18 (1979), no 4, 361–380 231
(with R Schoen), “Corrections to: ‘Compact group actions and the topology of
manifolds with non-positive curvature’”, Topology 18 (1979), no 4, 483 251
(with P Li), “A new conformal invariant and its applications to the Willmore
conjecture and the first eigenvalue of compact surfaces”,
Inventiones Mathematicae 69 (1982) 269–291 253
(with P Li and R Schoen), “On the isoperimetric inequality for minimal surfaces”,
Ann Scuola Norm Sup Pisa Cl Sci (4) 11 (1984) 237–244 277
(with J Jost), “The strong rigidity of locally symmetric complex manifolds of rank
one and finite volume”, Math Ann 275 (1986) 291–304 285
(with J Jost), “Harmonic maps and Khler geometry”, in Prospects in Complex
Geometry, pp 340–370, Lecture Notes in Math 1468, Springer, 1991 299

Volume 3 Eigenvalues and General Relativity “Problem Section”, Annals of Mathematics Studies 102 (Seminar on Differential
Geometry), 669–706, Princeton University Press, 1982 331
Photographs 369
Acknowledgements 373
Volume 3
eiGenValueS and General relatiVity
Foreword by Shing-Tung Yau XV
Preface by the Editors XXI
Articles (with P Li), “Estimates of eigenvalues of a compact Riemannian manifold, in Geometry of the Laplace operator, pp 205–239, Proc Sympos Pure Math 36, American Mathematical Society, 19801
(with R Schoen and S Wolpert), “Geometric bounds on the low eigenvalues of a compact surface: Geometry of the Laplace operator”, pp 279–285, Proc Sympos Pure Math 36, American Mathematical Society, 198037
(with Paul C Yang) “Eigenvalues of the Laplacian of compact Riemann surfaces and minimal submanifolds”, Ann Scuola Norm Sup Pisa Cl Sci (4) 7
(1980) 55–6345
(with J Cheeger), “A lower bound for the heat kernel”, Comm Pure Appl Math
34 (1981) 465–48055
(with S-Y Cheng and P Li), “On the upper estimate of the heat kernel of a
complete Riemannian manifold”, Amer J Math 103 (1981) 1021–1063 71
(with P Li), “On the Schrdinger equation and the eigenvalue problem”, Comm
Math Phys 88 (1983) 309–318 115
(with S-Y Cheng and P Li), “Heat equations on minimal submanifolds and their
applications”, Amer J Math 106 (1984) 1033–1065 125

Contents of Volumes 2, 3, 4 and 5 (with I M Singer, B Wong and Stephen S-T Yau), “An estimate of the gap of the
first two eigenvalues in the Schrdinger operator”, Ann Scuola Norm Sup
Pisa Cl Sci (4) 12 (1985), 319–333 159
(with P Li), “On the parabolic kernel of the Schrdinger operator”, Acta Math
156 (1986) 153–201 175
(with Y Y Lu), “Eigenvalues of the Laplacian through boundary integral equations”,
SIAM J Matrix Anal Appl 12 (1991) 597–609 225
(with R Schoen), “Positivity of the total mass of a general space-time”, Phys Rev
Lett 43 (1979), no 20, 1457–1459 239
(with R Schoen), “Existence of incompressible minimal surfaces and the topology
of three-dimensional manifolds with nonnegative scalar curvature”, Annals of
Mathematics (2) 110 (1979) 127–142 243
(with R Schoen), “On the proof of the positive mass conjecture in general
relativity”, Comm Math Phys 65 (1979), no 1, 45–76 259
“The total mass and the topology of an asymptotically flat space-time”, in The
Chern Symposium 1979, pp 255–259 Springer, 1980 291
(with R Schoen, “The energy and the linear momentum of space-times in general
relativity”, Comm Math Phys 79 (1981) 47–51 297
(with R Schoen), “Proof of the positive mass theorem, II”, Comm Math Phys 79
(1981) 231–260 303
(with R Schoen), “Proof that the Bondi mass is positive”, Phys Rev Lett 48
(1982) 369–371 333
(with R Schoen), “The existence of a black hole due to condensation of matter”,
Comm Math Phys 90 (1983) 575–579 337
(with D Christodoulou), “Some remarks on the quasi-local mass”, 9–14, Contemp
Math 71, American Mathematical Society, 1988343
(with J Smoller, A Wasserman and B McLeod), “Smooth static solutions of the
Einstein/Yang-Mills equations”, Comm Math Phys 143 (1991) 115–147 349

Volume 4 Khler Geometry I Appendices
Photographs 383
Acknowledgements 389
Volume 4
KHler Geometry i
Foreword by Shing-Tung Yau XIII
Preface by the Editors XIX
Commentary by Duong H Phong XXI
Commentary by Ngaiming Mok XXV
Articles “The role of partial differential equations in differential geometry”, in Proceedings
of the International Congress of Mathematicians, 237–250 Helsinki: Acad
Sci Fennica, 1980 1
(with J-P Bourguignon), “Sur les métriques riemanniennes á courbure de Ricci
nulle sur le quotient d’une surface K3”, C R Acad Sci Paris Sér A-B 277
(1973), A1175–A1177 15
(with S-Y Cheng), “On the regularity of the solution of the n-dimensional
Minkowski problem”, Comm Pure Appl Math 29 (1976), no 5, 495–51619
“Intrinsic measures of compact complex manifolds”, Math Ann 212 (1975),
(with Yum-Tong Siu), “On the structure of complete simply-connected Khler
manifolds with nonpositive curvature”, Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 73 (1976),
no 4, p 100855
“Parallelizable manifolds without complex structure”, Topology 15 (1976), no 1,
51–53 57
(with S-Y Cheng), “On the regularity of the Monge–Ampère equation”, Comm
Pure Appl Math 30 (1977), no 1, 41–6861

Contents of Volumes 2, 3, 4 and 5 “Calabi’s conjecture and some new results in algebraic geometry”, Proc Nat Acad
Sci USA 74 (1977), no 5, 1798–179989
(with Y-T Siu), “Complete Khler manifolds with nonpositive curvature of faster
than quadratic decay”, Annals of Mathematics (2) 105 (1977), no 2, 225–264 91
“On the Ricci curvature of a compact Khler manifold and the complex Monge-
Ampére equation I”, Comm Pure Appl Math 31 (1978), no 3, 339–411 131
“Métriques de Khler-Einstein sur les variétés ouvertés”, Astérisque 58 (1978)
163-167 205
(with S-Y Cheng), “On the existence of a complete Khler metric on noncompact
complex manifolds and the regularity of Fefferman’s equation”, Comm Pure
Appl Math 33 (1980) 507–544 211
(with Y-T Siu), “Compact Khler manifolds of positive bisectional curvature”,
Inventiones Mathematicae 59 (1980) 189–204 249
(with N Mok and Y-T Siu), “The Poincaré-Lelong equation on complete Khler
manifolds”, Compositio Math 44 (1981) 183–218 265
(with S-Y Cheng), “The real Monge–Ampère equation and affine flat structures”,
in Proceedings of the 1980 Beijing Symposium on Differential Geometry and
Differential Equations, 339–370 Beijing: Science Press, 1982 301
(with Y-T Siu), “Compactification of negatively curved complete Khler manifolds
of finite volume”, Annals of Mathematics Studies 102 (Seminar on Differential
Geometry), 363–380, Princeton University Press, 1982 333
(with N Mok), “Completeness of the Khler-Einstein metric on bounded domains
and the characterization of domains of holomorphy by curvature conditions”,
Proc Sympos Pure Math 39, Part 1 (1983), 41–59 351
Photographs 371
Acknowledgements 375

Volume 5 Khler Geometry II Volume 5
KHler Geometry ii
Foreword by Shing-Tung Yau XIII
Preface by the Editors XIX
Articles (with K Uhlenbeck), “On the existence of Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections in
stable vector bundles”, Comm Pure Appl Math 39 (1986), supplement,
S257–S293 1
(with J Jost), “A strong rigidity theorem for a certain class of compact complex
analytic surfaces”, Math Ann 271 (1985) 143–15239
(with S Y Cheng), “Inequality between Chern numbers of singular Khler surfaces
and characterization of orbit space of discrete group of SU (2, 1)”, Contemp
Math 49 (1986), 31–4449
“Nonlinear analysis in geometry”, Enseign Math (2) 33 (1987) no 1-2, 109–158 63
(with J Li), “Hermitian-Yang-Mills Connection on Non-Khler Manifolds”, in
Mathematical Aspects of String Theory, 560–573, World Scientific, 1987
DOI: 101142/9789812798411_0027113
(with G Tian), “Existence of Khler-Einstein metrics on complete Khler manifolds
and their applications to algebraic geometry”, in Mathematical Aspects of
String Theory, 574–628, World Scientific, 1987
DOI: 101142/9789812798411_0028 127
(with G Tian), “Three-dimensional algebraic manifolds with C1 = 0 and χ = –6”,
in Mathematical Aspects of String Theory, 543–559, World Scientific, 1987
DOI: 101142/9789812798411_0026 183
(with G Tian), “Khler-Einstein metrics on complex surfaces with C1 > 0”, Comm
Math Phys 112 (1987) 175–203 201
(with K Uhlenbeck), “A note on our previous paper: ‘On the existence of Hermitian
Yang-Mills connections in stable vector bundles’”, [Comm Pure Appl Math
39 (1986), S257–S293], Comm Pure Appl Math 42 (1989) 703–707 231

Contents of Volumes 2, 3, 4 and 5 (with B R Green, A Shapere and C Vafa), “Stringy cosmic strings and non-
compact Calabi-Yau manifolds”, Nuclear Phys B 337 (1990), no 1, 1–36 237
(with J Li and F Zheng), “A simple proof of Bogomolov’s theorem on class II0
surfaces with b2 = 01”, Illinois J Math 34 (1990) 217–220 273
(with S-Y Lu), “Holomorphic curves in surfaces of general type”, Proc Nat Acad
Sci USA 87 (1990) 80–82 277
(with G Tian), “Complete Khler manifolds with zero Ricci curvature I”, J Amer
Math Soc 3 (1990) 579–609 281
(with B R Greene and S-S Roane), “Geometric singularities and spectra of
Landau-Ginzburg models”, Comm Math Phys 142 (1991) 245–259 313
(with F Zheng), “On projective manifolds covered by space C”, in International
Symposium in Memory of Hua Loo Keng, Vol II (Beijing, 1988), 323–332,
Springer, 1991 329
(with F Zheng), “Negatively 1/4-pinched Riemannian metric on a compact Khler
manifold”, Inventiones Mathematicae 103 (1991) 527–535 339
(with G Tian), “Complete Khler manifolds with zero Ricci curvature II”,
Inventiones Mathematicae 106 (1991) 27–60 349
Curriculum Vitae of Shing-Tung Yau 383
List of Former Students 387
List of Publications by Shing-Tung Yau, 1970–1991 389
Acknowledgements 397

丘成桐数学论文(1971-1991)选集(英文版)(1-5) 作者简介

曹怀东,美国里海(Lehigh)大学数学系讲座教授,清华大学兼职教授。主要从事的研究领域是微分几何学与非线性偏微分方程,涉及Kahler-Ricci流、数学物理等众多方面。 李骏,基础数学代数几何学家,中国科学院院士,复旦大学数学科学学院教授,复旦大学上海数学中心首席教授,上海数学与交叉学科研究院院长,斯坦福大学终身教授。主要从事代数几何模空间方向的研究。 孙理察(Richard Schoen),美国数学家,沃尔夫数学奖获得者,美国国家科学院院士,美国艺术与科学院院士,美国科学促进会会士,美国数学学会会士,斯坦福大学名誉教授。主要研究微分几何和几何分析等数学问题。
