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新阶段中国:中东欧国家合作.多维视角下的分析 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787520383684
  • 条形码:9787520383684 ; 978-7-5203-8368-4
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

新阶段中国:中东欧国家合作.多维视角下的分析 内容简介

In September 2019, the 6th High-level Think Tanks Symposium of China and CEEC was held in Bled, Slovenia. The Symposium took place regularly in China or CEE countries each year from 2013 to 2019, and it is a top-level platform for scholars, experts and government officials from China and CEE countries to discuss China-CEEC Cooperation. This book collected essays of the 6th Symposium, which analyzed the achievements of China-CEEC Cooperation in the past eight years and discussed the direction for future cooperation from multiple dimensions. The purpose of this book is to provide readers with a comprehensive perspective of analyzing China-CEEC Cooperation and contribute to the success of the 6th Symposium.

新阶段中国:中东欧国家合作.多维视角下的分析 目录

Chapter Ⅰ 17 1 Cooperation, China and CEE countries
Examining China's Relations with the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
The Achievements of the 17 1 Cooperation: From Hard Intereonnection to Soft Connectivity
China-CEEC Cooperation in the 2. 0 Phase: Towards a Stable, Sustainable and Spill-over Development?
Prospects for 17 1 Cooperation--The Next Five Year's Plan (2020 - 2025) for China-CEEC Cooperation
The "China-CEEC Cooperation" in the New Stage
The Prospect of 17 1 Cooperation in the Context of Populism Emerging
The Policy Coordination and Cooperation on Eurasia Connectivity between China and EU
CEEC17 after Neoliberalism--Analysis on New Crisis Theory, New Economic and Social System
The Impact of International Initiatives on Mutual Understanding
Chapter Ⅱ 17 1 Cooperation on Trade, Investment and Culture
Assessing the Trade and Investment Facilitation Progress in CEECs and Its Impact on 17 1 Cooperation
Agricultural Products Trade Structure and Trade Prospects in China and Central and Eastern European Countries
STI Cooperation Between China and CEEC: Present Situation, Problems and Solutions
Analysis and Prospects for Cooperation in Winter Sports between China and the Central and Eastern European Countries in the Context of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
Chapter Ⅲ Bilateral and Subregion Cooperation t
The 17 1 Framework and China-EU Cooperation in the Western Balkans: A Region Building Perspective
Promoting Sub-regional Connectivity in Transregional Cooperation: The Case Study of 17 1 Cooperation in Adriatic-Ionian Sub-region
Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of China-Poland Relations
Vardar-Morava-Danube Water Channel: a Mega Project for the Future Regional Nations Prosperity
Chapter Ⅳ 17 1 Local Cooperation
17 1 Local Cooperation: Action, Outcome and Prospect of Ningbo
Dialogue Between the River and the Sea and Exchange Between the Mountain and the Lake--Create New Highlights in "China-CEEC" Sub-national Cooperation
Local Cooperation Between China and CEE Countries: History, Status Quo and Policy Suggestions
Chapter Ⅴ China, EU and 17 1 Cooperation
"Divide and Rule" or Not? Contrasting Discourses from the EU and China on 17 1 Under BRI
17 1 Mechanism within the Framework of EU-China Relations
Responses to the Concerns of the EU on 17 1 Cooperation: An Assessment of the China-CEEC Cooperation's Effect on Southeast Europe Countries' Relations with the EU

新阶段中国:中东欧国家合作.多维视角下的分析 作者简介

Wu Baiyi, is Professor of International Relations and Director-General, Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). He is also the President of China-CEEC Think Tanks Network and the President of China-CEE Institute (Budapest). Recent publications he authored, co-authored or edited in Chinese and English languages include “Reflections on Dynamics and Previsions to Transform the Future World Order”(2020), “Trends in World Politics and Impact on the Sino-US Relations”(2018), “Cultural Diplomacy: A Historical and Practical Review and Reflection”(2016), “Rethinking the Political Relationships between China and the Developing World” (2010), “A Review of Chinese Images of the United States and Europe” (2009), “Diplomacy for Integration: The Economic Aspect of Chinese Foreign Policy” (2008), “Chinese Crisis Management of the Embassy Bombing in 1998” (2005).Liu Zuokui, Research Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Director of the Department of Central and Eastern European Studies, Institute of European Studies, CASS, Executive Director of CASS-ALF Center for China Studies(CACCS).??Liu currently serves as the research fellow of the Development Research Center of State Council of China, China Foundation of International Affairs and Research Center of China-EU Relations of the Tsinghua University. He once was the visiting scholar of Mannheim University of Germany (2007), Aoyama Gakuin University of Japan (2009), Polish Institute of International Affairs (2015), Latvian Institute of International Affairs (2017), and Hungarian Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade(2019).His research areas include: Central and Eastern European Studies, China-EU Relations, Balkan Studies, European Integration and etc.Ju Weiwei , is an assistant research fellow at the Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IES, CASS) and Vice Director of the Department of Central and Eastern European Studies, IES, CASS. He has a PhD in History and is a postdoctoral scholar in International Politics. His main research interests include the relationship between China and Central and Eastern European Countries, and international relations of Europe.Wu Baiyi, is Professor of International Relations and Director-General, Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). He is also the President of China-CEEC Think Tanks Network and the President of China-CEE Institute (Budapest). Recent publications he authored, co-authored or edited in Chinese and English languages include “Reflections on Dynamics and Previsions to Transform the Future World Order”(2020), “Trends in World Politics and Impact on the Sino-US Relations”(2018), “Cultural Diplomacy: A Historical and Practical Review and Reflection”(2016), “Rethinking the Political Relationships between China and the Developing World” (2010), “A Review of Chinese Images of the United States and Europe” (2009), “Diplomacy for Integration: The Economic Aspect of Chinese Foreign Policy” (2008), “Chinese Crisis Management of the Embassy Bombing in 1998” (2005).Liu Zuokui, Research Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Director of the Department of Central and Eastern European Studies, Institute of European Studies, CASS, Executive Director of CASS-ALF Center for China Studies(CACCS).??Liu currently serves as the research fellow of the Development Research Center of State Council of China, China Foundation of International Affairs and Research Center of China-EU Relations of the Tsinghua University. He once was the visiting scholar of Mannheim University of Germany (2007), Aoyama Gakuin University of Japan (2009), Polish Institute of International Affairs (2015), Latvian Institute of International Affairs (2017), and Hungarian Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade(2019).His research areas include: Central and Eastern European Studies, China-EU Relations, Balkan Studies, European Integration and etc.Ju Weiwei , is an assistant research fellow at the Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IES, CASS) and Vice Director of the Department of Central and Eastern European Studies, IES, CASS. He has a PhD in History and is a postdoctoral scholar in International Politics. His main research interests include the relationship between China and Central and Eastern European Countries, and international relations of Europe.
