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药学英语(上册)(第6版/本科药学/配增值) 版权信息

药学英语(上册)(第6版/本科药学/配增值) 本书特色

本教材选课文28篇(按专业题材分成14个单元,每个单元2篇文章),每个单元包括单元导入、课文A、习题、思政短文、课文B、医药英语词汇学习以及英汉翻译技巧。 本书为全国高等学校药学类专业第九轮规划教材(国家卫生健康委员会“十四五”规划教材),在上一版的基础上修订而成,对部分章节内容进行了修改完善和进一步优化。同时,本版修订进行了课件等数字化资源的制作,在书稿中以二维码的形式体现。 为了体现药学学科的完整性以及教材内容的适用性,《药学英语》(第6版)上、下册涵盖了药学基础、药学科学、临床药学、制药工程、药物监管等方面,与第5版相比,上册增加了“药品国际注册”单元,下册增加了“药物发现及评价”单元。

药学英语(上册)(第6版/本科药学/配增值) 内容简介


药学英语(上册)(第6版/本科药学/配增值) 目录

Unit One: Physiology and Pathology/1 Text A: Introduction to Physiology/ 2 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: Ivan Petrovich Pavlov/ 10 Text B: General Pathology/ 11 Supplementary Parts/ 16 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (1)/ 16 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语词汇特点与翻译/ 21 Unit Two: Microbiology/ 23 Text A: The Other Side of Antibiotics/ 23 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: Penicillin: An Accidental Discovery Changed the Course of Medicine/ 30 Text B: Microorganisms-Friend and Foe to Human Health/ 32 Supplementary Parts/ 37 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (2): Common Morphemes in Terms of English for Microbiology/ 37 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语句式特点与翻译/ 38 Unit Three: Biochemistry/ 40 Text A: Statins: From Fungus to Pharma/ 41 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: The Creation of Synthetic Crystalline Bovine Insulin/ 51 Text B: Discovery of Insulin, and the Making of a Medical Miracle/ 52 Supplementary Parts/ 58 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (3): Common Morphemes in English Terms for Biology and Biochemistry / 58 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语语篇特点与翻译/ 60 Unit Four: Pharmacology/ 62 Text A: The Scope of Pharmacology/ 62 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: From Heaven to Hell: Heroin's Double-Edged Sword/ 69 Text B: Adverse Drug Reactions/ 70 Supplementary Parts/ 74 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (4): Common Morphemes in Terms of English for Pharmacology/ 74 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语翻译中的直译与意译/ 75 Unit Five: Medicinal Chemistry/ 77 Text A: Lead Compounds/ 78 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: The Green Wormwood Makes a Powerful Eastern Medicine—A Gift from Traditional Chinese Medicine to the World/ 84 Text B: General Principles of Antiviral Agents/ 85 Supplementary Parts/ 91 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (5): Common Morphemes of Colors in Medical and Pharmaceutical English Terms/ 91 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语翻译技巧(1):词性转换/ 91 Unit Six: Pharmaceutics/ 93 Text A: Design of Dosage Forms/ 93 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: The Story of Inhaled Insulin/ 101 Text B: Formulation and Advanced Drug Delivery Systems/ 102 Supplementary Parts/ 106 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (6): Common Morphemes in English Terms for Pharmaceutics/ 106 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语翻译技巧(2):句子成分转换/ 107 Unit Seven: Pharmaceutical Analysis/109 Text A: What Do Analytical Chemists Do?/ 109 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014/ 115 Text B: Applications of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Technique in Current Bioanalysis and Pharmaceutical Analysis/ 116 Supplementary Parts/ 121 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (7): Common Morphemes in English Terms for Pharmaceutical Analysis/ 121 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语翻译技巧(3):增、减词法/ 123 Unit Eight: Natural Products/125 Text A: Drug Discovery and Natural Products/ 126 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: K. K. Chen—Remington Medalist 1965/ 133 Text B: How to Approach the Isolation of a Natural Product?/ 134 Supplementary Parts/ 138 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (8): Common Prefixes in Medical and Pharmaceutical English Terms/ 138 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语翻译技巧(4):解包袱法/ 139 Unit Nine: Biopharmaceuticals/141 Text A: Recent Progress in Biopharmaceutical Development/ 142 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: The Dawn of China Biopharma Innovation/ 153 Text B: mRNA Vaccines for Infectious Diseases: Principles, Delivery, and Clinical Translation/ 154 Supplementary Parts/ 161 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (9): Common Suffixes in Medical and Pharmaceutical English Terms/ 161 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语翻译技巧(5):长句、复杂句翻译法/ 163 Unit Ten: Clinical Pharmacy/165 Text A: Patients, Pharmacists and Practice/ 165 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: Tenets of Professionalism for Pharmacy Students/ 172 Text B: Standards of Practice for Clinical Pharmacists: The Time Has Come/ 173 Supplementary Parts/ 177 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (10): Common Morphemes of Numbers in Medical & Pharmaceutical English Terms/ 177 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语翻译技巧(6):被动句翻译/ 178 Unit Eleven: Drug Regulation/180 Text A: Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)/ 180 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: New Rules in Pipeline to Overhaul e-Healthcare/ 186 Text B: Recent Regulatory Trends in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Their Impact on the Industry/ 188 Supplementary Parts/ 194 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (11): Irregular Singular and Plural Forms of Greek & Latin Endings in Nouns/ 194 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语翻译技巧(7):定语从句翻译/ 194 Unit Twelve: Pharmacopoeia/196 Text A: The United States Pharmacopoeia/ 196 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: FDA Nods for Chinese Cancer Treatment/ 204 Text B: The Calcium Citrate Monograph from USP 2021 Issue 1/ 207 Supplementary Parts/ 211 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (12): Morphemes from Latin and Greek in Medical and Pharmaceutical English Terms/ 211 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语翻译技巧(8):状语从句翻译/ 213 Unit Thirteen: International Pharmaceutical Registration/215 Text A: The Electronic Common Technical Document/ 216 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: Everything Done for Patients Should be Done with Patients/ 224 Text B: Review and Approval of Drugs in China/ 226 Supplementary Parts/ 230 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (13): Common Morphemes in English Terms for Chemistry/ 230 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语翻译技巧(9):名词性从句翻译/ 233 Unit Fourteen: Drug Instructions/235 Text A: The New Drug Package Insert—Implications for Patient Safety/ 235 Value-Oriented Reflective Reading: Elixir Sulfanilamide, A Deadly Mistake That Led to Safer Medicine/ 243 Text B: The Package Insert and Prescription/ 244 Supplementary Parts/ 248 1. Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology (14): Common Morphemes in English Terms for Human Anatomy/ 248 2. English-Chinese Translation Skills: 药学英语翻译中的语篇意识/ 254

药学英语(上册)(第6版/本科药学/配增值) 作者简介

