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北极治理与中国参与(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787552041989
  • 条形码:9787552041989 ; 978-7-5520-4198-9
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

北极治理与中国参与(英文版) 内容简介

The Arctic is a unique region that is vulnerable to global climate change and escalating human activities. The contradiction between exploiting Arctic resources and safeguarding its fragile ecosystem demands concerted governance from the international community. As a non-Arctic state and globally important economy, will China be a positive contributor to Arctic governance? There is a growing academic interest in the issue of China’s engagement in Arctic affairs. Comprehensive and meticulously analyzed, this book constitutes an important contribution to the scholarly discourse on China''''s Arctic policy and practice. It elucidates China''''s perspectives on Arctic governance, China''''s evolving Arctic policy. It probes the intricacies of its Polar Silk Road initiative, Sino-Russian relations in Arctic, and assesses China’s priorities in polar scientific expeditions and international cooperation. It promises to enrich international academic inquiry into the intricate interplay between China and Arctic governance, thereby fostering a deeper understanding of this evolving geopolitical landscape. 北极作为一个特殊的地区,极易受到全球气候变化和日渐增强的人类活动的影响。开发北极资源与保护其脆弱生态系统带来的两难问题,需要国际社会共同应对。作为一个非北极国家和世界重要的经济体,中国能否为北极治理做出积极贡献?基于这样的问题,学术界对中国参与北极事务的兴趣日益浓厚。本书内容全面,分析细致,是中国北极政策与实践研究的重要学术成果。书中阐明了中国对北极治理的看法,以及中国北极政策的转变。同时,书中讨论了中国“冰上丝绸之路”倡议的丰富内涵、中俄在北极事务方面的关系,并分析了中国在极地科考和国际合作上的优势。本书旨在丰富国际学术界对中国参与北极治理情况的研究,进而深化对这一不断变化的地缘政治格局的理解。

北极治理与中国参与(英文版) 目录

Introduction Part I Arctic Governance and International Relations Chapter 1 The “New” Arctic as a Zone of Peaceful Competition Chapter 2 The Arctic Governance and the Interactions between Arctic and Non-Arctic Countries Chapter 3 How Expert Communities Contribute to the Arctic Governance Systems as and beyond Knowledge Holders Part II China’s Artic Policy and Practice Chapter 4 An Interpretation on China’s Arctic Policy Chapter 5 China’s Performance after Being Accepted as An Observer in the Arctic Council Chapter 6 Reforming China’s Polar Science and Technology System Part III Polar Silk Road Chapter 7 China’s International Cooperation within the Framework of the Polar Silk Road Chapter 8 Opportunities and Challenges of Jointly Building of the Polar Silk Road Chapter 9 The Role of Arctic Gas in Sino-Russian Political and Economic Relations Part IV International Cooperations and Innovations Chapter 10 The Role of CNARC in the Cooperations between China and the Nordic Countries Chapter 11 The International Cooperation and Geopolitics around Beringia Chapter 12 Innovations in Marine Technology and the Needs of Arctic Governance Appendix: China’s Arctic Policy (January 2018) 导言 **部分 北极治理与国际关系 **章 作为和平竞争区的“新”北极 第二章 北极治理、北极国家与非北极国家之间的互动 第三章 专家群体在专业领域及其他领域为北极治理体系做出的贡献 第二部分 中国的北极政策与实践 第四章 《中国的北极政策》解读 第五章 作为北极理事会观察员国的中国 第六章 中国极地科技体制改革 第三部分 冰上丝绸之路 第七章 中国在冰上丝绸之路框架下的国际合作 第八章 共建冰上丝绸之路的机遇与挑战 第九章 北极天然气在中俄政治经济关系中的作用 第四部分 国际合作与创新 第十章 中国—北欧北极研究中心在中国与北欧国家合作中的作用 第十一章 白令海周边的国际合作与地缘政治 第十二章 海洋技术创新与北极治理需求 附录: 《中国的北极政策》白皮书(2018 年 1 月)

北极治理与中国参与(英文版) 作者简介

Yang Jian is a Senior Fellow at Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS), Director of the Institute for International Organization and Global Governance at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and Vice Chairman of the Pacific Society of China. He is also Deputy Director of the China-Nordic Arctic Research Center, a member of the Arctic Circle Mission Council on Global Arctic and Chairman of the Academic Steering Committee of the Polar Research Center at South China Business College (SCBC). 杨剑,上海国际问题研究院高级研究员,上海财经大学国际组织与全球治理研究院院长,中国太平洋学会副会长,中国—北欧北极研究中心副主任,北极圈论坛全球北极代表理事会成员,广东外语外贸大学南国商学院极地问题研究中心学术委员会主席。
