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新时代中国人权的理念与实践 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787516672488
  • 条形码:9787516672488 ; 978-7-5166-7248-8
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

新时代中国人权的理念与实践 本书特色


新时代中国人权的理念与实践 内容简介


新时代中国人权的理念与实践 目录

导 论 为了人民幸福生活 当代中国人权观的实践和理论探索 导 言 **章 讲生存 讲发展 有尊严 有幸福 ——当代中国人权观的实践基础 1.1 破除14 亿人的“人权*大障碍” 1.2 协调推进“整体人权” 1.3 促进高标准“平等人权” 1.4 全面参与全球人权治理 第二章 人民幸福生活是*大的人权 ——当代中国人权观的理论内涵 2.1 当代中国人权观的核心理念、民主要义、民生追求 2.2 当代中国人权观的认识论、实践论、辩证法 2.3 当代中国人权观的目标定位、法治路径、评价标准 2.4 当代中国人权观的世界情怀 第三章 探索尊重和保障人权新境界 ——当代中国人权观的借鉴意义 结 语 For a Life of Contentment The Rationale for China's Human Rights Development Introduction Chapter 1 The Basics: Rights to Subsistence, Development, Dignity and Happiness 1.1 Removing the "biggest obstacle to human rights" for 1.4 billion people 1.2 Promoting "holistic human rights" in a coordinated way 1.3 Promoting high standards of "equal human rights" 1.4 Fully participating in global human rights governance Chapter 2 The Rationale: Living a Life of Contentment is the Ultimate Human Right 2.1 The core philosophy, the principle of democracy, and the focus on people's livelihoods 2.2 The theoretical rationale 2.3 The objective, law-based governance, and the evaluation criteria 2.4 Global vision Chapter 3 The Implications: Exploring New Dimensions in Respecting and Protecting Human Rights Conclusion 为了更加美好的世界 从人权视角看共建“一带一路”这十年 前 言 **章 倡议实现共同发展,促进人人得享人权 1.1 共建“一带一路”:发展权实现的新路径新方案 1.2 共建“一带一路”:以合作促发展、以发展促人权的 实践范本 / 063 1.3 共建“一带一路”为推进全球人权治理贡献了中国智慧 第二章 让生命更有尊严:促进共建国家民众生存权的保障 2.1 助力满足基本生活需求 2.2 促进实现工作权利 2.3 提升居民收入水平 2.4 改善医疗健康条件 第三章 让生活更有质量:推动共建国家民众发展权的实现 3.1 改善居民生活条件 3.2 提升教育水平 3.3 支持公共文化建设 3.4 尊重宗教习俗 3.5 保护生态环境 第四章 让发展更加普惠:推动特定群体平等共享共建成果 4.1 促进妇女权益保障 4.2 关注儿童权益 4.3 关心残疾人权益 第五章 共建“一带一路”对全球人权治理的启示 5.1 以民为本 5.2 合作发展 5.3 开放包容 5.4 公平公正 结 语 For a Better World Looking at the past decade of jointly pursuing the 'Belt and Road' Initiative from a human rights perspective Introduction Chapter 1 Initiatives Aiming to Achieve Common Development and Promote the Enjoyment of Human Rights for AllJointly pursuing the "Belt and Road" Initiative provides new paths andapproaches to achieve the right to developmentJointly pursuing the "Belt and Road" Initiative provides a practical model forpromoting development through cooperation and advancing human rights through developmentJointly pursuing the "Belt and Road" Initiative has contributed Chinese wisdomto advancing global human rights governance Chapter 2 Enhancing Dignity of Life: Promoting the Protection of the Right to Life for the People of the "Belt and Road" Partner Countries Facilitating the satisfaction of basic life necessities Promoting the realization of the right to work Raising the income levels of people Improving healthcare conditionsChapter 3 Improving the Quality of Life: Promoting the Realization of the Right to Development of the People in the "Belt and Road" Partner CountriesImproving living conditions Enhancing education standards Supporting public cultural development Respecting religious customs Protecting the ecological environmentChapter 4 Making Development More Universally Beneficial: Guaranteeing Special Groups' Equal Access to the Results of the Cooperative Construction of the "Belt and Road" Promoting the protection of women's rights and interests Paying attention to children's rights and welfare Caring for the rights of disabled individualsChapter 5 The Relevancy of the Joint Pursuit of the "Belt and Road" Initiative for Global Human Rights Governance Putting people first Promoting cooperative development Embracing openness and inclusivity Upholding fairness and justiceConclusion 后 记 Afterword

新时代中国人权的理念与实践 作者简介

