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味道中国:冷菜制作(高等职业教育烹饪工艺与营养专业教材) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787518442270
  • 条形码:9787518442270 ; 978-7-5184-4227-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

味道中国:冷菜制作(高等职业教育烹饪工艺与营养专业教材) 内容简介

冷菜是中国烹调工艺中重要的一部分内容,其制作技艺多样、用料取材广泛、菜品内容丰富,体现了中国饮食文化的博大精深。全书共分为四章,分别是冷菜基础知识、中式冷菜制作设备、中式冷菜制作技法和冷菜制作菜品 实例。前三章为理论知识,详细描述了冷菜的相关知识,第四章为菜品制作实例,图文并茂,分步骤详细讲解了每一道冷菜的制作过程,部分菜品配有制作视频,扫描书内二维码即可获取。 本书是烹饪专业中英双语教材,既可以作为高等职业教育烹饪工艺与营养专业教材,也可以作为烹饪行业从业人员参考用书。

味道中国:冷菜制作(高等职业教育烹饪工艺与营养专业教材) 目录

**章 冷菜基础知识

Fundamentals of Cold Dishes

**节 冷菜的概述

Introduction of Cold Dishes

第二节 冷菜工艺的制作要求

Preparation Requirements of Cold Dishes Technology

第三节 冷菜的卫生控制管理

Hygiene Control Management of Cold Dishes

第二章 冷菜制作设备

Utensils and Kitchen Devices for Cold Dishes

**节 冷菜制作的主要工具

Major Utensils for Cold Dishes

第二节 冷菜制作的设备

Kitchen Devices for Cold Dishes

第三章 冷菜制作技法

Cooking Methods of Cold Dishes

**节 冷菜制作技法分类

Classifications of Cold Dishes Cooking Methods

第二节 冷菜常用制作技法

Common Cooking Methods of Cold Dishes

第四章 冷菜制作菜品实例

Recipes of Cold Dishes

**节 蔬菜类冷菜制作

Preparation of Vegetable Cold Dishes

第二节 豆制品类冷菜制作

Preparation of Soybean Cold Dishes

第三节 鸡肉类冷菜制作

Preparation of Chicken Cold Dishes

第四节 鸭肉类冷菜制作

Preparation of Duck Cold Dishes

第五节 牛肉类冷菜制作

Preparation of Beef Cold Dishes

第六节 鱼肉类冷菜制作

Preparation of Fish Cold Dishes

第七节 猪肉类冷菜制作

Preparation of Pork Cold Dishes

第八节 河鲜类冷菜制作

Preparation of Aquatic Cold Dishes

第九节 海鲜类冷菜制作

Preparation of Seafood Cold Dishes

第十节 混合类冷菜制作

Preparation of Assorted Cold Dishes




味道中国:冷菜制作(高等职业教育烹饪工艺与营养专业教材) 节选

“一带一路”倡议为中国美食发展提供了巨大助力,中餐烹饪作为中国的一张美食金名片,为“一带一路”沿线国家,了解中国文化、品尝中国美食提供帮助。沿线国家可以充分利用现有的有利条件,深入餐饮文化交流,助力国家经济社会发展。2008年开始浙江省归国华侨联合会、杭州市餐饮行业协会都积极推动浙菜走出国门,举办“讲好中国故事,做好中国菜肴”美食交流活动,加速中餐业发展走向世界,让世界人民了解中餐美食,学习中餐制作方法。2019年12月,浙江旅游职业学院厨艺学院10名同学赴塞尔维亚的中塞旅游学院交流一个 月,并展示中国美食技艺、传播中华美食文化。在这些对外交流的过程中,我们发现,缺少相关的教材,尤其是适用于境外国家和地区的英文教材,给我们对外交流带来了诸多不便。因此,浙江旅游职业学院厨艺学院联合杭州西湖国宾馆等企业共同开发了“味道中国”系列中英文双语教材。 One Belt and One Road Initiative has generated a strong impetus for the promotion of Chinese cuisine overseas. Through Chinese cooking, a golden name card for Chinese cuisine, an opportunity is provided for the countries along the Belt and Road to improve their understanding of Chinese culture and sample the delights of Chinese cuisine. The countries along the routes should take full advantage to facilitate in-depth exchanges of food culture and boost social and economic development. Since 2008, the Zhejiang Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, together with the Hangzhou Catering Industry Association, has actively promoted Zhejiang cuisine to go abroad, and hosted food and culture exchanges themed with “Telling Chinese Stories and Making Chinese Dishes” to accelerate the globalization of Chinese catering industry and enable people of the world to know Chinese cuisine and to learn Chinese cooking. In December 2019, 10 students from the School of Culinary Arts of Tourism College of Zhejiang went to Sino-Serbia Tourism Institute in Serbia for a one-month exchange program. During the program, they demonstrated the arts of Chinese cooking and spread the culture of Chinese cuisine. In the course of international cooperation and exchange, the lack of textbooks for Chinese cuisine, especially English textbooks for foreign countries and regions, has posed problems for our communication. Therefore, the School of Culinary Arts of Tourism College of Zhejiang, West Lake State Guesthouse and other enterprises jointly developed a series of Chinese-English bilingual textbooks named “A Taste of China”. 中餐在国外受欢迎情况 The Popularity of Chinese Cuisine Abroad 据相关数据统计,目前海外中餐馆数量超过40万家。海外中餐馆的经营,已经渐渐开始从华人的谋生手段向规模化经营转变,越来越多的国内餐饮企业也已开始进军海外。同时,为维护中餐业发展的健康环境和合法权益,抱团发展,遍布世界各地的中餐行业组织近年来也雨后春笋般不断出现和发展,为海外中餐业的生存与发展创造了很好的环境生态,也为中国餐饮企业进军海外市场,充当“领路人”和“参谋官”的重要角色。关于中餐品牌的连锁化、中餐烹饪技艺的标准化问题,成为中餐海外发展的重点研究课题。 According to statistics, there are more than 400,000 Chinese restaurants overseas. Chinese restaurant, which used to be a means of earning a living for overseas Chinese, has gradually become a large-scale industry. More and more domestic catering companies have begun their business in foreign markets. At the same time, in order to maintain a healthy environment and legitimate rights and interests of the development of the Chinese food industry, and develop in a group, Chinese food industry organizations all over the world have sprung up and developed in recent years, creating a good environment for the survival and development of overseas Chinese food industry, and also serving as an important role of “guide” and “staff officer” for Chinese food and beverage enterprises to enter overseas markets. The development of chain stores for Chinese restaurant brands and the standardization of Chinese food cooking are two keys to Chinese cuisine promotion overseas. 在塞尔维亚,浙江旅游职业学院厨艺学院的同学们在其首都贝尔格莱德给到场嘉宾制作了中国传统宴席,受到了到场嘉宾的一致好评,嘉宾们接连发出“amazing”的声音,新华社、人民网、学习强国等媒体平台对此进行了相关报道。在上课的过程中,塞尔维亚的老师经常让学生制作中国菜肴来品尝。在当地,中餐馆更是数不胜数,往往餐厅里都挤满人,有的餐厅甚至成了当地的网红餐厅。 In Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, students from the School of Culinary Arts of Tourism College of Zhejiang cooked traditional Chinese banquets for the guests, which is highly praised. Media including Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily Online and Xuexi. cn reported the event. In the class, Serbian teachers often ask Chinese students to make Chinese dishes for them to taste, while here in local, there are countless Chinese restaurants crowded with people, some of which are well received all over the social media. 未来,从打开国门到走出国门是中国餐饮必然的发展方向。“一带一路”覆盖了全球约2/3的人口,影响力可见一斑。这加快了我国餐饮行业与国际接轨,走向全球市场的步伐。 It is a trend for the domestic catering industry to run business in the international markets. The Belt and Road Initiative covers about 2/3 population of the world, which has accelerated the pace of China’s catering industry towards the global market.

味道中国:冷菜制作(高等职业教育烹饪工艺与营养专业教材) 作者简介

程礼安,浙江旅游职业学院厨艺学院烹饪工艺与营养教研室主任、讲师,中式烹调高级技师、中国烹饪名师、浙江省烹饪大师、杭菜表演大师,中式烹调国家级技能竞赛三级裁判员,中式烹调高级考评员。 金晓阳,浙江旅游职业学院厨艺学院院长、副教授、中式烹调高级技师、中国烹饪大师、浙江工匠、浙江省技术能手,国家级大赛注册裁判员,国家级“金晓阳厨艺传承大师工作室”领办人。 王玉宝,浙江旅游职业学院厨艺学院副院长,副教授,中式烹调高级技师,中式烹调国家级技能竞赛二级裁判员,中式烹调高级考评员,中国烹饪名师,浙江烹饪大师。
