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Underwater Acoustic Channel=水下声信道

Underwater Acoustic Channel=水下声信道

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Underwater Acoustic Channel=水下声信道 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787566135797
  • 条形码:9787566135797 ; 978-7-5661-3579-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Underwater Acoustic Channel=水下声信道 内容简介

这本书在水声物理和声纳工程设计之间架起了一座“桥梁”。在通信理论方面,以工程技术人员能够理解的数学方法,深入系统地讨论了水声信道的描述方法、特性及其对水声系统的影响。本书共分九章,主要内容有:基本综述和声纳方程,海洋声矢量声学的基本概念,平均能量信道,相干多径信道,随机时变空间信道理论基础,慢时变相干多径信道特性,混响信道,对于主动声纳目标识别问题,本书还进一步研究了主动声纳目标的信道特性。 本书是一本关于水声信道的专著,可供从事水声领域的相关技术人员参考。

Underwater Acoustic Channel=水下声信道 目录

1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Mechanical Vibration
1.3 Basic Concepts of Sound Wave
1.4 Ohm's Law of Acoustics
1.5 Basic Concepts of Vector Acoustics
1.6 Sonar System and Acoustic Channel Model
1.7 Sonar Equation
2 Average Energy Channel
2.1 Sound Velocity in Seawater
2.2 Sound Absorption in Seawater
2.3 Marine Environmental Noise
2.4 Seabed Reflection Loss
2.5 Ray Acoustic in Layered Media
2.6 Sound Lines and Fields in Constant Gradient Water Layer
2.7 Deep Sea Sound Transmission Mode and Spreading Loss
2.8 Pekeries Model in Shallow Water
3 Coherent Multipath Channel
3.1 System Functions of Coherent Multipath Channel
3.2 Correlator and Matched Filter
3.3 Signal Ambiguity Function
3.4 Response of Copy Correlator in Coherent Multipath Channel
3.5 Adaptive Correlator
3.6 Response of Adaptive Correlator in Coherent Multipath Channel
3.7 Cross Correlation in Coherent Multipath Channel
3.8 Normal Wave Vertical Filtering for Near Field Interference Suppression [4]
3.9 Interference Structure of Low Frequency Short Range Sound Field
3.10 Sound Pressure Time Reversal Mirror
3.11 Vector Time Reversal Mirror
4 Theoretical Basis of Random Time-Varying Space-Varying
4.1 General Concept and Description of Random Sound Field
4.2 Acoustic Signal Fluctuation
4.3 System Function of Time Varying Channel
4.4 System Function of Random Time-Varying Channel
4.5 Generalized Stationary Channel (WSS Channel), Uncorrelated Scattering Channel (US Channel) [4]
4.6 Generalized Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering Channel (WSSUS Channel)
4.7 Scattering Function
4.8 Coherence Function
4.9 Directivity Function of Array
4.10 Random Space Variant Channel
4.11 Physical Model of Passive Sonar
4.12 Response of Linear Array in Random Space-Varying Channel
5 Slow Time-Varying Coherent Multipath Channel
5.1 Experimental Results of Scattering Function
5.2 Measurement Method of Channel Coherence--Inter Pulse Correlation Method
5.3 Modified Matching of Shallow Water Coherent Multipath Channel with Slow Time Variation
5.4 Modified Correlation Matching for Deep Sea Coherent Channel
5.5 Response of Adaptive Correlator in Slow Time-Varying Coherent Multipath Channel
5.6 System Function of Moving Sound Source in Coherent Channel
5.7 Loss of Cross-Correlation During Target Motion
6 Reverberation Channel
6.1 Average Characteristics of Reverberation
6.2 Scattering Function of Reverberation
6.3 Doppler Spread of Reverberation Spectrum
6.4 Other Statistical Characteristics of Reverberation
6.5 Anti-reverberation
7 Active Sonar Target Channel
7.1 Point Targets
7.2 Coherent Point Target Channel
7.3 Multiple Highlight Target Model
7.4 General Characteristics of Submarine Target Strength
8 Coherent Structure of Shallow Acoustic Field
8.1 Coherent Structure of Short-Range Sound Field in Shallow Water [1]
8.2 The Interference Structure of Normal Wave Sound Field in Shallow Water Waveguide
8.3 Waveguide Invariants β
9 Examples in Application
9.1 The Optimum Operating Frequency of Interrogation Transponder
9.2 Passive Sonar Range Estimation
9.3 Fundamentals of Three Element Array Passive Ranging Sonar
9.4 Passive Detection Principle of Single Vector Sensor
9.5 Moving Target Detector