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碳达峰碳中和的中国之道(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787522316727
  • 条形码:9787522316727 ; 978-7-5223-1672-7
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

碳达峰碳中和的中国之道(英文版) 内容简介


碳达峰碳中和的中国之道(英文版) 目录

Chapter 1 The Proposal and Conceptual Connotations of Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality Goals
Ⅰ.The proposal of Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality Goals
Ⅱ.Scientific Basis for Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality Goals
Ⅲ.The Main Experiences and Practices of Developed Countries in Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Ⅳ.Strategic Significance of China's Proposal of Emission Peak and Carbon
Neutrality Goals
Chapter 2 The Practice Roadmap to Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Ⅰ.Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality is a Wide-ranging and Profound Social Change
Ⅱ.Promote Whole-chain and Full Lifecycle Energy Revolution
Ⅲ.Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emitted by Industrial "Processes" and Improve the Energy Use Efficiency
Ⅳ.Action on Emission Peak in Other Key Areas and Their Orientation
Ⅴ.Advocate a Green and Low-carbon Way of Living
Ⅵ.Countermeasures to Promote Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Chapter 3 Energy Base for Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Ⅰ.The "Dual Carbon" Goals Featuring Energy Transition
Ⅱ.Current Situation of China's Energy Transition
Ⅲ.Direction of Energy Transition Under the "Dual Carbon" Goals
Chapter 4 Investment Demand for Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Ⅰ.Investment Opporttmities Brought by the "Dual Carbon" Goals
Ⅱ.Priority Areas for New Investment for Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Ⅲ.Investment and Financing Mechanism to Ensure the Realization of "Dual Carbon" Goals
Chapter 5 Technological Innovations for Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Ⅰ.R&D of Emission Peak and Carbon Neutral Technology will Begin a New Wave of Global Competition in Science and Technology
Ⅱ.Emission Peak and Carbon Neutral Technology is a Systematic Technical System Covering Low-carbon, Zero-carbon and Carbon Negative Technologies
Ⅲ.The Policy System for Emission Peak and Carbon Neutral Technological Innovation is Taking Shape
Ⅳ.Achievements and Challenges Coexist in Emission Peak and Carbon Neutral Technology Development
Ⅴ.Development Path of Typical Technologies Inspires Future Technological Innovation for Carbon Neutrality
Ⅵ.Main Direction of Future Technological Innovation for Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Ⅶ.The System for Promoting Emission Peak and Carbon Neutral Technology
Chapter 6 Change of Consumption in the Context of Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Ⅰ.Follow the Global Trend of Low-carbon Consumption
Ⅱ.Deepen Understanding of Low-carbon Consumption
Ⅲ.Low-carbon Consumption Practice-Foods, Clothings, Housings Transportation and other Daily Necessities
Ⅳ.China is Acting to Cultivate a Low-carbon Consumption Model
Ⅴ.Multiple Strategies to Spur Low-carbon Consumption
Chapter 7 Comprehensive Economic and Social Response in the Context of Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Ⅰ.Study and Formulate Plan, and Put Forward a Roadmap for Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Ⅱ.Improve the Economic Policy System in Response to Climate Change
Ⅲ.Improve Technical Policies to Support Green, Circular and Low-carbon Development
Ⅳ.Promote System Building for Green and Low-carbon Standards
Ⅴ.Increase Investment in Green and Low-carbon Development Related to Carbon Emission Reduction
Ⅵ.Develop Green Finance and Support Related Technologies and Industries
Ⅶ.Improve Institutional Arrangements for the Development of the Carbon Market
Ⅷ.Enact laws and Regulations to Tackle Climate Change, and Promote the Realization of the "Dual Carbon" Goals in Accordance with the Law
Ⅸ.Build an Ecological Culture in Society to Enhance Public Awareness and Capacity to Tackle Climate Change
Chapter 8 Carbon Pricing Mechanism for Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality
Ⅰ.Carbon Pricing Mechanism
Ⅱ.Classic Cases of the Pricing Mechanism of the Carbon Market
Ⅲ.A Classic Case of Carbon Tax Pricing Mechanism
Ⅳ.Outlook of Carbon Pricing Mechanism as China Moves Towards Emission P

碳达峰碳中和的中国之道(英文版) 作者简介

