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中国教育政策评论 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787576034301
  • 条形码:9787576034301 ; 978-7-5760-3430-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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中国教育政策评论 本书特色

本书为论文集,由《华东师大教育评论(英文)》(ECNU Review of Education)期刊"Policy Review"(政策评论)栏目的论文汇编而成。这些论文主要发表对重大教育政策提供批判性和及时性的述评,包括简要的历史背景介绍、该政策实施现状与未来影响分析。《华东师大教育评论(英文)》(ECNU Review of Education)是由华东师范大学创办的开放获取、国际同行评议期刊,每季出版一期,旨在促进各相关方之间开展深入对话,致力于构建全球性学术共同体。其刊登的论文在SAGE平台上可免费获取,论文的研究价值可传遍全球,引领中国教育走向世界。

中国教育政策评论 内容简介

本书为论文集,由ECNU Review of Education期刊"Policy Review"(政策评论)栏目的论文汇编而成。这些论文主要发表对重大教育政策提供批判性和及时性的述评,包括简要的历史背景介绍、该政策实施现状与未来影响分析,涵盖了中国近期新的教育政策和一般评论,包括从基础教育到高等教育、学校治理到课程教学的各个领域。此外,所有论文均由相关领域的专家撰写。这本综合性、多方面的论文集向读者介绍了中国的各种教育政策,包括其具体背景、核心内容、历史轨迹和未来前景。

中国教育政策评论 目录

Dual Priority Agenda: China's Model for Modernizing Education
Chinese Educational Policy Research: The Arduous Formation of a Research Paradigm
Overview of Education
New National Initiatives of Modernizing Education in China
Post-PISA Education Reforms in China: Policy Response Beyond the Digital Governance of PISA
China's Experiences in Developing Lifelong Education, 1978- 2017
China's Preschool Education Toward 2035: Views of Key Policy Experts
China-Africa Education Cooperation: From FOCAC to Belt and Road
Higher Education for International Students in China: A Review of Policy From 1978 to 2020
Comparison of Female Teachers in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Education: China and the World
Basic Education
Making Teaching an Enviable Profession: New Epoch-Making Teacher Policy in China and Challenges
Review of Regulatory Policies on Private Supplementary Tutoring in China
School Choice in China: Past, Present, and Future
Competence for Students' Future: Curriculum Change and Policy Redesign in China
From Scale to Quality: Experiences and Challenges in Teacher Education in China
Accelerated Move for AI Education in China
Refreshing China's Labor Education in the New Era: Policy Review on Education Through Physical Labor
China's New Laws and Policies on Nongovernmental Education: Background, Characteristics, and Impact Analysis
Education Informatization 2.0 in China: Motivation, Framework, and Vision
Education Quality Assessment in China: What We Learned From Official Reports Released in 2018 and 2019
Moral Education Curriculum Reform for China's Elementary and Middle Schools in the Twenty-First Century: Past Progress and Future Prospects
Higher Education
The "Double First Class" Initiative Under Top-Level Design
The Composition and Evolution of China's High-Level Talent Programs in Higher Education
Policy-Driven Development and the Strategic Initiative of One-Million Enrollment Expansion in China's Higher Vocational Education
Suzhi Education and General Education in China
Review and Critique on the New Higher Education Policy Promoting "The First-Class Major Programs" in China
Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Research in China's Colleges: A Review of Policy Reforms, 2000 -2020
China's SCI-Indexed Publications: Facts, Feelings, and Future Directions
Reflections on the Use of SSCI Papers in Evaluating Social Sciences Research in Chinese Universities
The Greater Bay Area (GBA) Development Strategy and Its Relevance to Higher Education
Eight-Year Medical Education Program: Retrospect and Prospect of the High- Level Medical Talent Training in China
Notes on Contributors

中国教育政策评论 作者简介

陈霜叶,教授,华东师范大学课程与教学研究所副所长,东方学者,紫江青年学者。共出版了超过30篇论文与书籍篇章。共发表了9篇英文国际期刊论文,其中6篇为第一作者或独立作者,5篇为SSCI论文,4篇在SJR一区期刊上发表; 7个国际学术书籍的篇章(chapters),其中三篇发表在三本研究手册上,均由Springer或Routledge出版社出版;自2004年开始发表16篇CSSCI论文,5篇由《人大报刊复印资料》转载,一篇由《新华文摘》全文转载。
