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世界怎么办?共话人类命运共同体(英文平装) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119132792
  • 条形码:9787119132792 ; 978-7-119-13279-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

世界怎么办?共话人类命运共同体(英文平装) 内容简介

本书从“疫情下的世界经济复苏”“疫情催生仝球治理变革”“疫情下的国际冲突与合作”“后疫情时代:构建人类命运共同体” 等方面,帮助读者了解疫情背景下的世界经济前膽和全球治理,认识全球共同战 “疫”的必要性,思考世界各国之间的对话与合作,读懂人类命运共同体的智慧与意义。 Including four chapters - Global Economic Recovery amid Covid-19, Pandemic Triggers Reform in Global Governance, International Conflicts and Cooperation amid Covid-19, and A Global Community of Shared Future in the Post-Pandemic Era - this book will give readers an idea of the trend of world economy and global governance amid the epidemic. It explains the necessity of concerted efforts in fighting Covid-19, reflects on the dialogue and cooperation among countries, and expounds on the significance of the global community of shared future.

世界怎么办?共话人类命运共同体(英文平装) 目录

Chapter One Global Economic Recovery amid Covid-19
Pandemic and Response: Economy, Security, and Identity
Vision of the Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery
Respond to Global Economic Uncertainty with Synergy and Resilience
Multilateral Cooperation, Key to the Success in Fighting Pandemic and Economic Recovery
We Need the WTO More Than Ever
A Path to Prosperity in Post-Pandemic Economy
Chapter Two Pandemic Triggers Reform in Global Governance
Covid-19 Presents an Unprecedented Challenge to the International Political System
Global Governance Can Only Be Enhanced Through Cooperation
Global Cooperation Can Turn the Covid-19 Crisis into an Opportunity for Reform, Growth and Progress
Cultural Concerns During the Pandemic: the Power to Heal, to Recover and to Mobilize
Reshape the Post-Pandemic World: Globalization for All Civilizations as Equals
Build a Win-Win Cooperative Future Through the Fight Against the Pandemic
"Return of the Government" Calls for Common Development
Chapter Three International Conflicts and Cooperation amid Covid-19
Historic Inspiration from the Covid-19 Pandemic: Unity Instead of Antagonism
Countries May Learn from and Cooperate with Each Other in the Crisis
China Champions Multilateralism
The Core Elements of Multilateralism
Solidarity, the Key to International Relations
The Future of Humanity Depends on Multilateral Cooperation
We Should Actively Participate in Reconstructing Multilateralism
We Must Respond to Common Challenges
Chapter Four A Global Community of Shared Future in the Post-Pandemic Era
Win-Win Globalization in the Post-Pandemic Era
Understand the World of Mutual Dependence in the Covid-19 Pandemic
The World Must Reach a Consensus on the Future of Humanity After the Covid-19 Pandemic
The World Needs to Understand Our Shared Future
Learn to Sce Ourselves as Members of the Global Community of Shared Future
Solving Common Problems Is the Responsibility and Value of a Global Community of Shared Future
Growing Together – Towards a New, Energetic World
1921·1971·2021 - International Order, Humanity's Future and China's Role

世界怎么办?共话人类命运共同体(英文平装) 作者简介

