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干细胞与再生医学(英文汉文)/药学前沿系列丛书 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787306075413
  • 条形码:9787306075413 ; 978-7-306-07541-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

干细胞与再生医学(英文汉文)/药学前沿系列丛书 内容简介


干细胞与再生医学(英文汉文)/药学前沿系列丛书 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction to Stem Cell Biology **章 干细胞生物学概述
1 Stem Cell Research Timeline--Highlights
1.1 Stem Cell Research History
1.2 The Turning Point in Stem Cell Therapy
2 Introduction of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells
3 Types and Origin of Stem Cell
3.1 Stem Cell Classification Based on Differentiation Potential
3.2 Stem Cell Classification Based on Origin
4 Stem Cells and Their Niches
5 Application of Stem Cells
5.1 Stem Cells Used in Regenerative Medicine
5.2 Stem Cells for Drug Screening and Development in Laboratory
5.3 A Muhidisciplinary Field
6 Challenges and Requirements
Chapter 2 Isolation and Identification of Stem Cells 第二章 干细胞的分离与鉴定
1 Embryonic Stem Cells
1.1 Genetic Modification Approaches and Potential Applications
1.2 Methods for Genetic Manipulation
2 Mesenchymal Stem Cells
2.1 Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Human Adipose Tissue
2.2 Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Human Bone Marrow
3 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
3.1 Integrating Vectors
3.2 Non-DNA Reprogramming
4 Aduit Neural Stem Ceils
4.1 Neural Stem Cells:Origins and Functions
4.2 AduIt Brains Can Generate New Neurons
4.3 AduIt Neural Stem Cells:Implications for Therapy
5 Experimental Method
5.1 Materials
5.2 Methods
Chapter 3 Stem Cells and Human Diseases 第三章 干细胞与人类疾病
1 Stem Cell Therapy for Neurological Disorders
1.1 Neural Stem Cells
1.2 Hematopoietic Stem Cells
1.3 Mesenchymal Stem Cells
2 Stem Cell Therapy in Heart Diseases
2.1 Stem Cell—Based Therapies
2.2 Brief Summary
3 Stem Cell Therapy in Diabetes Mellitus
3.1 B-Cell Replacement
3.2 Embryonic Stem Cells
3.3 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
3.4 Mesenchymal Stem Cells
3.5 Brief Summary
4 Stem Cell Therapy in Osteoarthritis
4.1 Stem Cell Therapy
4.2 Route of Administration
5 Stem Cell Therapy in Wound Healing
5.1 Stages of Wound
5.2 Chronic Wounds
5.3 Types of Stem Cells
5.4 Brief Summary
Chapter 4 Stem Cell/Stem Cell Niche and Tissue Regeneration 第四章 干细胞/干细胞微环境与组织再生
1 Introduction to Stem Cell Niche
1.1 Definition
1.2 Components of the Niche
1.3 Niche Factors
1.4 Recap
2 Introduction to Tissue Engineering for Regeneration Medicine
2.1 Manipulating of the Niche for Regenerative
2.2 The Design of Stem Cell Niche
2.3 Synthetic Niches in Vivo
2.4 Ligand Immobilization
2.5 Tissue Engineering
2.6 Scaffold
2.7 Question
Chapter 5 Cancer Stem Cells 第五章 肿瘤干细胞
1 Introduction to Cancer Stem Cells
1.1 Definition
1.2 Characteristics
1.3 Mechanism of Cancer Stem Cell Resistance to Therapy
1.4 Origin of Cancer Stem Cells
1.5 Characterize Cancer Stem Cells
1.6 Cancer Stem Cells Markers
1.7 Isolation of Cancer Stem Cells
1.8 The Correlation Between Cancer Stem Cells.Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Vasculogenic Mimicy Formation
2 The Cancer Stem Cell Niche
2.1 Niche Components
2.2 Niche Fartots
2.3 Cancer Stem CeUs Derived from Mouse Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells When Exposed to a Malignant Niche
2.4 Importance of Cancer Stem Cell Niche
3 Challenges and Approaches in Cancer Stem Ceils Research
3.1 Challenges
3.2 Approaches in Cancer Stem Cells Research
Chapter 6 Organoids 第六章 类器官
1 Introduction to Organoids
1.1 Definition
1.2 Development of Organoids
1.3 Origin of Organoids
1.4 The Culture of Organoids
1.5 The Composition of Organoids
1.6 Identification of Organoids
1.7 The Comparison of Organoids wit

干细胞与再生医学(英文汉文)/药学前沿系列丛书 作者简介

程芳,博士,中山大学“百人计划”学术带头人,副教授,PI, 博士研究生导师,中山大学药学院(深圳)临床药学与管理药学教研室副主任、“精准化医疗和再生医学研究团队”共同负责人。
