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一路同行:中国共产党对外交往100个故事(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119131825
  • 条形码:9787119131825 ; 978-7-119-13182-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

一路同行:中国共产党对外交往100个故事(英文版) 本书特色

"★本书为迎接党的二十大胜利召开的精品之作,向国际展现出多元、立体、真实的中国以及中国共产党面貌。 ★本书用朴实的语言,真实展现了中国共产党同国际社会历史密切交往中曾发生过的感人事迹。无论是革命时期还是新时代,中国的迅猛发展也离不开国际友人的鼎力相助,国际和平发展也离不开中国一直以来的坚守与担当,这些故事既是中国的故事,也是世界的故事。 ★郑必坚、福田康夫、张维为、尤里·塔夫罗夫斯基、陈晋、罗伯特·劳伦斯·库恩重点推荐读物。 "

一路同行:中国共产党对外交往100个故事(英文版) 内容简介


一路同行:中国共产党对外交往100个故事(英文版) 目录

Revolution: Fight for a Bright Future
I Felt a Vibrant Hope, Passion and the Unbeatable Strength of Mankind
This Army Is the Hope of China and Asia
China Is Where I Wanted to Stay Forever
I've Fallen in Love with Your Cause
He Is the Representation of Peasants Who Account for 80 Percent of the Population in His Country
The Hope of China's War of Resistance Lies in the Northwest
Foreigners Begin to Know More About China
I Shall Never Forget You, Yan'an
CPC Has Won the Respect and Cooperation of the People
Yan'an Was the Shape of Things to Come in China
CPC Kindled Hope for Many Young People
Yan'an Is the Beacon and Hope for the Chinese People
Here I See China's Hope
Yan'an: A "Lab of Democracy"
The Happiest and Most Meaningful Two Years in My Life
A Communist Sharing a Close Bond with the People
Has Enormous Courage and Strength
I Had Some Pretty Swell People to Learn From
The Eighth Route Army Treats Us as Friends,
Brothers and Comrades
As if I'm from the Outer Space, But I Feel Very
Much at Home
China's Cause is My Own Cause
Friendship Witnessed by the Sky
Stories of Separation and Reunion in China-Japan Friendship
The Governments and Armies are Genuinely of the People
The CPC: Representing the Fundamental Interests of the Masses
A Bright Future Lies Ahead, But Not Without Twists and Turns
I Heard the Last Artillery Fire of the Huaihai Campaign

Reconstruction: The Song of the Land of China
Reform: Shared Development
The New Eta: A Shared Future

一路同行:中国共产党对外交往100个故事(英文版) 节选

  《一路同行:中国共产党对外交往100个故事(英)》:  Commending the CPC-led guerrilla war in enemy-occupied areas, the British journalist James M. Bertram said that when China, an armed nation and a powerful wakening force, rallies behind the right leader, no army in the world would be able to defeat it.  On December 12, 1936, when Berttam learned of the Xi'an Incident, he realized it was a rare news opportunity. As a journalist, he was eager to go to the front line and tell the world what was going on there. With the help of Edgar Snow, Bertram arrived in Xi'an and reported the Incident for 44 days, making him the only Western journalist who was on the ground during the whole incident. Shortly after that, his book, First Act in China: The Story of the Sian Mutiny, was published in 1937. This is the only book written by a foreigner on the Xi'an Incident. It gives an objective and impartial account of what really happened and the CPC's policy of peacefully settling the Xi'an Incident.  In the book, Berttam presented as they were what the main figures in the Xi'an Incident said and thought. In an interview, Yang Hucheng, a key figure in the incident, said with strong determination that, in face of such a serious national crisis, every political party should put its own interests aside and rally behind the anti-Japanese banner to form a national united front against Japanese imperialism. Yang did not see "united front" as merely a slogan, but something totally within teach in China at the time.  Bertram was thrilled about the slogan. He made speeches to tell the public about the Xi'an Incident. Together with Agnes Smedley, he hosted a broadcasting program for the Xi'an Radio Station, breaking the news blockade of the KMT. He believed that the Xi'an Incident was not personal conflicts between a few generals. It was a highlight of the great political struggle triggered by the insatiable aggression of the nation's enemy It was the most acute manifestation of the anti-Japanese movement throughout China, especially among the Northwest Army. He saw the CPC, which pooled together all the forces that were willing to fight against the aggression and formed a national united front against Japanese aggression, as truly a force brave enough to shoulder responsibilities.  The July 7th Incident in 1937 (also known as the Marco Polo Bridge Incident) marked the beginning of an all-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Only four days later, Bertram risked his life and returned to China from Japan for news coverage. He believed that the brutal aggression of the Japanese imperialism left the Chinese people with only two choices: surrender or war. The "middle wall' did not exist. That was just something like delayed surrender. He pointed out with the unique vision of a good observer that the hope of China's war of resistance lied in the northwest. Then he went to Yan'an alone for interviews.  Yan'an impressed him as a progressive experimental zone during the War of Resistance. In his conversations with Bertram, Mao Zedong expounded on CPC's basic positions and propositions on the war. He said that the victory of the national liberation war hinged on a stronger united front and revolutionary policies. He told Bertram that the CPC issued a manifesto to the whole country the day after the July 7th Incident, calling on all parties, factions and strata to unite against the Japanese aggression and strengthen the national united front, which was a proof of CPC's unwavering posit/on since the very beginning.  ……

一路同行:中国共产党对外交往100个故事(英文版) 作者简介

