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汉语和主题突出语言研究 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787516662496
  • 条形码:9787516662496 ; 978-7-5166-6249-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

汉语和主题突出语言研究 内容简介

  The typological view of Mandarin being a Topic-prominent language (henceforward TP language) as proposed by Li and Thompson in the 1980s has been exerting great influence on Mandarin-related studies ever since. Even until present, Mandarin is still chosen as benchmark to investigate whether a certain language falls under the Topic-prominent language category.  The typological view on Mandarin is generally considered to be valid. However, the challenging doubts on the validity of the typological view on Mandarin have existed since 1984. Although quite a few studies have questioned the validity of the typological view of Mandarin as a TP language, there is only one quantitative study by Chen and Gao based on written data in 2000 to prove that the typological view on Mandarin cannot hold true.  In the line of extended quantitative research, the current study purports to re-examine whether the typological view of Mandarin as a TP language can still hold true. In order to achieve this objective, the current study draws upon 50 spontaneous interviews as its corpus from a talk show entitled A Date with Luyu. By drawing on theories from Systemic Functional Linguistics, the quantitative findings suggest that in 34,458 clauses generated from 50 transcribed interviews, the occurrence and the portion of Topic-Comment sentences (henceforward TCS) used as evidence to show that Mandarin is a TP language is 956 or 2.77%. The qualitative findings suggest that to consider Topic as a syntactic notion in the so-called TCS is problematic. Both quantitative and qualitative findings of the current study, therefore, cannot support the typological view on Mandarin. Significantly, the findings of the the current study shed light on language typology and Mandarin-related studies in general.

汉语和主题突出语言研究 目录

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Background Information for the Current Study 1.3 Problem Statement 1.4 Notions of Topic, Theme–Rheme and Subject in the Current Study 1.5 Research Objective and Research Questions 1.6 Outline of the Thesis 1.7 Conclusion CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Development of SFL and the Interpretation of SFL Contributed by Previous Studies 2.3 The Process Types in Mandarin Outlined in Previous Studies 2.4 The Subject in Mandarin 2.5 The Textual Analysis on Chinese Clauses 2.6 Conclusion CHAPTER 3 LITERATURE REVIEW (CONTINUED) 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The Formation of the Typological View on Mandarin 3.3 The Evidence of Chinese Clauses with Topic-Comment Analysis 3.4 The Scope of TCS in Mandarin 3.5 The Influence of Li and Thompson's Studies 3.6 The Challenging Views on Li and Thompson's Typological View on Mandarin 3.7 The Analysis of the So–called TCS in Mandarin 3.8 Conclusion CHAPTER 4 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Clause as Representation: the Ideational Meaning 4.3 Clause as Exchange: the Interpersonal Meaning 4.4 Clause as Message: the Textual Meaning 4.5 Grammatical Metaphor 4.6 Conclusion CHAPTER 5 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Data Description and Data Transcription 5.3 Notions of Sentence and Clause 5.4 Research Design 5.5 Conclusion CHAPTER 6 THE STUDY OF THE CONSTRUCTION NG + VG, NG + NG+ VG WITH AND WITHOUT “DOU” 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Background 6.3 The Occurrence and the Portion of the Constructions Focused on in This Chapter 6.4 The Analysis of the Construction with Syntagm Ng + Vg 6.5 The Analysis of the Construction with Syntagm Ng + Ng + Vg 6.6 The Analysis of the Construction with Syntagm Ng + Ng + Vg with “wulun...dou/ye” 6.7 The Analysis of the Construction with Syntagm Ng + Ng + Vg with “lian...dou/ye (all/also)” 6.8 Conclusion CHAPTER 7 THE STUDY OF THE OBJECT PRE-POSED SENTENCE 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Background 7.3 The Occurrence and the Portion of OPS 7.4 The Analysis of OPS 7.5 Conclusion CHAPTER 8 THE STUDY OF THE CHINESE–STYLE TOPIC–COMMENT SENTENCES 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Background 8.3 The Occurrence and the Portion of CSTCS 8.4 The Formation of CSTCS due to the Ellipsis of Some Elements in Discourse 8.5 The Formation of CSTCS due to the Repetition of Ngs 8.6 The Formation of CSTCS due to GM 8.7 Conclusion CHAPTER 9 DISCUSSION 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The Findings Obtained from the Quantitative Study of TCS 9.3 Research Question 9.4 Research Question 9.5 Research Question 9.6 Topic-Comment, Topic–Prominent Language, Topic–Comment Language 9.7 The Implication for the Methodology of Typological Studies on Other Languages 9.8 The Implication for Language Typology 9.9 The Implication for Language Teaching and Learning 9.10 Conclusion CHAPTER 10 CONCLUSION 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Summary of the Findings of the Present Study 10.3 Contributions of the Current Study 10.4 Suggestion for Future Studies 10.5 Conclusion REFERENCES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DEDICATION