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Global Energy Review & Outlook 2020

Global Energy Review & Outlook 2020

开本: 16开 页数: 201
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Global Energy Review & Outlook 2020 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787519860899
  • 条形码:9787519860899 ; 978-7-5198-6089-9
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Global Energy Review & Outlook 2020 内容简介

本报告滚动 新 、大洲及主要 在经济、人口、能源、电力、环境等方面的 统计数据;突出新冠肺炎疫情影响,跟踪经济社会、能源战略、行业政策、技术效率等因素变化,研判对当前、近期和中长期全球能源发展的影响;开展碳中和目标、技术创新、氢能发展、能源数字化等专题研究;聚焦能效,分析现状水平、解析影响因素、展望未来趋势;聚焦中国,定量评述 能源转型的中国贡献;聚焦欧盟,回顾转型进展、总结转型行动、展望未来发展、提炼启示借鉴。

Global Energy Review & Outlook 2020 目录

Preface Summary Part Ⅰ Global Energy Review Ⅰ Economy and Society i GDP ii Population iii GDP per Capita Ⅱ Energy Consumption i Primary Energy ii Final Energy Ⅲ Energy Supply i Energy Production ii Resource Reserves and International Trade Ⅳ Energy Investment Ⅴ Electricity Consumption i Electricity Consumption ii Indicator of Electrification Ⅵ Electricity Supply i Generation Capacity ii Electricity Generation Ⅶ Carbon Emissions Part Ⅱ Global Energy Outlook Ⅰ Main Driving Factors i Population Growth ii Economic Development iii Energy Policies iv Market Mechanism v Technological Advancement vi Cost & Price Ⅱ Scenario Design i Benchmark Scenario ii Accelerating Energy Transition Scenario iii 2℃ Scenario Ⅲ Main Results i Primary Energy ii Final Energy iii Electrification Level iv Electricity Demand V Electricity Supply vi Carbon Emissions vii Energy Economic Indicators Ⅳ Supply and Demand by Fuel i Coal ii Oil iii Natural Gas iv Nuclear Energy v Renewable Energy Ⅴ Trends in Energy Use by Sectors i Industrial Sector ii Transport Sector iii Buidling Sector iv Non-Energy Use Ⅵ Outlook for Key Countries i United States ii China iii Japan iv Germany v France vi United Kingdom vii India viii Brazil ix Russia x Republic of Korea xi South Africa Part Ⅲ Special Focus Topic Ⅰ Energy Efficiency Development Ⅰ Analysis of the Current Situation of Energy Efficiency Level Ⅱ Main Factors Affecting Energy Efficiency in the Future Ⅲ Outlook for the Development of Energy Efficiency Levels Topic Ⅱ EU's Energy Transition Ⅰ Progress of EU's Energy Transition Ⅱ EU's Energy Transition Policies and Actions Ⅲ EU's Energy Transition Outlook Ⅳ Inspiration of EU's Energy Transition for China Topic Ⅲ China's Contribution in the Global Energy Transition Ⅰ Current Situation of China's Energy Transition Development Ⅱ Medium and Long Term Energy Transition Targets in China Ⅲ China's Contribution Outlook Appendix A Model Description Appendix B Region Division Appendix C Historical Data Appendix D Outlook Results References