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Vibration mechanics:a research-oriented tutorial

Vibration mechanics:a research-oriented tutorial

开本: 23cm 页数: 10,497页
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Vibration mechanics:a research-oriented tutorial 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030698322
  • 条形码:9787030698322 ; 978-7-03-069832-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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Vibration mechanics:a research-oriented tutorial 内容简介

  《振动力学:研究性教程(英文版)》共分7章:首章基于研究型学习需求,提出6个研究案例和12个科学问题作为学习全书的引导;第2章从美学角度回顾振动力学基础教程的主要理论和方法,为学习后续章节提供富有哲理的思想方法;此后几章分别讨论振动系统的模型、离散系统的振动、一维结构的固有振动、对称结构的固有振动、一维结构的波动与振动等问题,构成一个关于线性振动和波动的研究性教程框架,解决第1章所提出的12个科学问题。  《振动力学:研究性教程(英文版)》体系新颖,内容来自作者长期从事人才培养、学术研究和工程咨询的经验和体会,具有学术深度;可激发读者开展以问题为导向的研究型学习,在学习和研究中实现对振动力学认知的螺旋式上升。  《振动力学:研究性教程(英文版)》是振动力学基础教程的续篇,可供力学、航空、航天、机械、动力、交通、土木工程等专业高年级本科生和研究生作为研究型学习的教程。

Vibration mechanics:a research-oriented tutorial 目录

1 Start of Research-Oriented Study 1.1 Needs for Research-Oriented Study 1.2 Case Studies and Associated Problems 1.2.1 Preliminary Study of a Tethered Satellite 1.2.2 Design of a Hydro-Elastic Vibration Isolation System 1.2.3 Two Kinds of Immovable Points in a Vibration System 1.2.4 Identical Natural Frequencies of Different Structures 1.2.5 Closely Distributed Natural Modes of a Symmetric Structure 1.2.6 Transient Response of a Slender Structure 1.3 Scope and Style of the Book 1.4 Further Reading and Thinking 2 Preparation of Research-Oriented Study 2.1 Briefs of Beauty of Science 2.2 Beautiful Features of Vibration Mechanics 2.2.1 Unity 2.2.2 Simplicity 2.2.3 Regularity 2.2.4 Symmetry 2.2.5 Singularity 2.3 Enlightenment of Beauty of Vibration Mechanics 2.3.1 Methods of Thinking 2.3.2 Aesthetic Literacy 2.4 Concluding Remarks 2.5 Further Reading and Thinking 3 Models of Vibration Systems 3.1 Continuous Systems and Their Discrete Models 3.1.1 Dynamic Models of Continuous Systems 3.1.2 Preconditions of Discretization 3.1.3 Case Studies of Discretization 3.1.4 Concluding Remarks 3.2 A Half Degree of Freedom of Discrete Systems 3.2.1 Degeneration of a Degree of Freedom 3.2.2 Conventional Concept of Degree of Freedom 3.2.3 Degree of Freedom Based on Accessible Manifolds 3.2.4 Demonstrative Systems with a Non-holonomic Constraint 3.2.5 Demonstrative Systems with Two Non-holonomic Constraints 3.2.6 Concluding Remarks 3.3 Structural Damping 3.3.1 Frequency-Invariant Damping and Its Limitations 3.3.2 Frequency-Variant Damping Model and System Response 3.3.3 An Approximate Viscous Damping Model 3.3.4 An Approximate Viscoelastic Damping Model 3.3.5 Concluding Remarks 3.4 Further Reading and Thinking 4 Vibration Analysis of Discrete Systems 4.1 Vibration Systems with Non-holonomic Constraints 4.1.1 Dynamic Analysis in Time Domain 4.1.2 Dynamic Analysis in Frequency Domain 4.1.3 Concluding Remarks 4.2 Node Number of a Natural Mode Shape 4.2.1 Reexamination of Current Results 4.2.2 Rules of Node Numbers of 2-DoF Systems 4.2.3 Design Feasibility of Nodes in a Mode Shape 4.2.4 Concluding Remarks 4.3 Anti-resonances of a Harmonically Excited System 4.3.1 Anti-resonances of 2-DoF Systems 4.3.2 Mechanisms Behind Two Kinds of Anti-resonances 4.3.3 Design Feasibility of Anti-resonances 4.3.4 Concluding Remarks 4.4 Dynamic Modifications of a System 4.4.1 Frequency Response of a Composite System 4.4.2 Adjusting an Anti-resonance of a Primary System 4.4.3 Adjusting Resonances of a Primary System 4.4.4 Concluding Remarks 4.5 Further Reading and Thinking 5 Natural Vibrations of One-Dimensional Structures 5.1 Natural Vibrations of a Tether Pendulum 5.1.1 Dynamic Equation of a Tether Pendulum 5.1.2 Analysis of Natural Vibrations 5.1.3 Comparison Between Continuous Model and Discrete Models 5.1.4 Concluding Remarks 5.2 Duality Analysis of Rods in Natural Vibrations 5.2.1 A Dual of Different Cross-Sections 5.2.2 A Dual of Identical Cross-Sections 5.2.3 A Dual of Two Uniform Rods 5.2.4 A Dual of Two Rods with Axially Varying Material Properties 5.2.5 Concluding Remarks 5.3 Duality Analysis of Beams in Natural Vibrations 5.3.1 A Dual of Different Cross-Sections 5.3.2 A Dual of Identical Cross-Sections 5.3.3 A Dual of Two Uniform Beams 5.3.4 Concluding Remarks 5.4 Further Reading and Thinking 6 Natural Vibrations of Symmetric Structures 6.1 Natural Vibrations of Mirror-Symmetric Structures 6.1.1 Decoupling of Mirror-Symmetric Structures 6.1.2 Free Vibrations of Thin Rectangular Plates 6.1.3 Repeated Natural Freque