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KUNG FU功夫 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508545714
  • 条形码:9787508545714 ; 978-7-5085-4571-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

KUNG FU功夫 本书特色

功夫 中国几千年文化结出的硕果 中国文化史上的一条浩荡巨川 尽管技击方式不断在改变 中国功夫匡扶正义、保家卫国的情怀 一直未变。

KUNG FU功夫 内容简介

中国功夫,在漫长历史时光中,从来都是闪烁着灿烂的爱国主义光辉。每当国家处于危难之际,总有身怀绝技的武林高手、仁人志士挺身而出,前赴后继:一身报国有万死、须把乾坤力挽回。他们加入国家复兴主流,一次次化险为夷,变乱为治,蹶而复振。 Kung Fu is the culmination of thousands of years of traditional Chinese culture. There are many schools of Chinese Kung Fu, famous ones including Shaolin, Wudang, Tai Chi, Hsing-I and Eight Diagrams. Over thousands of years of continuous development and evolution, Kung Fu has developed into the ultimate form of practical martial arts combat, namely, freestyle grappling. Though the techniques are constantly changing, the mentality of Chinese Kung Fu to support justice and defend the nation has remained unchanged. As we can see in the history of Chinese Kung Fu, there's a prominent theme of “patriotism” between the lines. This is the supreme core enabling Chinese Kung Fu to continue and flourish.

KUNG FU功夫 目录

Preface 01
Chapter I Kung Fu Is both Martial Arts and Philosophy
Section 1 Bruce Lee: Great Pioneer of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) 002
Section 2 Kung Fu = Martial Arts? 005
Section 3 Evolution History of Kung Fu 008
Chapter II The Spirit of Martial Arts
Section 1 Origin of Wushu 018
Section 2 Shang-Zhou Wushu: Value Justice above Material Gains 022
Section 3 Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period: The Glory of Assassins 027
Section 4 The Han Dynasty: Warriors Shone Like Stars 049
Section 5 Wushu in the Wei-Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties: Integration with Buddhism 059
Section 6 The Prosperous Tang Dynasty: A Sword Equaltoa Million Troops 067
Section 7 The Song Dynasty: 18 Kinds of Kung Fu Skills 079
Section 8 The Yuan Dynasty: Horn Butting Wrestling and Horsemanship and Archery 097
Section 9 The Ming Dynasty: Development of Kung Fu 101
Section 10 The Qing Dynasty: Good at Riding and Shooting 108
Section 11 Fighting to Erase the Humiliating Tag of ‘Sick Man of East Asia’ 112
Section 12 Fight the Japanese with Kung Fu: Defend the Motherland 119
Chapter III Kung Fu: Shaolin in the North and Wudang in the South
Section 1 History of Shaolin Kung Fu 130
Section 2 Wudang Kung Fu: Good at External and Internal Cultivation 142
Chapter IVKung Fu in Chinese Martial Arts Fiction
Section 1 Ancient Kung Fu Fiction: Martial Arts and Swordsmen 152
Section 2 Kung Fu Fiction on Legal Cases 158
Section 3 Old-style Kung Fu Novels 162
Section 4 New-genre Kung Fu Novels 166
Chapter V Kung Fu Movies
Section 1 Heavenly King: Bruce Lee and the Kung Fu Movie 174
Section 2 Chinese Kung Fu and Kung Fu Movies Going Global 182
Appendix 1 Main Schools of Chinese Traditional Martial Arts 190
Appendix 2 A Brief Chinese Chronology 197


KUNG FU功夫 作者简介

朱千华,中国作家协会会员,《中国国家地理》杂志、美国《国家地理》杂志资深作家。获首届朱自清文学奖。代表著作有《家山何处》《南方秘境》《挺进大石山》《英雄虎胆》等。 Zhu Qianhua Member of Chinese Writers Association (CWA), is a senior writer of China National Geographic and National Geographic,and won the first Zhu Ziqing Literature Award. Representative works include Where is Our Home , South Secret Territory, etc.
