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进化心理学:心理的新科学(第6版,英文版) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787100207553
- 条形码:9787100207553 ; 978-7-100-20755-3
- 装帧:70g纯质纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
进化心理学:心理的新科学(第6版,英文版) 本书特色
适读人群 :心理学、生物学、社会《进化心理学》是一部极有价值的著作,既适用于心理学、生物学和人类学专业的学生和学者,也适用于对其感兴趣的普通读者。
进化心理学:心理的新科学(第6版,英文版) 内容简介
我们从何而来?我们与其他的生命形式有何关联?使人成其为人的心理机制又是什么?进化心理学是一门革命性的进步科学,是现代心理学和进化生物学在理论上的真正融合。《进化心理学》 版荣获罗伯特?哈密尔顿图书奖(Robert W. Hamilton Book Award)。自本书出版以来,进化心理学领域又涌现出了大量的新研究。在本书中,戴维?巴斯从进化视角考察了人类行为,为读者提供了学习进化心理学并将其应用于人类心理实证研究所需的概念性工具。《进化心理学》(第6 版)扩展了对文化进化的介绍,并增添了“文化与基因协同进化”的章节;新增了讨论现代人类与尼安德特人杂交的研究;扩展了被实证证伪的进化假设的讨论,等等。《进化心理学》的一大特色是内含大量辅助读者学习的内容,包括批判性思考题以及旨在展示如何将进化心理学应用于真实生活情境的案例研究专栏。
进化心理学:心理的新科学(第6版,英文版) 目录
Preface xvi
Acknowledgments xix
Part 1: Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology 1
1. The Scientific Movements Leading to Evolutionary Psychology 3
2. The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology 32
Part 2: Problems of Survival 65
3. Combating the Hostile Forces of Nature 67
Part 3: Challenges of Sex and Mating 99
4. Women’s Long-Term Mating Strategies 101
5. Men’s Long-Term Mating Strategies 130
6. Short-Term Sexual Strategies 159
Part 4: Challenges of Parenting and Kinship 187
7. Problems of Parenting 189
8. Problems of Kinship 218
Part 5: Problems of Group Living 245
9. Cooperative Alliances 247
10. Aggression and Warfare 274
11. Conflict Between the Sexes 304
12. Status, Prestige, and Social Dominance 335
13. Toward a Unified Evolutionary Psychology 362
Bibliography 403
Credits 474
Index 483
进化心理学:心理的新科学(第6版,英文版) 节选
As the archeologist dusted off the dirt and debris from the skeleton, she noticed something strange: The left side of the skull had a large dent, apparently from a ferocious blow, and the rib cage—also on the left side—had the head of a spear lodged in it. Back in the laboratory, scientists determined that the skeleton was that of a Neanderthal man who had died roughly 50,000 years ago, the earliest known homicide victim. His killer, judging from the damage to the skull and rib cage, bore the lethal weapon in his right hand. The fossil record of injuries to bones reveals two strikingly common patterns (Jurmain et al., 2009; Trinkaus & Zimmerman, 1982; Walker, 1995). First, the skeletons of men contain far more fractures and dents than do the skeletons of women. Second, the injuries are located mainly on the left frontal sides of the skulls and skeletons, suggesting mostly right-handed attackers. The bone record alone cannot tell us with certainty that combat among men was a central feature of human ancestral life. Nor can it tell us with certainty that men evolved to be the more physically aggressive sex. But skeletal remains provide clues that yield a fascinating piece of the puzzle of where we came from, the forces that shaped who we are, and the nature of our minds today. The huge human brain, approximately 1,350 cubic centimeters, is the most complex organic structure in the known world. Understanding the human mind/brain mechanisms in evolutionary perspective is the goal of the new scientific discipline called evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary psychology focuses on four key questions: (1) Why is the mind designed the way it is—that is, what causal processes created, fashioned, or shaped the human mind into its current form? (2) How is the human mind designed—what are its mechanisms or component parts, and how are they organized? (3) What are the functions of the component parts and their organized structure—that is, what is the mind designed to do? (4) How does input from the current environment interact with the design of the human mind to produce observable behavior? Contemplating the mysteries of the human mind is not new. Ancient Greeks such as Aristotle and Plato wrote manifestos on the subject. More recently, theories of the human mind such as the Freudian theory of psychoanalysis, the Skinnerian theory of reinforcement, and connectionism have vied for the attention of psychologists. Only within the past few decades have we acquired the conceptual tools to synthesize our understanding of the human mind under one unifying theoretical framework—that of evolutionary psychology. This discipline pulls together findings from all disciplines of the mind, including those of brain imaging; learning and memory; attention, emotion, and passion; attraction, jealousy, and sex; self-esteem, status, and self-sacrifice; parenting, persuasion, and perception; kinship, warfare, and aggression; cooperation, altruism, and helping; ethics, morality, religion, and medicine; and commitment, culture, and consciousness. This book offers an introduction to evolutionary psychology and provides a road map to this new science of the mind. This chapter starts by tracing the major landmarks in the history of evolutionary biology that were critical to the emergence of evolutionary psychology. Then we turn to the history of the field of psychology and show the progression of accomplishments that led to the need for integrating evolutionary theory with modern psychology.
进化心理学:心理的新科学(第6版,英文版) 作者简介
戴维?巴斯在加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位。他最初在哈佛大学任教,后来前往密歇根大学就职,而后担任得克萨斯大学心理学教授至今。他主要的研究兴趣包括人类性行为、择偶策略、两性冲突、凶杀、跟踪骚扰和性侵害。巴斯已经出版了6 部著作,发表了300 多篇学术论文,也获得了众多奖项,包括美国心理学协会(APA)颁发的心理学早期生涯杰出科学贡献奖、斯坦利?霍尔讲席、杰出科学家演讲奖以及本书第1 版荣获的罗伯特?哈密尔顿图书奖。他还主编了第一部综合性的《进化心理学手册》(Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology),与帕特里夏?霍利(Patricia Hawley)合编了《人格的进化与个体差异》(The Evolution of Personality and Individual Differences)。2013 年,他被评为世界上最有影响力的30 位在世心理学家之一。他热衷于在美国和世界各地广泛开展跨文化研究合作和发表学术演讲。他的业余爱好有网球、壁球和飞盘高尔夫,同时他还是一名狂热的电影爱好者。
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