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一场对中国制度的大考(英文) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119126838
  • 条形码:9787119126838 ; 978-7-119-12683-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

一场对中国制度的大考(英文) 本书特色


一场对中国制度的大考(英文) 内容简介


一场对中国制度的大考(英文) 目录

Chapter One The World in the Same Boat
Section Ⅰ Extraordinary Summit on Cooperation for the War on Pandemic
Section Ⅱ “Miles Apart, but Close at Heart”
Section Ⅲ “If I Contracted the Virus, I Hope to Get Treatment in China”
Section Ⅳ No One Can Prosper Alone; We Should Support the Building of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
Chapter Two A Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on the First Day of Chinese New Year
Section Ⅰ “It Is Easier to Shake a Mountain than China”
Section Ⅱ Why the Full Implementation of Decisions of the Central Leadership
Section Ⅲ Why the Decisions of the CPC Central Committee Meet Warm Response at the Community Level
Section Ⅳ China's Experience: The Centralized and Unified Leadership of the CPC Plays a Pivotal Role in the Battle Against the Epidemic
Chapter Three Everyone Counts in the People's War
Section Ⅰ “I Have Never Seen Such Mobilization in My Life”
Section Ⅱ Warriors in White Gowns: Heroes in Harm's Way
Section Ⅲ Science-based Anti-epidemic Battle: A Promising Approach
Section Ⅳ “Helping One Another": Support from Society
Section Ⅴ Highly Effective Social Mobilization, Coordination and Cohesion
Chapter Four Civil-Military Cooperation
Section Ⅰ The Rally Call on January 24
Section Ⅱ An Elite Force Always Ready for Action and Capable of Victory
Section Ⅲ Battlefields Outside the Hospitals
Section Ⅳ A Big Test After the Military Reform
Chapter Five The Power Behind the Miracle of Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital
Section Ⅰ Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital: From Decision-making to Mobilization and Implementation
Section Ⅱ The Whole Country Works Together to Mobilize Nationwide Resources to Accomplish Major Initiatives
Section Ⅲ The Synergy Between Governmental and Non-governmental Sectors
Chapter Six Communication Transparency: When People Understand, Peace Prevails
Section Ⅰ Information Transparency
Section Ⅱ Transparency-—A Responsible Major Country
Section Ⅲ War Against the Pandemic:A Big Test for Information Sharing
Section Ⅳ Further Institutional Improvements
Chapter Seven Fight the Epidemic in Accordance with the Law
Section Ⅰ Lockdown of Wuhan
Section Ⅱ A Scientific Decision: Fight the Epidemic in a Law-based Manner
Section Ⅲ A Long Way Ahead
Chapter Eight Adversity and Opportunity for China's Economy in the Pandemic
Section Ⅰ Confidence in Controlling Pandemic While Maintaining Economic Development
Section Ⅱ Two Billion Yuan a Day!The Unexpected Rise of the Digital Economy
Section Ⅲ A “Timely Relief" for Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Section Ⅳ Can a Moderately Prosperous Society Be Possible During the Wars Against Pandemic and Poverty
Section Ⅴ Chinese and World Economies Counteract Adversities in Cooperation
Conclusion China Did Great, but the Test Is Not Over
Section Ⅰ China's Institution and Governance System Show Unique Strengths, but They Still Need Improvement
Section Ⅱ The Ideal Solution Is Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind Despite Endless Challenges
Section Ⅲ The Test Is Not Over
Appendix Chronicle of China's Fight against COVID-19

一场对中国制度的大考(英文) 作者简介

中国科学院国家创新与发展战略研究会(以下简称国创会)成立于2010年5月,由中国著名理论家、战略家郑必坚发起创立并担任会长,著名科学家路甬祥担任荣誉顾问。国创会汇聚了一批著名政治家、外交家、军事家、经济学家、社会活动家和两院院士等出任高级顾问和学术委员会成员,其核心使命是开展国内国际重大战略问题研究,为国家宏观决策及政府政策制定提供智力支持和咨询服务。 国创会坚持中国和平崛起理念,倡导在中国和世界各国间构建全方位、多层次的利益汇合点和利益共同体,实现共同和平发展。自成立以来,国创会开展了一系列有关中国国际战略、大国关系、国家创新与发展战略、网络战略、社会治理及执政理念等重大课题研究,向国家提出了多项重要政策建议,部分建言被中央和政府相关部门采纳。 国创会致力于让世界“读懂中国”,了解中国国情,讲好中国故事,传播中国声音。围绕“读懂中国”这一宏大主题,国创会开展了一系列重大项目。
