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辉煌中国(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119122229
  • 条形码:9787119122229 ; 978-7-119-12222-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

辉煌中国(英文版) 本书特色

A look back upon the path and achievements of the People's Republic of China since its founding once again proves by irrefutable facts that only the CPC can save China and only the CPC can develop China. Development is the foundation and the key to solving all the problems in China. Therefore, as the general volume of the “Modern China's Ingenuity” series, we follow the “innovation, coordination, green, open and shared development” concept as the central framework to make a concentrated demonstration of the Chinese people's great blueprint and glorious achievements made through conquering untold obstacles and difficulties under the leadership of the CPC. It is hoped that this exploratory summary can give people new inspirations.

辉煌中国(英文版) 内容简介


辉煌中国(英文版) 目录

Chapter Ⅰ Megaprojects: Underpinning the Great Chinese Dream (Ⅰ)From Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge to Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (Ⅱ)From Green-skinned Trains to Fuxing Trains (Ⅲ)From the Three Gorges Project to the South-North Water Transfer Project Chapter Ⅱ Innovation-Driven Development: Cultivating New Engines for Development (Ⅰ)A Great Leap Driven by Theoretical Innovation (Ⅱ)Institutional Innovation to Improve the Soist System with Chinese Characteristics (Ⅲ) Scientific and Technological Innovation for a Great Leap Forward Chapter Ⅲ Coordinated Development: Tackling Unbalanced Development (Ⅰ)Coordinated Regional Development (Ⅱ)Urban-Rural Coordinated Development (Ⅲ)The Coordinated Material, Cultural and Ethical Advancement Chapter Ⅳ Green Homeland: A Defining Feature of China's Development (Ⅰ)Making the Sky Blue Again (Ⅱ)Protecting Lush Mountains (Ⅲ)Improving the Water Environment (Ⅳ)Making the Environment More Beautiful Chapter Ⅴ Opening Up: Injecting New Vigor into Develop ment (Ⅰ)Approaching the Center of the World Arena (Ⅱ)Opening Wider to the Outside World (Ⅲ)From Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to a Global Community of Shared Future (Ⅳ)Belt and Road Initiative: Giving a Great Boost to Development Chapter Ⅵ A Sharing Society: Bringing a Sense of Gain (Ⅰ)Economic Miracle in the History of Human Development (Ⅱ)A Glorious Chapter in the History of Fighting against Poverty (Ⅲ)The World's Largest So Security System (Ⅳ)China as One of the Most Secure Countries in the World Moments of Glory

辉煌中国(英文版) 作者简介

  Hong Xianghua is a school inspector,professor and Ph.D.supervisor of the Teaching and Research Institution of ldeological and Political Education of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee,MPA supervisor of the Minzu University of China, and Ph.D.supervisor of the School of Marxism of Shandong University.His main interests are studies on political parties,leadership science, and management.He planned the series of books on strengthening the Party in the new era (a set of 9 volumes)and served as its chief editor.The series was selected as a key mainstream publication by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, and won the first prize in the fourth national Party member education and training material exhibition and exchange event.
