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开本: 16开 页数: 260


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中国读本丛书-百年沧桑的中国梦:中国梦是怎样的梦想(英) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508546650
  • 条形码:9787508546650 ; 978-7-5085-4665-0
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中国读本丛书-百年沧桑的中国梦:中国梦是怎样的梦想(英) 本书特色

“中国读本”丛书,以让世界更好地读懂中国为出发点,重点向国外读者介绍中国道路、中国理论、中国制度和中国实践。 The “Reading China” series focuses on introducing China’s path, theory, system and practice to foreign readers, with the purpose of enabling the world to better understand China.

中国读本丛书-百年沧桑的中国梦:中国梦是怎样的梦想(英) 内容简介


中国读本丛书-百年沧桑的中国梦:中国梦是怎样的梦想(英) 目录

Chapter One  Reminiscence of the Eventful Years: Where does the Dream Come from? Why is the Road to Pursue the Dream so Bumpy after the Dream is Broken?
Splendid Civilization of Heavenly Kingdom
The Gate Was Blast Open, the Country Was in the Dark Hour
Learning from the West, Striving to Be Strong
Endeavoring to Change, Revitalizing the Chinese Nation
Chapter Two  Overcome the Difficulties: How to Achieve the Dream of National Independence and People’s Liberation?
Pioneering on May 4th, the Chinese Nation Awakened
Sparkling in the Dark Night, the Red Boat Set Sail
A Tower of Strength in the Anti-Japanese War
Independence and Liberation Giving Wings to National Rejuvenation
Chapter Three  Success Doesn’t Come Easy: How to Realize the Dream of Self-improvement in Modernization?
Establishing and Consolidating the Regime
Working Hard to Build an Industrial China
Two Bombs and One Satellite Boosting National Confidence
Depicting the Blueprint, Groping Forward
Chapter Four  From Chaos to Prosperity: How Did the Reform and Opening-up Lead China to the Fast Lane of Development?
A Historic Turn in China’s Development
Top-level Designs Keeping Pace with the Times
The Rise of China through Reform and Opening-up
Chapter Five  Riding the Tide of the Times: Why Are We Closer Than Ever to Fulfilling the Chinese Dream in the New Era?
Great Dream of National Rejuvenation
Holding High the Banner of Socialism and Drawing up Blueprint for Development
Forging Ahead Toward Greater Historic Achievements
All-Round Moderate Prosperity is a Dream of the People
Building a Global Community with a Shared Future

中国读本丛书-百年沧桑的中国梦:中国梦是怎样的梦想(英) 节选

In the long course of human history, there have been four glorious ancient civilized nations in the world, which have made remarkable achievements in their civilization. Regrettably, the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Babylon and India have all disappeared in the galaxy of time, while the Chinese civilization in the East has still survived. From the Yan and Huang Emperors to the unification of the First Emperor, from the prosperous Han and Tang Dynasties to the flourishing reign of Kangxi and Qianlong, from smelting iron and casting swords to the Four Great Inventions, from cultural classics to grottoes and frescoes, all these manifest the long history and profoundness of Chinese civilization. Over the past five thousand years, the industrious and intelligent Chinese people have created a prosperous material civilization, made the leading scientific and technological achievements, formed a vast reservoir of thoughts, and produced colorful literature and art on the vast land of China. Five thousand years ago, the Yellow River valley gave birth to the ancestors of the Chinese nation — Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang. From then on, the people on this land called themselves the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation or descendants of Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang. They lived and multiplied here, creating superb pottery making technology, construction technology, etc. “The Xia Dynasty is the first, followed by the Shang Dynasty. The Zhou Dynasty is divided into the Western Zhou and the Eastern Zhou. After the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Qin Dynasty unified China, followed by the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty.” In 221 BC, the first emperor Qin Shihuang united the Central Plains, ending the separation of the vassal states. The Great Wall and Terracotta Warriors and Horses were also created during this period. After more than two thousand years of feudal dynasty alternation, the Han, Tang and Qing dynasties all witnessed a golden age of political integrity and economic prosperity. From the Rule of Wen and Jing to Control by Zhen Guan, to Kaiyuan Flourishing Age, and to the Kangxi-Qianlong Prosperity, the material civilization of China takes a lead in the world. At the China Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo in 2010, people stopped to appreciate the painting entitled Along the River During the Qingming Festival, which is 128 meters long and 6.5 meters high. This moving painting, created by high and new technology, vividly shows the prosperity of Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. At the end of the 18th century when Emperor Qianlong (reigned 1735-96) in the Qing Dynasty abdicated, the population of China, food production and industrial output accounted for about a third of the world’s total in the three fields respectively. At that time, there were 10 big cities in the world with a population of more than half a million, of which China had six, namely, Beijing, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Guangzhou.

中国读本丛书-百年沧桑的中国梦:中国梦是怎样的梦想(英) 作者简介

李晓倩:毕业于北京大学历史系,现任中央党史和文献研究院副研究员,参与多项中央、院及部门重大项目,发表多篇理论与学术文章,具有深厚的史学功底和扎实的写作功底。 Li Xiaoqian She graduated from the Department of History of Peking University,and is currently an assistant researcher of the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee. She has participated in a number of major projects of the CPC Central Committee as well as institutes and departments. She has published many theoretical and academic articles, demonstrating her profound historical knowledge and excellent writing skills.
