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中国读本丛书-中国的时与势:中国现在处在怎样的时代(英) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508546575
  • 条形码:9787508546575 ; 978-7-5085-4657-5
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中国读本丛书-中国的时与势:中国现在处在怎样的时代(英) 本书特色

“中国读本”丛书,以让世界更好地读懂中国为出发点,重点向国外读者介绍中国道路、中国理论、中国制度和中国实践。 The “Reading China” series focuses on introducing China’s path, theory, system and practice to foreign readers, with the purpose of enabling the world to better understand China.

中国读本丛书-中国的时与势:中国现在处在怎样的时代(英) 内容简介


中国读本丛书-中国的时与势:中国现在处在怎样的时代(英) 目录

Chapter One  China is in the Primary Stage of Socialism
The Ins and Outs of the Primary Stage of Socialism
Is China Still in the Primary Stage of Socialism?
China Enters a New Stage of Development
How to Understand that China’s Socialism Has Entered a New Stage of Development?
Chapter Two  China is the Largest Developing Country in the World
What is “Developing Country”?
China is Still the Largest Developing Country in the World
China Still Has Much to Do
Chapter Three  Why Do We Say Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Has
Entered a New Era?
Where Does the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Come from?
The Objective Basis for Entering a New Era
What is “New” in a New Era?
Chapter Four  Why is it Most Significant to Do Your Own Business Seriously?
What is “Changing” in the World’s Great Change Unseen in a Century?
“Challenges” and “Opportunities” in the Great Change
China is Doing Its Own Business Seriously
Chapter Five  The Chinese People Say This is the Best Era
The Chinese People Experienced the Sufferings of the Old China
The People’s Republic of China Made China Embark on the Road of Prosperity and Development
China’s Development Gives Every Chinese the Opportunity to Succeed
China’s Development is Also an Opportunity for the World

中国读本丛书-中国的时与势:中国现在处在怎样的时代(英) 节选

If a person wants to succeed, he or she must find the right life orientation and goals; if a political party wants to achieve something, it must also find the accurate orientation of the party and the direction of policy; if a country wants to have a strong national strength, it is more essential to make clear its historical orientation and the way forward. “The entire historical experience of the Communist Party of China proves that it is both crucial and difficult to identify the historical orientation of the Party itself. Over the past 80 years of the development of the Communist Party of China, all the great victories and developments have relied on correct understanding of the historical orientation, while all the serious mistakes and failures are closely related to deviations and mistakes of historical orientation. The lessons of history have repeatedly shown that unclear orientation will lead to unclear direction.” The assertion that “China is still and will long remain in the primary stage of socialism” is exactly the correct understanding of the historical orientation of our country when CPC is in full power.

中国读本丛书-中国的时与势:中国现在处在怎样的时代(英) 作者简介

陈坚:现任中央党史和文献研究院研究员,先后发表《从新时期党代会报告看中共民主观的演变》《执政党党内民主与构建社会主义和谐社会》《改革开放以来我国政府机构改革历程述略》《党的代表大会由年会制到常任制的演变及其试点模式》《党的群众路线形成与发展》《改革开放与党的自我革命》等100余篇文章;出版《中国民主政治的走向》《民主监督——中国共产党理论与实践》、《群众路线与党内教育活动》《人民至上》《毛泽东的1949》《当代中国政治》《自我革命:中国改革开放成功的政治密码》等10余部著作。 严哲文:毕业于复旦大学历史系,博士,现任中央党史和文献研究院助理研究员,参与过多项国家课题,具有扎实的学术和理论功底。 Chen Jian He is a researcher at Central Institute of Party’s History and Literature. He has published more than 100 articles, including “The Development of the CPC’s Democracy Outlook from the Party Congress Report in the New Period”, “The Ruling Party’s Intra-Party Democracy and the Building of a Harmonious Socialist Society”, “An Overview of Chinese Government Institutional Reform since the Reform and Opening Up”, “The Evolution of the Party Congress from the System of Annual Sessions to the System with a Fixed Term and its Pilot Model”, “The Formation and Development of the Party’ s Mass Line”, and “Self Revolution of the Communist Party of China and the Reform and Opening Up”. He is also the author of more than ten books, including The Future of China’s Demo c r a c y , Demo c r a t i c Supervision: The CPC’s Theory and Practice, The Mass Line and Intra-Party Educational Activities, People First, Mao Zedong’s 1949, Contemporary Chinese Politics, and Self Revolution of the Communist Party of China:The Political Key to the Success of China’s Reform and Opening Up.
