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Tibetan literature

Tibetan literature

开本: 23cm 页数: 144页
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Tibetan literature 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508544564
  • 条形码:9787508544564 ; 978-7-5085-4456-4
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Tibetan literature 本书特色

藏族文学史上下几千年,内容涵盖非常广泛。本书创新编排思路,从历时和共时两个方面,以口传文学类型、书面文学类型的划分方式,对西藏文学进行了全面梳理,展示了颇具雪域高原民族特点的瑰丽文学“松石宝串”,以西藏文学发展脉络和各类代表性作品,引导读者穿越西藏历史的尘埃,认识真实西藏。 The book gives an introduction to oral and written genres of Tibetan literature and the evolvement of other compositions that fall in between. It also presents the Tibetan life, thoughts and aesthetic ideas implied in Tibetan literature.

Tibetan literature 内容简介

“人文西藏”丛书旨在通过新手法、新视角,点面结合,立体呈现,讲好中国西藏故事。全套丛书分为两辑:一是“西藏风情”系列:包括《雪域经轮——西藏宗教考释》《藏地风土——西藏民俗趣谈》《物华天宝——西藏艺术掠影》《高原华章——西藏文学撷英》《流年乾坤——西藏历史述略》,全方位描绘西藏风土人情和历史、文化风貌,向国内外读者展示西藏魅力和时代亮色;二是“西藏历史文化名人”系列:包括《松赞干布》《元朝首任帝师八思巴》《九世班禅传》《首席代表阿沛·阿旺晋美》,通过西藏历史人物形象侧面反映西藏社会的演进和转折,让历史人物走进新的历史方位。 具有浓郁高原特色的西藏文学诞生于西藏雪域高原,在本土传统文化和外来文化的相互交融过程中萌芽、成长、发展,刻录着雪域高原的文化风貌和高原民族的精神世界。 The series “Tibet History and Culture” tells the stories about Tibet from a new perspective. It includes such books as A Brief History of Tibet, A Study of Tibetan Religions, Tibetan Folk Customs, Tibetan Literature, A Snapshot of Tibetan Arts, The Biography of Songtsen Gampo, Drogon Chogyal Phagpa: The First Imperial Preceptor of the Yuan Dynasty, The Ninth Panchen Lama: A Biography and Chief Tibetan Delegate Ngabo Ngawang Jigme. The book entitled Tibetan Literature embodies the unique culture of Tibet and its charm. Tibetan literature is known as the “pearl” of Chinese literature.

Tibetan literature 目录

Chapter Ⅰ Tibetan Literature in the Age of Oral Tradition Natural and Cultural Literature Environment in the Age of Oral Tradition Oral Tradition--the Cornerstone of Oral Literature Three Treasures in Tibetan Literature--Sgrung, Ldevu and Bon Philosophical Expression of Tibetan Oral Literature: Proverbs Chapter Ⅱ The Agglomeration of Tibetan Oral Tradition: Gesar Introduction Origins: Social and Cultural Context Singers of Fairy Tales Text and Its Evolution Conservation and Preservation Chapter Ⅲ Basic Types and Texts of Written Literature (I) Tibetan as Medium for Written Literature The Translation of Buddhist Scriptures as the Beginning of Written Literature Buddhist Literature Historical Literature Chapter Ⅳ Basic Types and Texts of Written Literature (II) Biographical Literature Terma Literature Poetry Novels The Collection of Letters Chapter Ⅴ The Literature Genres between Oral Language and Written Language Religious Song Maxim Persuasion Tibetan Opera

Tibetan literature 作者简介

诺布旺丹,研究员,现任中国社会科学院民族文学研究所藏族文学研究室主任、全国《格萨(斯)尔》工作领导小组办公室主任。长期从事藏族文化与史诗《格萨尔》的研究工作,著有《艺人、文本与语境——文化批评视野下的格萨尔史诗传统》、《藏族神话与史诗》(藏文)、《生命之轮——藏传佛教的活佛转世》和《中国非物质文化遗产百科全书??史诗卷》(主编)等。 Norbu Wangdan, a researcher at the Ethnic Literature Institute, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and director of the National Leading Group Office of the Gesar Research, has published a number of works, including the Tibetan Epic from Cultural Criticism Perspective: Artists, Texts and Contexts, Tibetan Myths and Epics (in Tibetan) and the Wheel of Life: Reincarnation of Tulkus in Tibetan Buddhism.
