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外国语言文学的本体与教学研究(第二辑) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787564378981
  • 条形码:9787564378981 ; 978-7-5643-7898-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

外国语言文学的本体与教学研究(第二辑) 内容简介


外国语言文学的本体与教学研究(第二辑) 目录

1.The Application of Eco—translatology in Chinese Political Discourse Translation Li Boli 2.An Analysis of the Usage of Chinese fan yu from the Perspective of Adaptability Theory Huang Mian 3.An Approach to the Generation Mechanism of Chinese Antonymous Compounds from the Perspective of the Philosophy of Mind Luo Min 4.Visualization Analysis of Research Hotspots of Think Tank Journals Zou Li 5.InterpersOnality in Academic Discourse—Based on the Genre Analysis of Abstracts of Nature Zhang Mei 6.A Corpus-based Discrimination of English Synonyms Zhang Ran 7.The Analysis of Three Characters'Self-disdain in The Bluest Eye Bi Lijun 8.Garment,Babe and MiIk-A Study of Images in Macbeth Lei Dingkun 9.Southern Women In Transition:Mrs.Compson,Caddy and Dilsey in The Sound And The Fury Long Ya 10.The Role of Companies in Regulating Pollution of the Rhine River Zhuang Meilan 11.Target-book Review Mo Zhou 12.Discussion on the Path of Counselors in College Students'Academic Guidance WU Huanhuan 13.Attractor States in POA-based Class Chen Danjie 14.An Empirical Study on Perceived Academic Self.efficacy of College English Learners Chen Chunli 15.Inter—language Fossilization and Teaching Implication in Second Language Acquisition Jing Chen 16.A Case Study of Teaching Science Undergraduates College English with Production Oriented Approach:Problems and Possible Solutions Dong Qian 17.Application of Digital Game—Based Learning in College-Level English Teaching in China from the Perspective of Bricolage Instructional Theory Li Qin 18.The Impact of Teacher-Student Collaborative Assessment on ESL Writing Findings from a Writing Class in a Chinese College She Yuxin 19.Creating Environment to Facilitate Learning:A Change from Inactiveness to Activeness Wang Jia 20.PracticaI Research on AIALL ModeI Based on Artificial Intelligence Wang Yuling 21.Study on Blended Learning Mode in College English Reading Teaching Wu Weiping 22.On Internationalization of Higher Education Under the Background of “Double World-Class”Strategy--A Case Study of Chongqing K University Zhang Bing。Luo Zhigao 23.Reflection on Project—based Learning Practices Zhang Xiuwei 24.One of the Controversiallssues about the Nature of EAP:EGAP or ESAP Yang Xiaoqiong 25.A Study of IELTS Writing Vocabulary Based on Cognitive Theories Zhang Linling 26.Terminologie et traduction sp6ciaIis6e Hu Xinyu 27.Etude de l'accent chinois:analyse des recours a des donnes recueillies Qian Yuanyuan 28.Adaptation de la mthode de FLE《Totem A1》a l'enseignement du franais niveau d6butant en Chine A I'example des cours de franais 616mentaire pour les~tudiants en premiere annie du dpartement de franc;ais a l'Universite des Etudes internationales du Sichuan Xia Ji 29.La traduction des oeuvres d,lmile Verhaeren en Chine Zhou Yu 30.Causes des difficults 0nhographiques au niveau du FLE-cas desdtudiants chinois Ramamonjisoa Mialitiana Harinivo

外国语言文学的本体与教学研究(第二辑) 作者简介

周琳,重庆工商大学外语学院副院长,教授,硕士生导师;研究方向为英语教学理论与实践; 主持教育部人文社科项目1项;出版专著1部;在外语类核心期刊发表论文20余篇。
