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一带一路合作空间拓展 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787520303835
  • 条形码:9787520303835 ; 978-7-5203-0383-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

一带一路合作空间拓展 内容简介


一带一路合作空间拓展 目录

General Report Expansion of Cooperation Scope on "the Belt and Road Initiative": A Research on Status Quo, Opportunities and Challenges of Sino - Latin American Integrated Cooperation
1.Literature Review and Phased Achievements
2.Academic Value and Practical Significance
3.Research Methods and Project Summary
4.Research Themes and Basic Conclusions
5.Breakthroughs in Understanding and Policy Recommendations

Report One Cooperation between China and Latin America:Overview, Opportunities and Challenges
1.Fundamental Realities and Driving Forces for the Overall Cooperation between China and Latin America
2.Contemporary Challenges for the Overall Cooperation between China and Latin America
3.Suggestions for General Policy - making Regarding the Overall Cooperation between China and Latin America

Report Two Current Situation and Perspectives on the Economic and Trade Relations and Production Capacity Cooperation between China and Latin America and the Caribbean
1.Economic Situation in Latin America and the Caribbean: 2015 2016
2.The Economic and Trade Relations between China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Enter a New Stage of"the Two Ten Year Goals".
3.Analysis and Prospects of Production Capacity Cooperation between China and Latin America

Report Three The Cooperation of Infrastructure Construction between China and Latin America from the Perspective of the Belt and Road Initiative:Taking the Cooperation of Railway Construction between China and South America as an Example
1.Latin America ls a Natural Extension of the Belt and Road Initiative
2.The Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America (IIRSA)
3.Railway Integration ls a Major Component of Infrastructure Integration in Latin America
4.The "Four Horizontals and Two Verticals" Railway Network in South America Has Basically Formed
5.The Proposal for China South America Railway Cooperation Initiative on the Four Horizontals and Two Verticals Railway Network

Report Four A Case Study of Guangdong Base for Investigation of China's National Conditions:Economic and Trade Relations between Guangdong Province and Latin America
1.Research Objects and Research Process
2.Guangdong Economic Development and Foreign Economic and Trade Cooperation
3.Evolution of Industrial Structure in Guangdong
4.Economic and Trade Cooperation between Guangdong Province and Latin America
5.Difficulties and Challenges in Economic and Trade Cooperation between Guangdong Province and Latin America
6.Primary Conclusions and Policy Recommendations

一带一路合作空间拓展 节选

  《国家智库报告 “一带一路”合作空间拓展:中拉整体合作新视角》:  Second, the Sino-Latin American integrated Cooperation conforming to the economic restructuring and industrial development of the docking needs of both sides. After recent over 10 years of economic and trade integration, the Sino-Latin American economies have formed a close relationship. At present, as the two sides are both in the stage of economic restructuring and transition, the economic cooperation between the two sides also need to move towards quality growth, and reconstruction in pattern and connotation. The new structural complementation has emerged, requiring further cooperation between the two sides to further establish consensus and priority implementation routes.  On the one hand, China's existing advantages capacity and surplus capacity meet Latin American actual needs in line with her requirements for industry diversification and product value chain moving upward. With the "new normal" economy, China continues to increase the scale of foreign investment, through capital and industrial integration, to offer her surplus capacity to the world: traditional products such as steel, cement, textile etc., newly developed products such as photovoltaic and wind power, and high-end equipment like high-speed rail and nuclear power. The industry and product structure of most countries in Latin America is not quite perfect, and infrastructure construction has yet to be improved, therefore, there is an urgent need to introduce substantial investment to diversify the industrial structure. With the expansion of China's overseas investment scale, in 2014 China's investment to foreign countries exceeded the scale of foreign investment in China for the first time, becoming a net exporter of capitals. And China's foreign economic cooperation has been transferring from the original mainly commodity output to capital output. Therefore, there is a fairly big scope for Sino Latin American industrial cooperation, and there are conditions for further deepening the industrial docking and fusion. On the other hand, with China's domestic demand-driven strategy, the transformation of domestic consumption patterns and capabilities offer a huge potential market for Latin American goods and services. With basically ending of the imitation type consumption wave, China's public consumption mode tends to individuation and diversification, it is imperative that the supply system be open, the development diversified, and the imported goods, services and overseas consumption be increased. Therefore, the need of the linkage of Sino-Latin American industrial chains and the change of demand structure will help to form new investment and trade growth points, and promote the increase of bilateral cooperation level and expand the cooperation scale.  ……

一带一路合作空间拓展 作者简介

