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共同战“疫” 命运与共 中国与世界携手抗疫纪实(英)

共同战“疫” 命运与共 中国与世界携手抗疫纪实(英)

开本: 16开 页数: 272
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共同战“疫” 命运与共 中国与世界携手抗疫纪实(英) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119125381
  • 条形码:9787119125381 ; 978-7-119-12538-1
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

共同战“疫” 命运与共 中国与世界携手抗疫纪实(英) 本书特色

The epidemic respects no borders. It is a common challenge facing humanity, and no country can stay out of global public health security. All countries must work together to fight the virus. -Liu Xiaoming, Clunese ambassador to the UK We cannot imagine a future of fear and anxiety. We will either survive this epidemic together, or meet our total failure. There is no choice: fight together, or fall apart. -UN Secretary-GeneraIAntonio Guterres We must not fight each other. We should stay united, united, united. Do not panic. Do not fear. Do the right thing. -WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus We belong to the same community of shared future. I hope everyone can go through the difficulties. -Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama China has opened up a new path in addressing public health emergencies, and history will probably thank China for this. -Robert Lawrence Kuhn, chairman of the Kuhn Foundation With the deepening of globalization, no country can stand alone. Only by adhering to the concept of a global community of shared future and working together can we find a solution. -Martin Jacques, senior research fellow at Cambridge University

共同战“疫” 命运与共 中国与世界携手抗疫纪实(英) 内容简介


共同战“疫” 命运与共 中国与世界携手抗疫纪实(英) 目录

A Global Pandemic
Raging Virus
Stick Together in Crisis
COVID-19, Common Enemy of Humanity

China's Fight on the Frontline of Global COVID-19 Control
Defending Wuhan
A Nationwide Effort
Fighters in White Coats
Backbone on the Firing Line
Nobody Shall Be Abandoned
The Rule of Law Must Be Upheld

Under the Same Sky: The Wofld Acts for One Goal
Closer Ties Between Countries and Peoples
Information Quickly Passed to the World
China Gives Back to the World
Medical Resources in the Cloud
We Stand Together
NGOs Contribute to Global Cooperation
on Virus Contro1

One Voice, One Future
Heads of State Join Hands to Fight the Virus
"We stand with you, China."
"China will win."
"The epidemic is a common challenge for the world."
"Thank you, China."
"The world needs China's experience to deal
with the epidemic"
"United, we will defeat the virus."

Create a Better Future Togethef
No Man Is an Island
Work Together to Beat the Epidemic
Shared FutUfe:Choice at the Crossroads