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人文西藏丛书松赞干布(英)/人文西藏丛书 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508544700
  • 条形码:9787508544700 ; 978-7-5085-4470-0
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

人文西藏丛书松赞干布(英)/人文西藏丛书 本书特色

本书以唯物、发展的观点,从中央与西藏地方关系的视角,讲述了主人公特定时代的重大历史事件,着重阐明了西藏自古以来是中国领土的一部分,为认识有关西藏重大历史问题提供了充分的史实和史料依据。 This book illustrates the prominent person in an objective and historical way. In particular, it describes the major events in that period in the context of central-local governments relations, which proves that Tibet has been a part of China since ancient time, and also offers solid historical basis for some key issues related to Tibet.

人文西藏丛书松赞干布(英)/人文西藏丛书 内容简介


人文西藏丛书松赞干布(英)/人文西藏丛书 目录

Chapter I Ancestral Lineage and Feats 1
e rise of Yalong Spu-rgyal tribe 1
Unifying the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin 7
Chapter II Young Age 17
Enriched life in early age 17
Taking throne in crisis 19
Chapter III Founding a Capital and Building
the Potala Palace 25
e capital Lhasa 25
Building the Potala Palace 28
Chapter IV Unifying of the Plateau 31
Alliance with mGar Stong-btsan-yul-srung 31
Expanding territory 36
Chapter V Marriages and Alliance 49
Marriage with Nepal 49
Marry Princess Wencheng of Tang 53
Marriage with neighboring tribes 68 Chapter VI Establishing Institutions and Systems 71
Bureaucratic institution 73
Establishing administrative divisions 76
Reinforcing military system 80
Creating legal system 81
Strengthening social management 83
Promoting economic system 87
Chapter VII Cultural Prosperity 93
Creating and unifying written language 94
Endorsing Buddhism 98
Learning from foreign cultures 103
Chapter VIII Historical Status 107

人文西藏丛书松赞干布(英)/人文西藏丛书 节选

The place also witnessed close communications with outside world and alien cultures. Actually the first the btsan-po of Yarlung was an outsider. According to the Ldehu Chronicle, a woman, called Mo-mobtsun, gave birth to nine sons in Bowo (now Bome of Nyingchi). e youngest, called e-Brang, meaning hungry ghost, had a long tongue that could cover his face and web-footed. He was superior in ability, but short tempered, so locals hated him and eventually expelled him out.

人文西藏丛书松赞干布(英)/人文西藏丛书 作者简介

张云,历史学博士。中国藏学研究中心历史所原所长、研究员、博士生导师,陕西师范大学人文社会科学高等研究院特聘研究员,四川大学中国藏学研究所学术委员会委员,中央民族大学民族学与社会学学院兼职研究员。“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家人选,享受国务院政府特殊津贴,国家社会科学基金民族学学科规划评审组专家。发表学术论文120 余篇,发表英语、俄语俄语等外语和民族语言藏语译文、译著十余篇(部),出版学术著作独著十余部、合著十余部,担任多卷本《西藏通史》执行总主编。获国家奖励十余项。 Dr. Zhang Yun is former director and a researcher at the Institute of History, China Tibetology Research Center; a guest researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University; a member of the academic committee of the Center for Tibetan Studies, Sichuan University; and a non-resident researcher at the School of Ethnology and Sociology, Minzu University of China. He was also selected into the national-level New Century Talents Project, enjoys special allowance from the State Council, and works as a member of the disciplinary planning and review team of ethnology. He has published more than 120 papers, and more than 10 translation works. He has written more than 10 monographs, co-authored more than 10 books, and acted as the executive editor-in-chief of the multi-volume General History of Tibet. He has also been given more than 10 national-level awards.
