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The C programming language

The C programming language

开本: 26cm 页数: 224页
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The C programming language 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787560658773
  • 条形码:9787560658773 ; 978-7-5606-5877-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

The C programming language 内容简介

There are 12 modules in this textbook, including: C programming overview; types, operators and expressions; input and output; decision making; loops; arrays; functions; preprocessors; pointers; structures, unions and enums; bitwise operators; files. This textbook was developed in response to the growing scale of Sino-Foreign education cooperation and the growing demand for English and bilingual textbooks. It focuses on students participating in English or bilingual classes in higher vocational education, and emphasizes the combination of theory and practice. This textbook provides a variety of resources, such as the Chinese annotation of the corresponding chapters, answers to the exercises, source codes, teaching coursewares, teaching plans and other conventional teaching resources. Students can scan the QR code to gain these resources.

The C programming language 目录

Module 1 C Programming Overview 1 1.1 History of the C Language 1 1.2 Features of the C Language 2 1.3 C Program Development Process 4 1.4 Environment Setup 5 1.5 Simple C Example 8 1.6 Summary 11 1.7 Exercises 11 Module 2 Types, Operators and Expressions 13 2.1 Keywords and Identifiers 13 2.1.1 Keywords 13 2.1.2 Identifiers 13 2.2 Data Types of The C Language 14 2.3 Constants and Variables 16 2.3.1 Constants and Symbolic Constants 16 2.3.2 Variables 18 2.3.3 Data Type Conversion 19 2.4 Operators and Expressions 21 2.4.1 Arithmetic Operators and Arithmetic Expressions 22 2.4.2 Assignment Operators and Assignment Expressions 26 2.4.3 Comma Operator and Comma Expression 28 2.5 Summary 29 2.6 Exercises 29 Module 3 Input and Output 31 3.1 Program Flow Chart 31 3.2 Formatting Input and Output 35 3.2.1 Formatted Output Function 35 3.2.2 Formatted Input Function 38 3.3 Character Input and Output 39 3.3.1 putchar( ) Function 39 3.3.2 getchar( ) Function 40 3.4 Summary 41 3.5 Exercises 41 Module 4 Decision Making 42 4.1 Logical Operators and Logical Expressions 42 4.1.1 Logical Operators 42 4.1.2 Logical Expressions 43 4.2 Relational Operators and Relational Expressions 45 4.2.1 Relational Operators 45 4.2.2 Relational Expressions 46 4.3 Conditional Operators and Conditional Expressions 47 4.4 Branch Structure 49 4.4.1 Single Branch Structure 49 4.4.2 Double Branch Structure 51 4.4.3 Multi-Branch Structure 54 4.5 Summary 60 4.6 Exercises 60 Module 5 Loops 63 5.1 For Loop 63 5.2 While Loop 67 5.3 Do-While Loop 70 5.4 Nested Loop 74 5.5 Loop Control Statements 77 5.5.1 Break Statement 77 5.5.2 Continue Statement 79 5.6 Summary 81 5.7 Exercises 81 Module 6 Arrays 85 6.1 Array Overview 85 6.2 Single-Dimensional Arrays 86 6.2.1 Declaring Single-Dimensional Arrays 86 6.2.2 Initializing Single-Dimensional Arrays 86 6.2.3 Accessing Single-Dimensional Array Elements 87 6.3 Two-Dimensional Arrays 90 6.3.1 Declaring Two-Dimensional Arrays 90 6.3.2 Initializing Two-Dimensional Arrays 90 6.3.3 Accessing Two-Dimensional Array Elements 91 6.4 Character Arrays and the Application of Strings 93 6.4.1 Declaring Character Arrays 93 6.4.2 Initializing Character Arrays 94 6.4.3 Accessing Character Array Elements 94 6.4.4 Input and Output of A Character Array 95 6.4.5 Frequently Used String Processing Functions 97 6.5 Sorting Arrays 101 6.5.1 Bubble Sorting 101 6.5.2 Selection Sorting 103 6.6 Summary 105 6.7 Exercises 106 Module 7 Functions 108 7.1 Definition of Function 108 7.1.1 Definition of Nonparametric Function 108 7.1.2 Definition of Parametric Function 109 7.2 Calling A Function 110 7.2.1 The Syntax of Calling A Function 110 7.2.2 Formal and Actual Parameters 110 7.2.3 Return Value of A Function 112 7.2.4 Function Declaration 112 7.3 Nested Calling of A Function 113 7.4 Recursive Call 115 7.5 Array as a Function Parameter 117 7.6 Scope and Storage Type of the Variable 119 7.6.1 Scope of the Variable 119 7.6.2 Storage Type of the Variable 125 7.7 Internal and External Functions 133 7.7.1 Internal Function 133 7.7.2 External Function 134 7.8 Summary 134 7.9 Exercises 134 Module 8 Preprocessors 138 8.1 Macro Definition 138 8.1.1 Macro Definition with No Parameters 138 8.1.2 Macro Definition with Parameters 139 8.2 Include Directive 140 8.3 Conditional Compilation 141 8.3.1 #ifdef Form 141 8.3.2 #ifndef Form 142 8.3.3 #if Form 142 8.4 Summary 142 8.5 Exercises 143 Module 9 Pointers 146 9.1 Concept of Pointers 146 9.2 Definition and Reference of Pointer Variables 147 9.2.1 Definition of Pointer Variables 147 9.2.2 Reference of Pointer Variables 148 9.2.3 Pointer Variables as Function Arguments 150 9.3 Pointer of Arrays and Pointer Variables to Arrays 152 9.3.1 Pointers to Array Elements 152 9.3.2 References to Array Elements through Pointers 152 9.3.3 Array Names as Function Parameters 155 9.4 Pointer of A String and A Pointer Variable to A String 156 9.5 Pointer Variables Pointing to Functions 157 9.6 Summary 159 9.7 Exercises 159 Module 10 Structures, Unions and Enums 162 10.1 Structures 162 10.1.1 Definition of Structure Type 162 10.1.2 Definition and Initialization of Structure Variables 163 10.1.3 Accessing Structure Variables 165 10.1.4 Structure Array 168 10.1.5 Application of Structures in Functions 170 10.2 Unions 173 10.2.1 Definition of Union Type 174 10.2.2 Definition of Union Variables 174 10.2.3 Accessing Union Variables 175 10.3 Enumerations 178 10.3.1 Definition of Enumeration Types 178 10.3.2 Definition of Enumeration Variables 179 10.4 Typedef 181 10.5 Summary 182 10.6 Exercises 182 Module 11 Bitwise Operators 185 11.1 Representation of Values in Computers 185 11.1.1 Binary Code 185 11.1.2 Inverse Code 186 11.1.3 Complement Code 186 11.2 Bitwise Operators 187 11.2.1 AND Operator 187 11.2.2 OR Operator 188 11.2.3 XOR Operator 189 11.2.4 NOT Operator 191 11.2.5 Left Shift Operator 191 11.2.6 Right Shift Operator 192 11.3 Summary 193 11.4 Exercises 193 Module 12 Files 195 12.1 Overview of Files 195 12.1.1 Ordinary Files and Device Files 195 12.1.2 ASCII File and Binary File 196 12.2 Opening and Closing of Files 196 12.2.1 Definition of File Pointers 196 12.2.2 Opening and Closing of Files 196 12.3 Reading and Writing of Files 199 12.3.1 Character Read-Write Functions: fgetc( ) and fputc( ) 199 12.3.2 String Read-Write Functions: fgets( ) and fputs( ) 203 12.3.3 Block Data Reading-Writing Functions: fread( ) and fwrite( ) 206 12.3.4 Formatting Read-Write Functions: fscanf( ) and fprintf( ) 208 12.4 File Location and Random Reading-Writing 210 12.4.1 Random Reading-Writing of Documents 210 12.4.2 File Detection Function 213 12.5 Summary 214 12.6 Exercises 214 Appendix A ASCII Code 216 Appendix B Priority and Associativity of Operator 218 Appendix C Common Library Functions 220 References 224