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厉以宁诗词选 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787220119897
  • 条形码:9787220119897 ; 978-7-220-11989-7
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

厉以宁诗词选 本书特色

★经济学家的诗词作品,理趣与文趣并存。 ★浓缩经济学界泰斗厉以宁坎坷、精彩和奋斗的一生

厉以宁诗词选 内容简介


厉以宁诗词选 目录

相见欢 仪征新城途中, 1947 /002

Tune: Meeting in Delight —During a journey to Xincheng, Yizheng, 1947 /003

木兰花 偕黄叶耘表兄游杭州西湖,1948 /004

Tune: Magnolia

—Touring West Lake in Hangzhou with my cousin Huang Yeyun, 1948 /005

如梦令 沅陵麻溪铺,1949 /006

Tune: Dreamlike Song —Maxipu, Yuanling, 1949 /007

浣溪沙 重游沅陵桃溪坪,1949 /008

Tune: Silk-washing Stream—Revisiting Taoxiping in Yuanling, 1949 /009

七绝 湖南泸溪,1949 /010

A Seven-character Quatrain —Luxi, Hunan, 1949 /011

南歌子 山溪,1950 /012

Tune: A Southern Song—Mountain streams, 1950 /013

钗头凤 湘西,山行,1951 /014

Tune: Phoenix Hairpin—A mountain trip in western Hunan, 1951 /015

南乡子 湖南益阳渡口,1951 /016

Tune: Song of a Southern Country—At the ferry in Yiyang, Hunan, 1951 /017

诉衷情 在长沙接到北京大学录取通知书有感,1951 /018

A Confession—Receiving Peking University Letter of Admission in Changsha, 1951 /019

菩萨蛮 别长沙,1951 /020

Tune: Buddha-like Dancers—Farewell to Changsha, 1951 /021

柳梢青 北京大学沙滩校园白楼法学院图书馆,1951 /022

Tune: Green Willow Twig —Written at the Law School Library in the White Building of Peking University, Shatan Section, 1951 /023

卜算子 冬至日,偕赵辉杰、马雍散步从沙滩到安定门外,1951 /024

Tune: Song of Divination—On Winter Solstice Day, walking with Zhao Huijie and Ma Yong from Shatan to Andingmenwai, 1951 /025

减字木兰花 北河沿,春节,1952 /026

Tune: Magnolia in Shortened Form—Beiheyan, Spring Festival, 1952 /027

西江月 路过海淀冰窖胡同,1952 /028

Tune: The Moon over the West River—Passing Bingjiao Hutong in Haidian district, 1952 /029

桃源忆故人 北京大学迁到西郊后遇见中学同学姚子范,1952 /030

Thinking of an Old Friend in Taoyuan—Meeting my middle-school fellow Yao Zifan after Peking University moved to the western suburb, 1952 /031



厉以宁诗词选 节选

相见欢 仪征新城途中,1947 桨声篙影波纹, 石桥礅, 蚕豆花开一路水乡春。 长跳板, 小河岸, 洗衣人。 绿裤红衫都道是新婚。 注: 江苏仪征是作者的故乡。新城当时是仪征的一个小镇,距仪征东门约5公 里。1947年4月,作者当时是金陵中学高中二年级学生,放春假期间,特 地由南京回到故乡仪征,住在小姑母家中。 Tune: Meeting in Delight —During a journey to Xincheng, Yizheng, 1947 Paddling sound, pole shadow, water waves, Stone bridge piers, The springtime watertown is aglow with broad bean flowers. Long is the board, Small the riverside, Where a girl launders, In trousers green and a coat red, said to be newlywed. Note: Yizheng in Jiangsu province is the author’s hometown. At the time Xincheng was a small town about five kilometers to the East Gate of Yizheng. The author was then a second-year senior-high-school student at Jinling Middle School, Nanjing. During his spring vacation, he went his way from Nanjing to Yizheng for a short stay with his younger aunt. 木兰花 偕黄业耘表兄游杭州西湖,1948 花丛柳岸灯明灭, 几处秋虫声切切, 晚来缓步过苏堤, 桥下清波明似雪。 难消倦意当休歇, 架上闲书随手阅, 钱塘遗事早茫茫, 只见飞来峰外月。 注: 1948年秋,作者和表兄黄业耘**次来杭州,有感而作。 Tune: Magnolia —Touring West Lake in Hangzhou with my cousin Huang Yeyun, 1948 Amidst flowers and across willows flickers the light, Here and there crickets chirp faint but tight. When night comes I stroll along the Su Causeway, Beneath the bridge the river looks snow bright. It’s time to stay, when in vain weariness to fight, Casually browse a book off the shelf as you might. Dim and vague for long is the past of River Qiantang, Only the moon beyond the Flying Peak comes to sight. Note: In the autumn of 1948, the author went to Hangzhou with his cousin Huang Yeyun for the first time. This poem was specially written for that occasion. 如梦令 沅陵麻溪铺,1949 残雪东风吹去, 四月村村盼雨, 心急似燃烧, 忽见山头云聚。 来雨! 来雨! 一扫千家愁绪。 注: 麻溪铺,在沅江南岸,城区以西。 Tune: Dreamlike Song —Maxipu, Yuanling, 1949 East wind leaves no remnant snow lain, In April every village is dying for rain, Every heart burns in pain. Suddenly clouds on hill’s top gain, Oh rain! Oh rain! Cleansing a thousand households’ pain. Note: Maxipu is to the south of Yuanjiang River, west of the downtown area.

厉以宁诗词选 作者简介

