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中国与埃及友好合作 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787520362726
  • 条形码:9787520362726 ; 978-7-5203-6272-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中国与埃及友好合作 本书特色

在全面把握埃及当代历史进程的基础上, 分析其国际地位变化以及重大战略发展规划调整, 拟就现阶段中埃关系的新变化、新进展和新特点进行分析,深入探索中埃共建“一带一路”的基础和条件、动力和主要领域,以及提出对策和建议

中国与埃及友好合作 内容简介


中国与埃及友好合作 目录

Preface The International Status and Influence of Egypt
I. The International Status of Modem Egypt
II. The New Positioning of Egypt during Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's Presidency

Chapter One Egypt's Political and Economic Development Environment
I. Characteristics of Egypt's Political System and Political Development
II. The Environment and Characteristics of Egypt's Economic Development
III. The Legal Environment of Egypt and Its Characteristics

Chapter Two Development of China-Egypt Relations and Formation of Comprehensive Strategic Relations
I Basic Features of Egypt's foreign relations
II. Historical and Realistic Basis of China-Egypt Relations
III. Establishment of China-Egypt Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership and the Characteristics

Chapter Three The Belt and Road and New Opportunities and Impetus for China-Egypt Cooperation
I. An Analysis of the Strategic Connection Between China's Belt and Road Initiative and Egypt's "Vision 2030"
II. Opportunities and Incentives for China and Egypt to Jointly Build the Belt and Road
III. Main Areas and Progress of China-Egypt Joint Building of The Belt and Road

Chapter Four


中国与埃及友好合作 节选

  《中国与埃及友好合作(英文版)》:  2. Pursuing a Flexible and Pragmatic Foreign Policy  After the "January 25 Revolution", Egypt's diplomatic strategy remained pragmatic, even for the Muslim Brotherhood government with strong ideological color, However, due to the particularity of different governments, Egypt's foreign policy also shows some changes.  First, the core of the Egyptian government's diplomatic concern is to restore economic development and maintain national security. The Arab upheaval has led to a significant deterioration of Egypt's economy and security, so how to solve them has become a priority for the Egyptian government, which is also reflected in diplomacy.  As foreign exchange reserves continue to decline, the Egyptian government has to seek economic assistance from foreign powers and international organizations, as well as the Gulf countries, especially Saudi Arabia. Due to the different ideology and development orientation of each government, the choice of its funders and the acquisition of funds are different. Under the rule of the Supreme Council of the National Armed Forces, Egypt obtained USD 2.3 billion in loans from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait during the transition period. In fact, Saudi Arabia has long provided economic aid to Egypt in exchange for Egyptian security support. A slight anomaly is that Qatar became extremely active in the Egyptian economy. After Morsi came to power, he also sought external economic assistance, trying to obtain USD 4, 8 billion in loans from the International Monetary Fund, but failed to achieve it. Qatar, an ideologically close parterner, promised to lend him USD 8 billion, which was ultimately unfulfilled. After the military takeover in July 2013, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait quickly provided huge economic support to Egypt.  For a long time, Egypt has paid a high attention to traditional security, which continued after the "January 25 Revolution". The Egyptian government is extremely concerned about border security and peripheral security, and emphasizes the importance of the military in maintaining national security. The Mubarak government stresses that Egypt is an important force to curb the expansion of political Islamism and safeguard regional security, which is also a vital basis for the foreign policy of the Sisi government. For the post-Mubarak governments, it is an important consideration in diplomacy to solve the deterioration of the security situation on the Sinai Peninsula, whose core is combating terrorism and extremism to ensure the security order of Sinai and maintain the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. The transitional government led by the Supreme Council of Armed Forces, the Morsi government and the Sisi government all stressed respect for the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty signed in 1979. However, the degree of different governments to fight against extremism is not the same. Generally speaking, the Sisi government is the strongest, the Morsi government is relatively loose, and the transitional government is in the middle. The situation in Libya is another important security concern of the Egyptian government. Through cooperation with Algeria, Tunisia and other countries, Egypt not only jointly patrols the border with Libya and Tunisia, supports the United Arab Emirates to carry out air strikes against the "Islamic state branch" of Libya, but also directly supports the secular Haftar "government", and holds the Libyan peace dialogue conference in Cairo in February 2017.  ……

中国与埃及友好合作 作者简介

  Lincong Wang,senior research fellow, is currently the Deputy Director-general of the Institute of West Asian & African Studies (China-Africa Institute), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS). He is professor of the department for Asian-African Studies at the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences supervising PhD program, Secretary-general of the Chinese Association for Middle East Studies and Vice-Director of the Gulf Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, His research focuses on politic development and democratization in the Middle East, regional security and international relations in the Middle East, relations between China and the Middle East He is the principal investigator of a research project on "Modern Middle East Studies". He has published more than 1 million words around Middle East studies His representative publications include The Study of the Democratization in, the Middle East(monograph), Building "One Belt and Road" and the Middle East(research report), On the Middle East Security Problems and Security Governance (journal article), New Changes and Influences of "Turkish Model"(journal article).
