新书--世界学术经典英文版:论崇高(精装) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787532782994
- 条形码:9787532782994 ; 978-7-5327-8299-4
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
新书--世界学术经典英文版:论崇高(精装) 本书特色
适读人群 :广大读者名家名作,注释精准。
新书--世界学术经典英文版:论崇高(精装) 内容简介
新书--世界学术经典英文版:论崇高(精装) 目录
LONGINUS On the Sublime
INTRODUCTION Cecilius'S Treatise and Its Shortcomings
CHAPTER 1 First Thoughts on Sublimity
CHAPTER 2 Is there an Art of the Sublime
CHAPTER 3 Defects that Militate against Sublimity
CHAPTER 4 Frigidity
CHAPTER 5 The Origins of Literary Impropriety
CHAPTER 6 Criticism and the Sublime
CHAPTER 7 The True Sublime
CHAPTER 8 Five Sources of Sublimity
CHAlPTER 9 Nobility of Soul
CHAlPTER 10 The Selection and Qrganization of Material
CHAPTER 11 Amplification
CHAPTER 12 Amplification Defined
CHAPTER 13 Plato and the Sublime.Imitation
CHAPTER 14 Some Practical Ad~ce
CHAPTER 15 Imagery and the Power of the Imagination
CHAPTER 16 Rhetorical Figures:Adjuration
CHAPTER 17 Rhetorical Figures and Sublimity
CHAPTER 18 Rhetorical Questions
CHAPTER 19 Asyndeton,or the Omission of Conjunctions
CHAPTER 20 The Accumulation of Figures
CHAPTER 21 Conjunctions:Some Disadvantages
CHAPTER 22 The Figure of Hyperbaton,or Inversion
CHAPTER 23 Polyptoton:Interchange of Singular and Plural
CHAPTER 24 Polyptoion:Conversion of Plural to Singular
CHAPTER 25 Polyptoton:Interchange of Tenses
CHAPTER 26 Polyptoton:Variations of Person,or Personal
CHAPTER 27 Polyptoton:Conversion to the First Person
CHAPTER 28 Periphrasis
CHAPTER 29 The Dangers of Periphrasis
CHAPTER 30 The Proper Choice of Diction
CHAPTER 31 Familiar Language
CHAPTER 32 Metaphor
CHAPTER 33 Superiority of Flawed Sublimity to Flawless Mediocrity
CHAPTER 34 Hyperides and Demosthenes
CHAPTER 35 Plato and Lysias
CHAPTER 36 Sublimity and Literary Fame
CHAPTER 37 Comparisons and Similes
CHAPTER 38 Hyperboles
CHAPTER 39 Composition,or Disposition of Material
CHAPTER 40 The Structure of the Sentence
CHAPTER 41 Some Impediments to Sublimity
CHAPTER 42 Conciseness
CHAPTER 43 Triviality of Expression and Amplification
CHAPTER 44 The Decay of Eloquence
新书--世界学术经典英文版:论崇高(精装) 作者简介
该书作者朗吉努斯(Cassius Longinus)是古希腊作家、美学家、文艺理论家,师从政治家、哲学家普罗提诺(Plotinus),曾任古叙利亚女王泽诺比娅的谏议大臣,他*一传世作品就是《论崇高》。