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国际网络安全治理的中国方案/全球治理的中国方案丛书(英) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508542362
  • 条形码:9787508542362 ; 978-7-5085-4236-2
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

国际网络安全治理的中国方案/全球治理的中国方案丛书(英) 本书特色

“全球治理的中国方案”丛书围绕“治理”“和平”“发展”三个*重要的主题,采取“3+7”的模式,共分为十分册。前三分册作为统领,围绕三大核心主题,综述中国完善全球治理体系的理念与实践,介绍中国参与全球治理的战略框架;其余七分册,按照当前全球治理的七大互动领域,包括金融安全、能源安全、气候治理、国际发展援助、人权保障、网络空间安全治理、国际反恐合作等,分别诠释全球治理具体领域的中国方案。 On several occasions since 2016, Chinese President Xi stressed the importance of China’s active participation in the international efforts to reform the system of global governance. Written by a group of prominent Chinese scholars and officials, the China and Global Governance Series aims to present the international readers with China’s approach to global governance and the Chinese wisdom behind it. In the ten titles forming this series, the authors elaborate on China’s perspectives on global governance, peace, and development, as well as seven other important aspects of global governance—financial security, energy security, climate change management, foreign aid, cybersecurity, human rights protection, and anti-terrorism.

国际网络安全治理的中国方案/全球治理的中国方案丛书(英) 内容简介


国际网络安全治理的中国方案/全球治理的中国方案丛书(英) 目录

Chapter One International Cybersecurity Governance and a Community of Shared Future in Cyberspace
1.1 Analyzing the Concept of International Cybersecurity Governance
1.2 The International Cybersecurity Dilemma
1.3 Building a Community of Shared Future in Cyberspace
Chapter Two China’s Participation in International Cybersecurity Governance
2.1 International Cyberspace Governance at a New Stage: Highlighting Security Governance
2.2 China’s Participation in International Cybersecurity Governance
2.3 China’s Proposals for Selected Governance Issues
2.4 China’s Future Participation in International Cybersecurity Governance
Chapter Three Top-Level Design of China’s Cybersecurity System
3.1 The Correct Outlook on Cybersecurity
3.2 Strengthening the Strategic Guidance on Cybersecurity
3.3 Establishing a Sound Legal System for Cybersecurity
3.4 Building a Sound Cybersecurity Standardization System
Chapter Four Key Fields of China’s Cybersecurity Protection
4.1 Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure
4.2 Protection of Data Security
Chapter Five China’s Cybersecurity Capacity Building
5.1 Cybersecurity Technology Industry
5.2 Cybersecurity Technology
5.3 Cybersecurity Talent

国际网络安全治理的中国方案/全球治理的中国方案丛书(英) 节选

International cybersecurity has become an important issue affecting global peace and security, posing threatening challenges to national governments and the international community. Following the incident of Edward Snowden exposing top-level secret information about the US National Security Agency’s surveillance activities (hereinafter referred to as the Snowden Leak) in June 2013, the international community made considerable progress in promoting the governance of international cybersecurity in the face of these challenges (see Exhibit 1.1). Governments published their strategy reports on cybersecurity and formulated and implemented cybersecurity policies. However, neither international nor national efforts in governing the cyberspace have successfully reversed the deteriorating situation under the ever-changing and intensifying cybersecurity threats. In the past five years, the international community has been unable to reach a consensus on the set of rules governing cybersecurity, or build an effective governance mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary for the international community to rethink the theory and practice of international cybersecurity, to explore the root causes of existing problems and seek effective solutions, and jointly build a community of shared future in cyberspace.

国际网络安全治理的中国方案/全球治理的中国方案丛书(英) 作者简介

鲁传颖 博士 上海国际问题研究院网络空间国际治理研究中心秘书长;李 艳 博士 中国现代国际关系研究院网络安全研究所副所长;左晓栋 博士 中国信息安全研究院副院长;洪延青 博士 北京理工大学法学院副研究员;陈兴跃 博士 中国网络安全产业联盟秘书长。 LU Chuanying, Secretary General and Director, Cyberspace International Governance Research Center, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies LI Yan, Associate Director, Institute of Cybersecurity Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations ZUO Xiaodong, Vice President, China Information Security Research Institute HONG Yanqing, Associate Researcher, School of Law, Beijing Institute of Technology CHEN Xingyue, Secretary General, China Cybersecurity Industry Alliance
