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Every treasure tells a story:Season 2(如果国宝会说话第二季)

Every treasure tells a story:Season 2(如果国宝会说话第二季)

开本: 21×21cm 页数: 273页
中 图 价:¥64.9(5.5折) 定价  ¥118.0 登录后可看到会员价
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Every treasure tells a story:Season 2(如果国宝会说话第二季) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508542751
  • 条形码:9787508542751 ; 978-7-5085-4275-1
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Every treasure tells a story:Season 2(如果国宝会说话第二季) 本书特色

央视纪录片《如果国宝会说话》用100 件国宝述说中国古人的创造力,共100 集,每集5 分钟,通过讲述一件文物,介绍国宝背后的中国精神、中国审美和中国价值观,以全新视角带您读懂中华文化。*、二季播出后,受到观众好评并带起来一波文博热。
本书完整呈现了《如果国宝会说话》第二季25 件国宝的故事内容,以流畅生动的语言讲述国宝背后鲜为人知的传奇故事和曲折经历,在引人入胜、跌宕起伏的故事中,寻找中华魂魄,引领读者领略中华国宝不朽的价值与魅力。此外,图书增加了大量有关文物的制作工艺、相关中国文化、中外文化对比的辅文,使本书更具人文性、知识性和艺术性,使历史文物爱好者和广大读者继纪录片后,能对文物传奇、历史探索、中华文化有更为深入的探寻。央视纪录片《如果国宝会说话》用100 件国宝述说中国古人的创造力,共100 集,每集5 分钟,通过讲述一件文物,介绍国宝背后的中国精神、中国审美和中国价值观,以全新视角带您读懂中华文化。*、二季播出后,受到观众好评并带起来一波文博热。
本书完整呈现了《如果国宝会说话》第二季25 件国宝的故事内容,以流畅生动的语言讲述国宝背后鲜为人知的传奇故事和曲折经历,在引人入胜、跌宕起伏的故事中,寻找中华魂魄,引领读者领略中华国宝不朽的价值与魅力。此外,图书增加了大量有关文物的制作工艺、相关中国文化、中外文化对比的辅文,使本书更具人文性、知识性和艺术性,使历史文物爱好者和广大读者继纪录片后,能对文物传奇、历史探索、中华文化有更为深入的探寻。 This book presents the stories of the 25 treasures in the second season of the documentary. Between the lines, you may find their legendary experiences that were hardly known and look for traces of the Chinese spirit. We are sure that these stories, which are full of ups and downs, will open a window for readers to gain a touch of the everlasting value and charm of the great country’s gems. Thanks to the humanistic elements and knowledge, this artfully designed book is also an ideal choice for readers, especially fans of history and cultural relics, to dig deeper about the legend, history and Chinese culture after they turn off their electronic devices because it offers abundant content about how these treasures could possibly have been made, as well as traditional culture, and differences between China and the rest of the world.

Every treasure tells a story:Season 2(如果国宝会说话第二季) 内容简介

央视纪录片《如果国宝会说话》用100 件国宝述说中国古人的创造力,共100 集,每集5 分钟,通过讲述一件文物,介绍国宝背后的中国精神、中国审美和中国价值观,以全新视角带您读懂中华文化。**、二季播出后,受到观众好评并带起来一波文博热。 本书完整呈现了《如果国宝会说话》第二季25 件国宝的故事内容,以流畅生动的语言讲述国宝背后鲜为人知的传奇故事和曲折经历,在引人入胜、跌宕起伏的故事中,寻找中华魂魄,引领读者领略中华国宝不朽的价值与魅力。此外,图书增加了大量有关文物的制作工艺、相关中国文化、中外文化对比的辅文,使本书更具人文性、知识性和艺术性,使历史文物爱好者和广大读者继纪录片后,能对文物传奇、历史探索、中华文化有更为深入的探寻。

Every treasure tells a story:Season 2(如果国宝会说话第二季) 目录

Preface Gold Crown with Eagle Finial-Friend and Foe Warring States Gold-inlaid Bronze Ewer-Art of War The Chime-bells of Marquis Yi of Zeng-Tunes of Antiquity Wood Carved Double Headed Tomb Guardian-Between this World and the Next Silk Painting Depicting A Man Riding A Dragon-At Heaven's Call The Terracotta Warriors-An Image of Empire Rectangular Measuring Vessel of Shang Yang-Measuring Unity Qin Bronze Chariots and Horses-The Road to Eternity Liye Qin Slips-A Slip in Time Jade in Nanyue-A Symbol of Peacefulness Ihe General's Tomb-A Will of Granite \"Five Stars Rise in the E,ast\" Brocade Arm Guud-\"Five Stars Rising in the East Favor the Middle Kingdom\" Jade Doorknocker with Four Symbols of the Sky-Ihe Dragon, Tiger, Bird, and Tortoise The Xiping Stone Classics-Broken Yet Awaiting Reunion Stone Carving of Confucius Meeting Laozi-Tracing Back the Roots Changxin Palace Lamp-A Light from the Han Dynasty Plain Unlined Gauze Gown-Luxury and Grace The Twenty-Eight Mansions Cosmic Plates and Sundial-Cycles of Time Lacquer Dish with the Leopard Cat Pattern-Ihe Kittens on the Lacquer Dish Counting Rods-A System of Numbers Gold-inlaid Bronze Hill Censer-Ihe Calculation of Clouds \"Forever Forget Me Not\" Silver Belt Hook-A Secret Oath Worn Close to the Heart Gold and Silver Inlay Cloud-patterned Rhinoceros Vessel-The Spirited Beast Tomb Figurine of A Storyteller-The Show Must Go On Forever Galloping Bronze Horse-The Celestial Steed A Dialogue across Time and Space

Every treasure tells a story:Season 2(如果国宝会说话第二季) 作者简介

