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“16+1合作”: 现状、前景与政策建议

“16+1合作”: 现状、前景与政策建议

开本: 16开 页数: 194
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“16+1合作”: 现状、前景与政策建议 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787520334532
  • 条形码:9787520334532 ; 978-7-5203-3453-2
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

“16+1合作”: 现状、前景与政策建议 本书特色

  中东欧在“一带一路”战略中占有重要的地位,中国与它们合作是否扎实和有效在相当大的程度上影响着“一带一路”战略的实施。“16 1”合作机制就是建立在这种多样、复杂和差异基础之上的,范围所及至多种领域和多个层次。良好的并且定位很高的政治关系,是落实“16 1”合作机制的基本前提和可靠保证。《“16 1合作”: 现状、前景与政策建议》为中国与中东欧研究者的集体研究成果,聚焦于“16 1”合作机制与一带一路倡议之间的对接。

“16+1合作”: 现状、前景与政策建议 内容简介


“16+1合作”: 现状、前景与政策建议 目录

Part one: Overview
Everlasting Unsettled Sino-European Relations: Is “16 1” Initiative Mutual Benefit or Point of Diverge
Improvement of Guidelines for Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries Implementation
Can Asymmetric Relationships Work Together? A Quantitative Approach of “16 1 Cooperation” Mechanism
“16 1 Cooperation”as a Long Lasting or Ad-hoc Project? Perspectives from Different Angles of Central and Eastern Europe”
Part two: From the Perspective of Sub-regions
Danube Sub-region: A New Dimension for the Cooperation between China and the Central and Eastern Europe
Part three: From the Perspective of European Countries
Analysis of the Suspicions of Germany Regarding the “16 1 Cooperation” and the Further Policy Recommendations
The Multifaced Response of the German Government to China-CEEC Cooperation
China-CEE Maritime Cooperation: Polish Intermarium Project and “16 1” Nexus.
China's Strategic Narrative and Challenges: The Case of Poland
New Opportunities for Further Improvement of Economic Cooperation between Serbia and China
The State of Manufacturing Industry in the Republic of Serbia and Its Potentials for Cooperation with the People's Republic of China
Part four: “16 1” and the “Belt and Road”
Approaches of the EU towards the “16 1 Cooperation”: Three Cases in the Framework of the “Belt and Road” Initiative
The “Belt and Road” and “16 1” Initiative - the Baltic States in the Geopolitical and Geo-economic Context- Russia, EU and U.S.

“16+1合作”: 现状、前景与政策建议 作者简介

  刘作奎(Liu ZuoKui),Ph.D.in History(2005),the Senior Research Fellow ofCASS and the Director of the Department of Central and Eastern European Studies,Institute of Europcan Studies. CASS,and the Acting Director of the China-CEEC Think Tanks Exchange and Cooperation Network Office.Liu currently serves as the senior researcher of the Development Research Center of State Council of China,research fellow of China Foundation of International Affairs,research fellow of the Institute of Regional and Global Development Beijing Foreign Studies University and the senior researcher of Regiorial Security Center of CASS.He once was the visiting scholar of Mannheim University of Germany(2007),Aoyama Gakuin University of Japan(2009),Polish Instit.ute of International Affairs(2015)and Latvian Institute of International Affairs(2016).Liu's major research interest included: Central and Eastern European Studies,Balkan Studies,European Union Integration Studies,China-EU Relations,Quantitative Research such as the Mutual Perception between China and EU and Central and Eastern European Countries,the Turkish Issues and China-Turkish Refations and etc.
    刘作奎(Liu ZuoKui),Ph.D.in History(2005),the Senior Research Fellow ofCASS and the Director of the Department of Central and Eastern European Studies,Institute of Europcan Studies. CASS,and the Acting Director of the China-CEEC Think Tanks Exchange and Cooperation Network Office.Liu currently serves as the senior researcher of the Development Research Center of State Council of China,research fellow of China Foundation of International Affairs,research fellow of the Institute of Regional and Global Development Beijing Foreign Studies University and the senior researcher of Regiorial Security Center of CASS.He once was the visiting scholar of Mannheim University of Germany(2007),Aoyama Gakuin University of Japan(2009),Polish Instit.ute of International Affairs(2015)and Latvian Institute of International Affairs(2016).Liu's major research interest included: Central and Eastern European Studies,Balkan Studies,European Union Integration Studies,China-EU Relations,Quantitative Research such as the Mutual Perception between China and EU and Central and Eastern European Countries,the Turkish Issues and China-Turkish Refations and etc.
  黄平(Huang Ping)Ph.D.in Sociology(LSE,London,1991),Senior Research Fellow(1997-),is Director General,Institute of European Studies,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Secretary General,China-CEEC Think Tank Network,President,Chinese Association of American Studies,and has been Vice Presidents for the China National Association oflnternational Relations,Chinese Association of World Politics Studies,Chinese Association of European Studies,and China Association for Hong Kong Macao Studies. he is also the Co-Chair,European Institut Transcultural.Before he took current positions,Prof. Huang was the Deputy Director General,Institute of Sociology,Director General,Institute ofAmerican Studies,CASS,and was elected as Vice President,International Social Science Council(ISSC,2005-2008),Vice President,International Institute of Sociology(IIS,2003-2013),Vice Chairman,Management of Social Transformation(MOST,UNESCO,2001-2005). He is in the editorial board in British Journal of Sociology,Current Sociology,Comparative Sociology,Global Social Policy,Sociology of Development,and Journal of Migration,etc.Huang has published books and papers on development,poverty,migration,modernity,China-US and China-Europe relations. he was a visiting professor at the Johns Hopkins University,Duke University,Oxford,etc.
