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生存交际汉语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787550439269
  • 条形码:9787550439269 ; 978-7-5504-3926-9
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

生存交际汉语 内容简介


生存交际汉语 目录

1 / **课 自我介绍Introducing oneself 一、 课文 Text …………………………………………………………………… (1) 二、 练习 Exercises ……………………………………………………………… (3) 1 语音练习 Pronunciation Drills …………………………………………… (3) 2 会话练习 Conversation Practice …………………………………………… (5) 介绍别人 Introducing others ……………………………………………… (5) 自我介绍 Introducing oneself …………………………………………… (6) 三、 语音 Phonetics ……………………………………………………………… (6) 1 汉语拼音的声母和韵母(1) Initials and Finals of Chinese Pinyin (1) ………………………………… (6) 2 发音要领 (1) Key points of pronunciation (1) ……………………… (6) 3 汉语的音节 Chinese Syllables ……………………………………………… (7) 4 汉语的声调 (四声) Tones ……………………………………………… (7) 5 汉语的轻声 The Neutral Tone …………………………………………… (8) 6 拼音规则(1): 标调法 Rules of Pinyin (1): Tone Marking ……………………………………… (9) 7 儿化的发音 The Retroflex Final …………………………………………… (9) 8 “一” 的变调 Tone Sandhi of “一 (yī) ” …………………………… (10) 四、 语法 Grammar ……………………………………………………………… (10) 1 汉语的语序 Word order in Chinese ……………………………………… (10) 2 “是” 字句 (1) The “是 (shì) ” Sentence (1) ………………… (11) 3 表领属关系的定语结构助词“的” Attributives expressing possession: The Structural Particle “的 (de) ” … (11) 五、 文化知识 Cultural Note …………………………………………………… (12) 中国人的名字 Chinese Names ……………………………………………… (12) 14 / 第二课 打招呼Say Hello 一、 课文 Text ………………………………………………………………… (14) 二、 练习 Exercises …………………………………………………………… (16) 1 语音练习 Pronunciation Drills …………………………………………… (16) 2 会话练习 Conversation Practice ………………………………………… (17) 问候别人 Greetings …………………………………………………… (17) 三、 语音 Phonetics …………………………………………………………… (18) 1 汉语拼音的声母和韵母(2) Initials and Finals of Chinese Pinyin (2) ………………………………… (18) 2 发音要领 (2) Key points of pronunciation (2) …………………… (18) 3 “不” 的变调 Tone Sandhi of “不 bù” ……………………………… (19) 4 两个三声音节的连读变调 Tone Sandhi: 3rd tone + 3rd tone ………… (20) 5?? 发音辨析: 韵母i、u、ü Differentiation: pronunciation of the finals i、 u、 ü ……………………… (20) 6 发音辨析: 前鼻音韵母n 和后鼻音韵母ng Differentiation: pronunciation of the alveolar nasal n and the velar nasal ng …………………………………………………………………… (21) 四、 语法 Grammar ……………………………………………………………… (21) 1 形容词谓语句 Sentences with an Adjectival Predicate ………………… (21) 2 副词“也” 和“都” 的位置 The position of the Adverbs “也 yì” and “都 dōu” …………………… (22) 3 形容词谓语句和副词“很” Sentences with an adjectival predicate and the Adverb “很 h欤?” ……… (23) 4 用 “吗” 的疑问句 Interrogative Sentences with “吗 ma” …………… (24) 5 用 “呢” 构成的省略式问句 Abbreviated questions with “呢 ne” … (25) 五、 文化知识 Cultural Note …………………………………………………… (25) 家庭及亲属表达方式 Forms of Address for Family and Relatives ……… (25) 28 / 第三课 点菜Order foods 一、 课文 Text ………………………………………………………………… (28) 二、 练习 Exercises …………………………………………………………… (31) 1 语音练习 Pronunciation Drills …………………………………………… (31) 2 会话练习 Conversation Practice ………………………………………… (33) 点菜 Order dishes ……………………………………………………… (33) 建议 Making suggestions ……………………………………………… (33) 三、 语音 Phonetics …………………………………………………………… (34) 1 汉语拼音的声母和韵母(3) Initials and Finals of Chinese Pinyin (3) ………………………………… (34) 2 发音要领(3) Key points of pronunciation (3) …………………… (34) 3 发音辨析: 声母zh、ch、sh、r Differentiation: pronunciation of the initials zh, ch, sh, r ………………… (35) 4 发音辨析: 声母j、q、x 和z、c、s Differentiation: pronunciation of the initials j, q, x and z, c, s ……… (36) 5 拼音规则 (2): 省写 Rules of Pinyin (2): Abbreviation …………… (37) 6 拼音规则(3): y、w 的用法 Rules of Pinyin (3): use of y and w …………………………………… (37) 7 拼音规则(4): 单韵母ü 和ü 开头的韵母跟j、q、x 相拼的规则 Rules of Pinyin (4): ü or finals led by ü with j, q, x ………………… (37) 8 拼音规则(5): 隔音符号 Rules of Pinyin (5): syllable-diving mark ……………………………… (38) 四、 语法 Grammar ……………………………………………………………… (38) 1 动词谓语句 Sentences with a verbal Predicate ………………………… (38) 2 疑问代词 “几” Interrogative Pronoun “几 jǐ” ……………………… (39) 3 用 “请” 的祈使句 Imperative Sentences with “请 qǐng” …………… (39) 4 数量词作定语 Numeral-measure words as attributives ………………… (40) 5 可能补语: V 得/ 不+ Complements of Possibility Complements of Possibility Introduced by “V 得/不” …………………… (40) 6 能愿动词谓语句: 想、要 Sentences with the Modal verbs: “想 xiǎng” “要 yào” ………………… (41) 7 疑问代词 “什么” The Interrogative Pronoun “什么 shénme” ……… (42) 8 连词 “和” The Conjunctions “和 hé” ……………………………… (43) 9 语气助词 “吧” The Modal Particle “吧 ba” ……………………… (43) 10 程度副词 “太” The Adverb “太 tài” ……………………………… (44) 五、 文化知识 Cultural Note …………………………………………………… (44) 中国人的日常膳食 Chinese People??s Daily Meals ………………………… (44) 46 / 第四课 买东西Shopping 一、 课文 Text ………………………………………………………………… (46) 二、 练习 Exercises …………………………………………………………… (51) 1 表达意愿与必要 Expressing one's desire or need ……………………… (51) 2 建议 Making suggestions ………………………………………………… (51) 3 谈喜好 likes and dislikes; 评论 Making comments ……………………… (52) 4 买东西 Shopping ………………………………………………………… (52) 5 请求重复 Asking someone to repeat something ………………………… (53) 三、 语法 Grammar ……………………………………………………………… (53) 1 “有” 字句 Sentences with “有 (yǒu) ” …………………………… (53) 2 介词 “在” The Preposition “在 (zài) ” …………………………… (54) 3 介词短语 Prepositional phrase ………………………………………… (54) 4 疑问代词“哪儿、哪、怎么样、多少” Interrogative Pronoun “nǎr, nǎ, z欤睿恚澹ぃ睿纾? duōshǎo” ………………… (55) 5 用疑问代词的问句 Questions with an interrogative pronoun ………… (56) 6 疑问句“......, 好吗?” The interrogative sentence “...., hǎo ma?” …………………………… (57) 7 动词的重叠 Reduplication of Verbs ……………………………………… (57) 8 “的” 字短语 The “的 (de) ” phrase ………………………………… (58) 9 “是” 字句 (2) The “是 shì” Sentence (2) ………………………… (59) 10 能愿动词 “能” The Modal Verb “能 néng” ………………………… (60) 11 助动词 “可能” The Auxiliary Verb “可能 k欤瞑Γ睿?” ……………… (60) 12 祈使句: 不要... ... (了); 别... ... (了) The Imperative Sentence “bú yào... ... (le) / bié ... ... (le) ” ……… (60) 13 程度副词 “*” The Adverb of Degree “* zuì” ………………… (61) 14 语气副词 “真” The Modal Adverb “真 zhēn” …………………… (61) 15 频率副词 “再” The Adverb of Frequency “再 zài” ……………… (61) 16 钱数的表达 Expression of the Amount of Money …………………… (62) 四、 文化知识 Cultural Note …………………………………………………… (62) 中国人的消费观 Consumption of Chinese People ………………………… (62) 65 / 第五课 找人Looking for somebody 一、 课文 Text ………………………………………………………………… (65) 二、 练习 Exercises …………………………………………………………… (67) 1 认指人 Identifying people ………………………………………………… (68) 2 找人或东西 Looking for someone or something ………………………… (68) 3 肯定事情已经发生 Confirming that something has happened ………… (69) 4 谈过去的经历 Talking about a past experience ………………………… (70) 三、 语法 Grammar ……………………………………………………………… (72) 1 动词 “在” The Verb “在 zài” ……………………………………… (72) 2 疑问助词 “呢” The Interrogative Particle “呢 ne” ………………… (72) 3?? 助词“了” (1) 肯定事情的完成或实现 Particle “了le” (1): Confirming the completion or realization of sth. ……………………………………………………………………… (72) 4 连动句: 表示目的 Sentences with serial verb phrases: to indicate purpose ………………… (74) 5 疑问代词“谁” “怎么(1) ” Interrogative Pronoun “shéi” “z欤睿恚? ” ………………………………… (75) 6 一下 The Numernal Classifier “一下 yíxià” …………………………… (75) 7 语气副词 “还” The Modal Adverb “hái” ……………………………… (76) 8 介词 “从” The Preposition “cóng” …………………………………… (77) 9 动态助词“过”: 过去的经验或经历 The Aspect Particle “过guò” : Past experience ………………………… (77) 10 动量补语 The Complement of Frequency ……………………………… (78) 11 关联词“虽然......, 但是......” The Pair of Conjunctions “虽然(suīrán)......, 但是 (dànshì)......” …………………………………………………… (79) 12 能愿动词 “会” The Modal Verb “会 huì” …………………………… (80) 13 号码的表达 Expression of Numbers …………………………………… (81) 四、 文化知识 Cultural Note …………………………………………………… (81) 中国教育制度 The Educational System of China …………………………… (81) 83 / 第六课 问路Asking for directions 一、 课文 Text ………………………………………………………………… (83) 二、 练习 Exercises …………………………………………………………… (87) 1 打电话 Making a phone call ……………………………………………… (87) 2 表示能力 Expressing one??s ability ………………………………………… (87) 3 表示允许或禁止 Expressing permission or prohibition ………………… (88) 4 问路 Asking for directions ………………………………………………… (88) 5 问原因 Asking for reasons ………………………………………………… (89) 6 强调过去的时间、地点 Emphasizing the time and location of a past event ………………………… (89) 7 问年龄和生日 Asking about someone??s age and the birthday ………… (90) 三、 语法 Grammar ……………………………………………………………… (91) 1 叹词 “喂” The Interjection “喂 wèi” ………………………………… (91) 2 副词 “都” The Adverb “都 dōu” ……………………………………… (91) 3 动作的进行 The progression of an action ……………………………… (91) 4 能愿动词谓语句: 会、能、可以 Sentences with the Modal verbs: huì, néng, k欤ǐ? ……………………… (93) 5 动词 “离” The Verb “lí” ……………………………………………… (94) 6 介词 “向” The Preposition “Xiàng” …………………………………… (95) 7 表示存在的句子 Sentences indicating existence ……………………… (95) 8 名词谓语句 Sentences with Nominal Predicate ………………………… (97) 9 年、 月、 日和星期 Expressing the date and days of the week ………… (97) 10 时间的表达 Expression of Time ……………………………………… (99) 11 表时间的词语作状语 Words expressing time as adverbials ………… (100) 12 关联词“因为......, 所以......” The Pair of Conjunctions “因为(yīnwèi)......, 所以 (suǒyǐ)......” ……………………………………………………… (101) 13 “是……的” 句: 强调时间、地点、方式 The Structure “shì……de”: used to emphasize time, place or manner …………………………………………………………………… (101) 14 助词“了” (2): 表实现或完成 Particle “了le” (2): Expressing the completion or realization ……… (102) 15 疑问代词 “多” The Interrogative Pronoun “多 duō” ……………… (104) 16 时间副词 “就” “已经” The Adverb of Time “jiù” “yǐjīng” ……… (105) 四、 文化知识 Cultural Note ………………………………………………… (105) 自行车在中国 Bikes in China ……………………………………………… (105) 107/ 第七课 看病Seeing a doctor 一、 课文 Text ………………………………………………………………… (107) 二、 练习 Exercises …………………………………………………………… (113) 1 谈论身体状况 Talking about one??s health ……………………………… (113) 2 比较 Making comparisons ……………………………………………… (114) 3 评价动作或行为 commenting on one??s actions or behaviors ………… (114) 4 描述人或事物 Describing somebody or something …………………… (115) 5 描述去过的地方 Describing a place somebody has visited …………… (116) 6 谈天气 Talking about weather …………………………………………… (116) 7 看望病人 Visiting a patient ……………………………………………… (117) 三、 语法 Grammar …………………………………………………………… (117) 1 “都……了” The Structure “dōu……le” …………………………… (117) 2 疑问代词“怎么” (2) The Interrogative Pronoun “z欤睿恚? ” (2) ……………………………… (117) 3 程度副词 “有点儿” The Adverbial Modifier “yǒudiǎnr” …………… (118) 4 主谓谓语句 Sentences with a Subject-Predicate Phrase as the Predicate …………… (118) 5 用疑问代词的问句 Questions with an interrogative pronoun ………………………………… (119) 6 名词、量词的重叠 The Reduplication of Nouns, Measure words …………………………… (119) 7 代词 “每” The Pronouns “m欤é” …………………………………… (120) 8 正反疑问句 V / A-not-V / A questions …………………………… (120) 9 状态补语 Complements of State ……………………………………… (121) 10 结果补语 Complements of Result …………………………………… (123) 11 动态助词“着”: 动作或状态的持续 The Aspect Particle “zhe”: The continuation of an action or a state … (125) 12 表示时间: ……的时候 “……de shíhou” Indicating Time ……………………………………… (126) 13 用介词“比” 表示比较 Making comparisons by using the preposition “比 bǐ” ………………… (127) 14 数量补语 The complement of quantity ……………………………… (129) 15 动作即将发生: “要……了” An action that is going to take place soon: “yào……le” ……………… (130) 16 兼语句 Pivotal Sentences …………………………………………… (131) 17 介词 “对” The Preposition “duì” ………………………………… (132) 18 概数的表达: 几、多 “jǐ” and “duō” expressions of approximate numbers ………………… (132) 19 反问句“不是……吗” The Rhetorical Question “bú shì……ma” ……………………………… (133) 20 语气助词 “呢” The Modal Particle “ne” ………………………… (134) 21 副词 “就” The Adverb “jiù” …………………………………… (134) 22 “是……的”: 强调实施者 The Structure “shì……de”: emphasizing the agent of an action ……… (134) 四、 文化知识 Cultural Note ………………………………………………… (135) 中医和中草药 Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Herbal Medicine ……………… (135) 138/ 第八课 ( 复习) 旅游Travelling 一、 课文 Text ………………………………………………………………… (138) 二、 练习 Exercises …………………………………………………………… (146) 交际练习 Communication exercises ………………………………………… (146) 三、 语法复习 Grammar Review ……………………………………………… (147) 1 四种汉语句子 Four kinds of Chinese sentences ……………………… (147) 2 常用的五种提问方法 Five common question types ………………… (149) 3 汉语句子的六种基本成分 The six basic functional components of a Chinese sentence ……………… (151) 4 动词谓语句 The Sentences with a verbal Predicate …………………… (153) 5 动作的态 The aspect of an action ……………………………………… (155) 四、 文化知识 Cultural Note ………………………………………………… (156) 北京、上海、长江、黄河和长城 Beijing, Shanghai, the Changjiang River, the Huanghe River and the Great Wall ………………………………………………………………………… (156) 158/ 附录