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国外很好数学著作原版系列几何学.分析学.天文学.概率和有限差分等(英文)/哈密尔顿数学论文集第4卷 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787560376370
  • 条形码:9787560376370 ; 978-7-5603-7637-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

国外很好数学著作原版系列几何学.分析学.天文学.概率和有限差分等(英文)/哈密尔顿数学论文集第4卷 本书特色


PART I MANUSCRIPTS Systems of Rays. Part Third Two Letters to Augustus de Morgan(1858) Letter to Hart on Anharmonic Coordinates(1860 PART II. GEOMETRY On SymIbe 1 Geometry (1846-49) I Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, 1, 45-57, 137-154, 256-263 (1846);2,47-52,130-133,204-209(1847);3,68-84,220-225(1848); 4,84-89,105-118(1849)] On some new applications of Quaternions to Geometry (1849) British Association Report 1849, Part II,p. I On Polygons inscribed on a Surface of the Second Order(1850) British Association Report 1850, Part IL, p. 2.] Symbolical Extensions of Quaternions; and Geometrical Applications of Quaternions(1855) [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 6, 250, 260, 311(1858).] VIII XI XIII On a General Expression by Quaternions for Cones of the Third Order (1857) [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 6, 506, 512(1858). On a certain harmonic property of the envelope of the chord connect-ing two corresponding points of the Hessian of a Cubic Cone(1857) [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 6, 524(1858).] On some applications of Quaternions to Cones of the Third Degree (1857) [ British Association Report 1857, Part II, p. 3.] On Anharmonic Co-ordinates(1860 [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 7, 286-289, 329, 350-354(1862).] 507 On Geometrical Nets in Space(1861) [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 7, 532-582(1862). On Geometrical Nets in Space(1861) British Association Report 1861, Part II, p. 4.]

国外很好数学著作原版系列几何学.分析学.天文学.概率和有限差分等(英文)/哈密尔顿数学论文集第4卷 内容简介


国外很好数学著作原版系列几何学.分析学.天文学.概率和有限差分等(英文)/哈密尔顿数学论文集第4卷 目录

Frontispiece Preface PART I. MANUSCRIPTS Systems of Rays. Part Third Two Letters to Augustus de Morgan (1858) Letter to Hart on Anharmonic Coordinates (1860) PART II. GEOMETRY On Symbolical Geometry (1846-49)* [Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, 1, 45-57, 137-154, 256-263(1846); 2, 47-52,130-133, 204-209 (1847); 3, 68-84, 220-225 (1848);4, 84-89,105-118 (1849).] On some new applications of Quaternions to Geometry (1849) [British Association Report 1849, Part II., p. 1.] On Polygons inscribed on a Surface of the Second Order (1850) [British Association. Re)ort 1850, Part II., p. 2.] Symbolical Extensions of Quaternions; and Geometrical Applications of Quatemions (1855) [Proceeding's of the Royal Irish Academy 6, 250, 260, 311 (1858).] On a General Expression by Quaternions for Cones of the Third Order (1857) [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 6, 506, 512 (1858)] On a certain harmonic property of the envelope of the chord connecting two corresponding points of the Hessian of a Cubic Cone (1857) [Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 6, 524 (1858).] On some applications of Quaternions to Cones of the Third Degree(1857) [British Association Repart 1857, Part II., p. 3.] On Anharmonic Co-ordinates (1860) [Proceedings of the Ruyal Irish Academy 7, 286-289, 329, 350-354 (1862)] On Geometrical Nets in Space (1861) [Proceedmgs of the Royal Irish Academy 7, 532-582 (1862).] On Geometrical Nets in Space (1861) [British Association Report 1861. Part II.. p. 4.] …… PART III. ANALYSIS PART IV. ASTRONOMY PART VI. MISCELLANEOUS 编辑手记